Woman Vomits on Tour Bus in DC, Then States She Just Returned From Africa

you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron

Moron, sick people get their germs on everything they touch. Ebola germs live quite a while on objects. If the sick person touches their mouth or runny nose, then touches a door handle, back of a seat or anything else, the germs are left. If another person touches the same objects, then touches their own mouth, they can get sick.

If an Ebola patient coughs, sneezes or pukes, it does pose a risk and people have to be super careful. So, yes, you can catch it by sitting near someone on a bus.

The nurses who became ill didn't kiss the patients. They merely touched the patient or things in the room and likely touched their mouth without thoroughly washing their hands. Or the patient sneezed or coughed on them.

Point is that it can spread fairly easy. You don't think all those people in Africa were all kissing each other, do you?

Ebola spreads as quick as the flu and people need to be careful.
would you stop lying you sack of shit.
The risk is higher but you dont get it from sitting next to a person. Few things have to happen in order for that.
Point is it doesnt spread fairly easy. 4000k have died from it in africa where there is millions of people.
So far three people in the US have had it. One died, the others are stable. We have 300+ million people in the United states. 3 people have had Ebola....You do the fucking math dipshit.

Do the world a favor, go find hole and stay there if you are that afraid of ebola. Save us from your panic and stupidity. Thats the real threat to peoples health

Not only just 4,000 people (which is bad enough), but that is spread out over time since 1978. It's not like those 4,000 people died this year.
"You can't get AIDS from buggering! That's racist! It's a proven fact...and...ummm...stuff like that."-- Southern Poverty Law Center & The Queer Agenda, San Francisco, 1982

To date through 2014, 636,000 people have died of AIDS in the US. At least 2,000,000 more are infected. --CDC web site.

Not only that, but AIDS has ravaged the US worse than any other developed Western country. Our rate of death is 23 times that of Germany, though our population is only 4 times larger. Why should Ebola be any different?

Great New Republic article on AIDS here:
AIDS Hit the United States Harder Than Other Developed Countries Why New Republic

Well, then, I would recommend that you not take it up the ass as often as you obviously have in the past.

HIV is spread (mostly) through sexual contact or through shared IV use.

Ebola is not spread through sexual contact, because by the time a person is symptomatic, the last thing her or she wants to do is to have sex.

So, your comparison is a non-sequitor. Like most of the screeds you write.
Trained medical people in suits have come down with it and libtards think you can't get it sitting next to someone on a bus? Liberals and their policies and priorities are going to kill us all.
you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron
Yes you do, in fact you can be 3 feet from someone and be infected. Perhaps you should pay attention to facts and reality.
no. no you can't. that would require it to be airborne...Ebola is not airborne. Unless that person vomits or sprays them with their semen or blood you are not going to get it..

How hard is it to catch Ebola - The 2014 Ebola outbreak - Vox

Perhaps you should you know, stick to what you know, which is nothing

( emphasis added)

Although I believe some may be overhyping this issue, your statement is not true. It is bodily fluids, and contact with the skin of an infected person, so yes, mucous, spittle, from sneezing in someone direction and said bodily fluids entering through "broken skin or mucous membranes such as the eyes, the lining of the nose or the mouth", can spread the disease. Additionally, if you spit, bleed, vomit, crap, etc. on an armrest, or whatever, and I touch it without noticing for up to 4 minutes later, I could become infected- although the risk is small, it still exists.

BBC News - Ebola outbreak What is risk of catching it on a flight

Review of Human-to-Human Transmission of Ebola Virus Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

Ebola infections with no symptoms are possible. And they could help fight the West Africa epidemic. - The Washington Post

This article was of intrest as well.

Ebola infections with no symptoms are possible. And they could help fight the West Africa epidemic. - The Washington Post

What it did not say was if those who have Ebola without symptoms can indeed spread the disease. I think the article was quite interesting.

I also think the fact people can spread this disease for up to 7 weeks after being cured also of note.

BBC News - Ebola outbreak What is risk of catching it on a flight

I touch it without noticing for up to 4 minutes later

SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces, particularly at low temperatures (4°C) Footnote52Footnote61. One study could not recover any Ebolavirus from experimentally contaminated surfaces (plastic, metal or glass) at room temperature Footnote61. In another study, Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions (between 20°C and 25°C and 30–40% relative humidity) (amount of virus reduced to 37% after 15.4 hours), but is less stable than some other viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa) Footnote53. When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4 °C, Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days Footnote61. This information is based on experimental findings only and not based on observations in nature. This information is intended to be used to support local risk assessments in a laboratory setting.

Ebolavirus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets
Trained medical people in suits have come down with it and libtards think you can't get it sitting next to someone on a bus? Liberals and their policies and priorities are going to kill us all.

