Woman Confronts Scott Pruitt in Resturant

On the other hand you just gulp down the fake news garbage

Speaking of "fake news"...............LOL




But these leftards rationalize their rude and uncivil behavior by saying they are standing up against “evil.”

Which is ironic, given that where political issues line up with a clear distinction between good and evil, those on the left wrong can nearly always be found solidly on the side of evil. They consistently side with criminals against the law-abiding, with immoral sexual perverts, with foreign invaders, with drug abusers, with unproductive welfare parasites, and with all manner of other subhuman filth.
Which is ironic, given that where political issues line up with a clear distinction between good and evil, those on the left wrong can nearly always be found solidly on the side of evil. They consistently side with criminals against the law-abiding, with immoral sexual perverts, with foreign invaders, with drug abusers, with unproductive welfare parasites, and with all manner of other subhuman filth.

They guy who belongs to a cult started by a polygamist pedophile is going to tell us about morality. Too fucking funny.

The thing is, "good" and "evil" are really kind of subjective.

To take just one example from your list, do we treat drug abuse as a criminal issue or a medical one? We'll we've tried it your way, where we lock up hundreds of thousands of people for drug related offenses... and we have just as much a problem now as we did before the "War on Drugs" was declared. Most of the rest of the world treats it like a medical problem. You're an addict, they get you help.

Also, funny that you refer to people as 'subhuman filth". Isn't that something a Nazi would say. Or maybe a Mormon. Easy to get those two mixed up, they are both racist cults.
Obviously you're nervous on this one since you need your masculinity propped up with the assumed validation of others. But libertarianism is about removing the power from politicians and criticizing them when you disagree with them in public, not exploiting children and accosting public officials in staged private personal attacks. She deserved to have her ass kicked.

No, not nervous at all.. you seem to want to kick the ass of a mother who was genuinely concerned that her child might not grow up in a country with clean air and water.

The problem with removing power from politicians is that those with money and power are free to fuck over the rest of us.
Which is ironic, given that where political issues line up with a clear distinction between good and evil, those on the left wrong can nearly always be found solidly on the side of evil. They consistently side with criminals against the law-abiding, with immoral sexual perverts, with foreign invaders, with drug abusers, with unproductive welfare parasites, and with all manner of other subhuman filth.

They guy who belongs to a cult started by a polygamist pedophile is going to tell us about morality. Too fucking funny.

The thing is, "good" and "evil" are really kind of subjective.

To take just one example from your list, do we treat drug abuse as a criminal issue or a medical one? We'll we've tried it your way, where we lock up hundreds of thousands of people for drug related offenses... and we have just as much a problem now as we did before the "War on Drugs" was declared. Most of the rest of the world treats it like a medical problem. You're an addict, they get you help.

Also, funny that you refer to people as 'subhuman filth". Isn't that something a Nazi would say. Or maybe a Mormon. Easy to get those two mixed up, they are both racist cults.

What is amazing is that you seem to sincerely believe that with that last posting, that you somehow refuted any of my points, rather than proving them to be correct.
He agreed with Trump, and you loons send him death threats. Lol, keep it up!

Nobody sent him death threats... yawn...

Joe would suddenly agree with that if it happened to a Democrat. Joe's disappointment is he wishes she'd have attacked him like Rand Paul's neighbor or shot him like Scalise

I'm a little confused, Mr. Small L libertarian. You guys say we all needs out guns to fights the gummit, and a guy goes out there and shoots a government official he doesn't like, and then you are all upset about it?

The ironic thing was Grand Cyclops Scalise life was saved by a black lesbian officer with the Capitol Police. Not that Grand Cyclops Scalise has rethought his life.

This woman represents everything that is wrong in American politics today. She is an example of the eroding civility and respect of those with contrasting ideas and differing politics. “Because Trump” is not an acceptable excuse.

Quite the contrary... the only thing that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to nothing.

How did hte Nazis succeed. Not enough people said, "no', and too many people just followed orders.

Confronting these people in public about what they are doing to this country is perfectly acceptable.
Here's the thing. She's nothing but a dumb bitch like you. Pruitt is the head of the EPA with an entire staff of federal environmental scientists and experts at his beck and call to advise him on anything.

Here's the thing.. if he listened to those scientists instead of the lobbyists from the industries he is supposed to regulate, you might have a point. Not that you need to be an expert to realize dirty air and water are generally bad things.

I agree, but there sure are a whole lot more of them on the Left. That's why the Westboro Baptist Church gets so much mileage

Naw, the WBC attacks people who don't really deserve it. Not even sure why protesting funerals of soldiers to protest gays even makes a lick of sense.

Telling off Trump officials about their policies, um, yeah, that makes sense. It's even protected under the first amendment.

But the whacky right, they are more upset that people are being rude in restaurants than kids being thrown into concentration camps.
What is amazing is that you seem to sincerely believe that with that last posting, that you somehow refuted any of my points, rather than proving them to be correct.

Oh, I firmly believe your fucked up cult is truly evil....

Hey, here's a crazy idea, instead of judging morality on the basis of whether or not it angers an imaginary fairy in the sky, how about on the basis of how we treat other people.
Pruitt is a low-life who deserves to get told off. Good for this woman. All the bitches in the trump administration should be publicly confronted and shamed for their behavior. They have earned the rudeness and scorn that they are being subjected to.
Why am I not surprised that Joey’s “hero” is a rude, uncivilized, obnoxious woman with a shaved head and covered in tattoos?

