Woman Denied An Abortion, Dies In Hospital

You are a fucking idiot. She died from BLOOD POISONING. Not from "absence of abortion". She came in already sick, and for whatever reason they chose not to dig in at that point; undoutedly because she was suffering from BLOOD POISONING that needed to be treated first.

She had blood poisoning probably because she had an infection caused by the miscarriage.
Probably. Who knows...you certainly don't. And you don't know why they didn't operate. My guess was they didn't operate because she was dying of septicemia, but who knows.
Probably. Who knows...you certainly don't. And you don't know why they didn't operate. My guess was they didn't operate because she was dying of septicemia, but who knows.

She took awhile to die, though. In that time, she could have been treated.
You don't know what you're talking about. People with septicemia die. Treatment often doesn't work. Do you know she wasn't being treated for it?

No, you don't. I do know doctors don't operate on patients with high fevers and raging infections.
If the doctors had believed she would be helped by them taking the baby, they would have done it.

I would bet dollars to donuts that they didn't take the baby because they didn't think she would survive the operation. Then she died anyway.
The hospital is investigating, according to the article. Although it does spark in interesting question..

Were the doctors morally obligated to help her? Even if it was agaisnt the law?

By all accounts, she was in intense pain, begging for help, and if we take the articles at face value, the advice she got was to wait.

Should the doctors have broken the law and done more for her?

I say yes.

Or perhaps simply allow the doctor and patient to decide what’s best without interference from the state.

Terri Schiavo.
They wouldn't have been breaking the law if they removed the baby to save her life.

Morons. People are not "saved" by abortions. But if the "cure" for what ailed her was an abortion, she could have legally gotten one.

Obviously they thought it was too risky.
It is unfortunate that the innocent child died as well as the mother who sought to kill it.

Otherwise, a hospital should not be in the business of choosing one life over another. It made the right decision. And as much as this may bother people, it's better that nature took its course than for an institution of healing to murder for the sake of favoring another life.
^so you are one of those who believe a fetus is more important than the life of the mother.
^so you are one of those who believe a fetus is more important than the life of the mother.

Would you support a procedure that would guarantee the death of the mother to ensure the unborn child survives?

If not, why is it acceptable the other way around?
^so you are one of those who believe a fetus is more important than the life of the mother.

There is absolutely nothing in that article that says/shows that the presence of the baby is what killed mom. In fact, it appears she was sick when she came in, the baby's heart was beating...and the law says that in Ireland, the baby can be taken for the sake of the mother's health.

It sounds to me like the baby wasn't the problem.
Seems she was having a miscarriage, but it was incomplete. She was in great pain, and after 24 hours she begged doctors for an abortion, to end the pregnancy as quick as possible. As the fetus still had a heartbeat, she was denied the abortion.
Finally, the fetus died, and the woman developed blood poisoning and died a week later:

A WOMAN has died of blood poisoning from a miscarriage, after an Irish hospital denied her an abortion telling her "this is a Catholic country".
Digital Pass - $5 weekend papers

The tragedy comes as the country is in the throes of a passionate debate over potential abortion law reform.

The Irish Times reports that both the hospital and the health department have begun investigations into the death at University Hospital Galway last month.

Savita Halappanavar, 31, a dentist who was 17 weeks pregnant, went to the hospital with back pain on October 21.

Her husband Praveen Halappanavar said she was told she was miscarrying, and after one day of severe pain she asked for a medical termination.

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This was in Ireland, where abortion is illegal, so the doctors claimed they couldn't do anything because the heart was still beating, but they should have given her something to help nature along, to end her suffering.

This is a big story in Ireland today. Hope it is not swept under the rug.
Seems she was having a miscarriage, but it was incomplete. She was in great pain, and after 24 hours she begged doctors for an abortion, to end the pregnancy as quick as possible. As the fetus still had a heartbeat, she was denied the abortion.
Finally, the fetus died, and the woman developed blood poisoning and died a week later:

A WOMAN has died of blood poisoning from a miscarriage, after an Irish hospital denied her an abortion telling her "this is a Catholic country".
Digital Pass - $5 weekend papers

The tragedy comes as the country is in the throes of a passionate debate over potential abortion law reform.

