Woman Not Wearing a Mask Confronts Sunbather for Wearing Bikini

Beautiful girl but not very smart...she has tic tok on her phone...now she is forever watched by Communist China...every move she makes every time she opens her phone...kids!!!!! dump tictok now.....
I like the fact Japanese have swim suit requirements at the beach. We need standards of conduct and decency brought back to country. It's one of the reasons we have all the problems we do.


Not seeing a problem at all.
Fuck that shit.

I want nekkid beaches. Americans are way too prude.

Which is why so many people are miserable, and alone, and don't have good relationships, have high divorce rates, and on and on and on.

Why is that?

There is a reason for this. And as it relates to men, it's because you are staring at every other women on the planet, and thus you have no woman that gives a crap about you.

You can't have both. Exceptions here and there, but generally, if you want a real relationship, you need to keep your eyes on your wife.

When you don't... you end up a lonely old man, wondering why your life sucks.

When I was a driver for the nursing homes, you would find all the players there. Lonely old men, completely unloved, who wasted their lives chasing everything thing, and end up with nothing.

Do what you want. Just saying.
Don't bother. Visiting a nude beach is like climbing a mountain of shit to spy that one perfect rose at the summit.

Most people should not run around naked.

For some reason, people who've never been to a nude beach get this idea in their head that it's all hardbodies and beautiful people.
It can actually be the stuff that nightmares are made of and things that you'll never be able to unsee.

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