Yeah...I’m sure she is a highly educated professional who is qualified to tell this nations elected leaders and their appointed officials how to run the country. :rolleyes:
Why am I not surprised that Joey’s “hero” is a rude, uncivilized, obnoxious woman with a shaved head and covered in tattoos?

Yeah...I’m sure she is a highly educated professional who is qualified to tell this nations elected leaders and their appointed officials how to run the country

Um... okay, her head wasn't shaved,and I only saw one tat on her arm.

But frankly, she very politely told Pruitt her problems with him, didn't use profanity or violence... and made valid complaints about his corruption.

Now go back and get coffee for the big man, Poodle, like a good little tool.
Pruitt is a low-life who deserves to get told off. Good for this woman. All the bitches in the trump administration should be publicly confronted and shamed for their behavior. They have earned the rudeness and scorn that they are being subjected to.
You fascists will regret this just like you’ve regretted every other idiotic thing you’ve done. You people never learn.

You assholes shredded the U.S. Constitution and consolidated all power into the Oval Office. You regret that now that President Trump sits in that office.

You assholes implemented the “nuclear option”. You assholes regret that now that Anthony Kennedy is about to be replaced with a true constitutional justice.

You people are poking a grizzly bear with a stick. Just wait until the right has finally had enough and snaps. There will be unconscious progressives with missing teeth from Hawaii to Maine and everywhere in between. Remember - you guys are the pussies who need “safe spaces” and coloring books as full grown adult.
You fascists will regret this just like you’ve regretted every other idiotic thing you’ve done. You people never learn.

You assholes shredded the U.S. Constitution and consolidated all power into the Oval Office. You regret that now that President Trump sits in that office.

I think the whole world regrets Trump being in office. I think even Putin is a bit disappointed.

You assholes implemented the “nuclear option”. You assholes regret that now that Anthony Kennedy is about to be replaced with a true constitutional justice.

Meh, don't count your chickens, buddy. A few Republican Women Senators have already said they won't go back to being Breeding Machines.

You people are poking a grizzly bear with a stick. Just wait until the right has finally had enough and snaps.

Buddy, you all "snapped" a long time ago.

There will be unconscious progressives with missing teeth from Hawaii to Maine and everywhere in between. Remember - you guys are the pussies who need “safe spaces” and coloring books as full grown adult.

Again, guy, any conservative who "snaps" in front of this Army Vet will be having a very bad day that just got worse.

Look, i know you guys are upset that once again, the Rich pulled the wool over your eyes again, but maybe you need to stop falling for it.

Or do you ever wonder why abortion never gets banned and the rich always get their tax cuts.
Obviously you're nervous on this one since you need your masculinity propped up with the assumed validation of others. But libertarianism is about removing the power from politicians and criticizing them when you disagree with them in public, not exploiting children and accosting public officials in staged private personal attacks. She deserved to have her ass kicked.

No, not nervous at all.. you seem to want to kick the ass of a mother who was genuinely concerned that her child might not grow up in a country with clean air and water.

The problem with removing power from politicians is that those with money and power are free to fuck over the rest of us.

Again your poor reading comprehension. I don't hit girls unless they are physically attacking me. Obviously you missed how I phrased it as most everything sails over your head. That's why I said, "she deserved to have her ass kicked."

You really should take remedial reading, Joe. Then again maybe it wouldn't help since your comprehension of verbal speech is so low as well. Maybe you're just stupid. Hmm ... I'm not sure you can do anything about that.

And I advocate debate in the public forum. You advocate personally assaulting people verbally and physically. It's because you're a fascist and I'm a libertarian. I want you defeated at the polls. I want your leftist rhetoric discredited in public debate. Here she verbally assaulted him and staged a Youtube lynching. You're happier when neighbors beat the crap out of Republicans and shoot them. But you'll take this. For now
Joe would suddenly agree with that if it happened to a Democrat. Joe's disappointment is he wishes she'd have attacked him like Rand Paul's neighbor or shot him like Scalise

I'm a little confused, Mr. Small L libertarian. You guys say we all needs out guns to fights the gummit, and a guy goes out there and shoots a government official he doesn't like, and then you are all upset about it?

You're going to have to remind me when I advocated murdering government officials like you do with Scalise and Paul. Oh yeah, I didn't ...

The ironic thing was Grand Cyclops Scalise life was saved by a black lesbian officer with the Capitol Police. Not that Grand Cyclops Scalise has rethought his life.

You must have been pretty drunk for the 4th by the time you wrote this gem
But the whacky right, they are more upset that people are being rude in restaurants than kids being thrown into concentration camps.

Yes, we're sending kids to gas chambers like the Nazis. I'd say you're a genius, Joe. But wow, you're not.

Joe: When you're losing an argument, make it even more stupid so people think you're smart
I’ll say it again... it’s time for Republicans and Conservatives to start arming ourselves any time we’re in a public place to combat (on multiple levels) these morons.

Additionally, public officials need too start asking for private seating or a guarantee of privacy from the restaurant ownership when eating out.
Being an asshole is not a shooting offense, or I wouldn't be speaking to you right now.

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