The Irish Times reports that both the hospital and the health department have begun investigations into the death at University Hospital Galway last month.

Savita Halappanavar, 31, a dentist who was 17 weeks pregnant, went to the hospital with back pain on October 21.

Her husband Praveen Halappanavar said she was told she was miscarrying, and after one day of severe pain she asked for a medical termination.

Cookies must be enabled | Herald Sun

This was in Ireland, where abortion is illegal, so the doctors claimed they couldn't do anything because the heart was still beating, but they should have given her something to help nature along, to end her suffering.

She was told that it could not be done because Ireland is a Catholic country.
I feel for her husband :/ to know something could have been done, but doctors chose not to... I can't imagine.

Ya cause after all one should just ignore the law any time they feel like it, RIGHT? So I assume you condemn doctors that don't administer lethal drugs to their terminal patients? How about the people that just want to commit suicide, damn that doctor for saving them and not helping them, RIGHT?

Further this was Ireland, I don't give a rats ass what they do as long as it doesn't effect this Country.

What a humanitarian!!!!
Seems she was having a miscarriage, but it was incomplete. She was in great pain, and after 24 hours she begged doctors for an abortion, to end the pregnancy as quick as possible. As the fetus still had a heartbeat, she was denied the abortion.
Finally, the fetus died, and the woman developed blood poisoning and died a week later:

A WOMAN has died of blood poisoning from a miscarriage, after an Irish hospital denied her an abortion telling her "this is a Catholic country".
Digital Pass - $5 weekend papers

The tragedy comes as the country is in the throes of a passionate debate over potential abortion law reform.

The Irish Times reports that both the hospital and the health department have begun investigations into the death at University Hospital Galway last month.

Savita Halappanavar, 31, a dentist who was 17 weeks pregnant, went to the hospital with back pain on October 21.

Her husband Praveen Halappanavar said she was told she was miscarrying, and after one day of severe pain she asked for a medical termination.
Cookies must be enabled | Herald Sun

This was in Ireland, where abortion is illegal, so the doctors claimed they couldn't do anything because the heart was still beating, but they should have given her something to help nature along, to end her suffering.

She was told that it could not be done because Ireland is a Catholic country.

That's what the article said...of course not actually quoting something. And the same article also cites an unnamed study that *proves* there are no negative side effects of abortion.

But the LAW is that the hospital can perform emergency abortions if the life of the mother, or the mental health of the mother, is in jeopardy and the baby is what puts her in jeopardy.

So if you come in off the street and say your back hurts and you want an abortion, you aren't going to get it.

If you come in off the street, you have a raging fever and a back ache and you're pregnant and say you want an abortion, they're going to say "we need to treat the infection before risking the procedure".

This isn't rocket science. It's amazing how ignorant people are of medicine...who insist on interjecting themselves into the conversation, second guessing medical professionals based on...nothing.
We know what the article chooses to let us know. We really haven't got the slightest idea of what the doctor really thought or why the decisions made were made the way they were. After all, Ireland is a country that has government paid medical care. She might just not have passed the cost/benefit analysis.
There are two Irelands - Ireland and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland has the restrictive abortion laws. FYI.
It is unfortunate that the innocent child died as well as the mother who sought to kill it.

Otherwise, a hospital should not be in the business of choosing one life over another. It made the right decision. And as much as this may bother people, it's better that nature took its course than for an institution of healing to murder for the sake of favoring another life.

What if the mother/parents signed a waiver agreeing to accept legal responsibility for the decision she asked for? So the hospital/staff would not be held liable for following their wishes. If it turned out to be murder under the law, then they agree to face those consequences, not the doctor or hospital. And if it turned out the baby or mother dies, then they agree to the legal responsibility, etc.

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