Woman Pulls Gun On Possible Burglary Suspect - But She Gets Arrested - WTF?

She was delivering papers, and when confronted by police, she used the same excuse they all do ... "well, there has been some crime in the area lately, and...." well, they won't say out loud what caused them to act this way, they saw a black person after dark. And that's it.
True she over reacted. Be aware and be wary. It is a grave mistake to assume that any black person has an innocent intention.

"In South Carolina, a woman was taken into custody by the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office last week after she followed a newspaper delivery worker and held her at gunpoint. According to deputies, when they arrived at the scene, the victim told them she was delivering newspapers around the Town of Rock Springs neighborhood when she noticed a driver, later identified as Mary Holmes, staring at her. The victim reported that she continued to deliver newspapers and eventually left the neighborhood.

The victim told deputies that Holmes continued to follow her into the next neighborhood she went in, so she turned around, where Holmes confronted her and pulled out a gun, but the magazine fell out of it. The victim said she then left the area and contacted law enforcement. Deputies met with Holmes, and she stated that she was terrified after seeing a vehicle driving through her neighborhood that “didn’t belong there.” She added that someone had broken into a neighbor’s home a month ago, so she was scared it would happen to her. Holmes said she pulled out the gun in “fear for her life”

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Now, if we know that blacks commit 98% of crimes; why isn't it reasonable for this woman to fear for her life??? If you are a black, don't you have to accept at this point that people have reason to pull a gun on you if you are somewhere that you don't belong?? You think just because you are a delivery driver (allegedly) that this gives you the right to go anywhere you want to go and not be seen as possible threat to human life?

Remember, 98% of crimes are caused by blacks, so if you see one, that alone is reason to fear for your life. So if you have a reasonable fear for your life; isn't that justification for aiming your weapon at someone in possible self-defense?? Also, not mentioned in the story that Ms Holmes was previously arrested years ago for robbery - now why would they bring this up? What does her past have to do with whether or not she feared for her safety? This is just further proof of how anti-white this country has become -- Usually, you supposed to only bring up the past of black people who were gunned down, like that Ahmad Arbery guy, and even when they don't have a criminal history, you just imply they were thugs -- but you don't do that to people who are just defending themselves from those thugs.
Outrageous! :popcorn:
So you think that seeing blacks act like animals in public 365/24/7 doesn't have a thing to do with it?


I guess this all has to do with all of that imaginary white supremacist crime we've been told about for the last 3 G*d damned years.
Its funny to watch you folks bend over backwards to ignore the racism coming from your own MAGA teammates on this very post -- to clutch your pearls over me mocking your same MAGA teammates on this very post
No one claimed 98 percent of crime is committed by black people quit lying. If you want statistics look them up in the FBI data sheets. But hurry cause Biden DOJ is getting rid of that.

And remember when you see 37 percent of all violent crime is committed by a black person, they are only 13 percent of the population.
Which is why I said that it should be totally legal to pull a gun out on any black you see, right? What's the problem?

All you have to do is point to the stats.....

However, by that logic you use; shouldn't we just be able to pull a gun out on any man we see since they commit THE MAJORITY OF CRIMES?

Or is it more fun to play this game when you believe only those darkies will be targeted?
No not really. I've never seen that on Fox. Do you realize that most people..period do not commit violent crime? look at the FBI stats and the percentages. Most crimes are commited by a very few people but within the sub groups of offenders there are different crime rates when you compare them side by side.

If your referring perhaps to news reports of mass lootings of stores etc.... that is a bit of an exception... unfortunately most of the crimes are concentrated within Democrat run cities where the perception of over all crime is skewed.
Nope......as one of your fellow conservatives said.......it's the blacks....

Never assume any of them has innocent meanings...be wary of the darkie

Conservative thought

No. But I wouldn't assume an innocent meaning either. Be aware. Be wary.
Which is why I said that it should be totally legal to pull a gun out on any black you see, right? What's the problem?

All you have to do is point to the stats.....

However, by that logic you use; shouldn't we just be able to pull a gun out on any man we see since they commit THE MAJORITY OF CRIMES?

Or is it more fun to play this game when you believe only those darkies will be targeted?
ahh ya if you couldnt lie about something where would you be? Be specific now and link to me ever saying anything remotely like you just claimed.
Remember, 98% of crimes are caused by blacks, so if you see one, that alone is reason to fear for your life.
I saw a black guy walking down the street where I lived and thought that I should run out, draw down on him and call the police! However I was cleaning my gun so I just called the police instead and was surprised at what they said at first. They asked me what he was doing and I said he's walking down the street. Then they said that was not illegal and he would have to be doing something bad. I said, Ok then, but he's black. They picked him up 5 minutes later with a fully armed swat team. The nerve of that bastard.
I saw a black guy walking down the street where I lived and thought that I should run out, draw down on him and call the police! However I was cleaning my gun so I just called the police instead and was surprised at what they said at first. They asked me what he was doing and I said he's walking down the street. Then they said that was not illegal and he would have to be doing something bad. I said, Ok then, but he's black. They picked him up 5 minutes later with a fully armed swat team. The nerve of that bastard.
Meanwhile, in real life......an easily frightened little bitch (much like yourself) did just that.........
Its funny to watch you folks bend over backwards to ignore the racism coming from your own MAGA teammates on this very post -- to clutch your pearls over me mocking your same MAGA teammates on this very post
Thanks for proving my point.

Great job.
I love it that not one of you pieces of shit have a sense of humor, and how they lie all the time.
Where is the lie?

The only lie I see is the one you just told about what you wish you could when you see a black guy

Most of you dic suckers fantasize about doing things you are too pussy to do in real life
Meanwhile, in real life......an easily frightened little bitch (much like yourself) did just that.........
That's funny. Guess it escaped you that most of the frightened little bitches are Democrat voters who are tired of getting their cars broken into and run whenever they see a black guy wearing a hoodie.
Where is the lie?

The only lie I see is the one you just told about what you wish you could when you see a black guy

Most of you dic suckers fantasize about doing things you are too pussy to do in real life
Clearly you have serious mental-health issues.

See a physician.
Where is the lie?

The only lie I see is the one you just told about what you wish you could when you see a black guy

Most of you dic suckers fantasize about doing things you are too pussy to do in real life
You're lying in the above post. And too big a pos to realize or admit it. I never said I wished anything on anyone. Clearly, you are too deranged to understand humor.

Perhaps this:
Its funny to watch you folks bend over backwards to ignore the racism coming from your own MAGA teammates on this very post -- to clutch your pearls over me mocking your same MAGA teammates on this very post
^^ this is one reason so many blacks are violent criminals. People refuse to see it.
^^ this is one reason so many blacks are violent criminals. People refuse to see it.
It was by design.
Even Barack Obama knew which buttons to push.
All he had to do was turn criminals into victims and then wait for the chaos to ensue.
The outcome was highly predictable.
I guess ole boof has had enough of proving he is a lying pos for the moment.

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