Whine away. There are germs in the air every single day. There is a difference between taking some precaution and screaming that the sky is falling (which is what rabid Righties like you are doing).

A meteor impact upon our planet is much more likely to wipe out mankind than an outbreak of Ebola anywhere.

1.1 BILLION people in Africa. 4,000 deaths from Ebola, over 36 years time.

1 death in the USA, 3 cases. 334 million people in the USA.

You do the math, you stupid RW fuckwad.
Trained medical people in suits have come down with it and libtards think you can't get it sitting next to someone on a bus? Liberals and their policies and priorities are going to kill us all.

Whine away. There are germs in the air every single day. There is a difference between taking some precaution and screaming that the sky is falling (which is what rabid Righties like you are doing).

A meteor impact upon our planet is much more likely to wipe out mankind than an outbreak of Ebola anywhere.

1.1 BILLION people in Africa. 4,000 deaths from Ebola, over 36 years time.

1 death in the USA, 3 cases. 334 million people in the USA.

You do the math, you stupid RW fuckwad.
Stop misleading.

1976 — A school teacher in Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo, becomes the first documented person to contract the Ebola virus and later dies.

1976–2013 — A number of small outbreaks affect West Africa, with the highest death toll at one time reaching just over 250.

December 2013 — A handful of people in Guinea die of an unidentified fever, which is later confirmed as Ebola.

March 2014 — The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports a major Ebola outbreak in Guinea, while Liberia identifies its first case and over the next few months the virus spreads to neighbouring Sierra Leone.

July 20th, 2014 — Liberian government employee Patrick Sawyer travels to Lagos,Nigeria, where he dies of Ebola, sparking fears that the virus could cross wider borders.

August 8th, 2014 — The WHO declares Ebola an “international health emergency”. Four days later, the death toll exceeds 1,000.

August 24, 2014 — British volunteer nurse William Pooley is urgently flown to London for treatment after contracting the virus. The 29-year-old makes a full recovery and makes plans to return to west Africa.

September 17th — The first healthy human volunteer is injected with an experimental Ebola vaccine in Oxford as part of a fast-tracked British trial.

September 19th — The WHO describes the outbreak as a “social crisis, a humanitarian crisis, an economic crisis”, with cases doubling around every four weeks and a death toll of over 2,500.

October 6th — Spanish nurse Teresa Romero becomes the first person known to have caught the disease outside the outbreak zone in West Africa.

October 8th — Thomas Eric Duncan becomes the first person to die on American soil after it is believed he contracted the disease in Liberia. Two nurses at the Texas hospital where he was treated are also infected.

October 9th — The Government announces screening for passengers arriving at Gatwick and Heathrow airports, and warns some Ebola cases will reach the UK.

October 17th — David Cameron says Britain is “leading the way” in its efforts to tackle the outbreak, committing “well over #100 million, 750 troops, training 800 members of health staff, providing 700 beds” to the region.

UN Chief Ban Ki-moon launches another urgent appeal for funds as the death toll hits 4,500.

Timeline of the Ebola virus 1976 2014

you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron

Moron, sick people get their germs on everything they touch. Ebola germs live quite a while on objects. If the sick person touches their mouth or runny nose, then touches a door handle, back of a seat or anything else, the germs are left. If another person touches the same objects, then touches their own mouth, they can get sick.

If an Ebola patient coughs, sneezes or pukes, it does pose a risk and people have to be super careful. So, yes, you can catch it by sitting near someone on a bus.

The nurses who became ill didn't kiss the patients. They merely touched the patient or things in the room and likely touched their mouth without thoroughly washing their hands. Or the patient sneezed or coughed on them.

Point is that it can spread fairly easy. You don't think all those people in Africa were all kissing each other, do you?

Ebola spreads as quick as the flu and people need to be careful.

That last sentence is very irresponsible of you. I'm guessing that you know that it isn't true. What is your problem?
Her problem is she is a repub trying to make ebola a political football.
Whine away. There are germs in the air every single day. There is a difference between taking some precaution and screaming that the sky is falling (which is what rabid Righties like you are doing).

A meteor impact upon our planet is much more likely to wipe out mankind than an outbreak of Ebola anywhere.

1.1 BILLION people in Africa. 4,000 deaths from Ebola, over 36 years time.

1 death in the USA, 3 cases. 334 million people in the USA.

You do the math, you stupid RW fuckwad.
You avoided my point and drooled on your "I hate conservatives" baby bib. Are your diapers dirty? Freshen up and try again, trained people in suits can get it so how is it a distant risk?
you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron
Yes you do, in fact you can be 3 feet from someone and be infected. Perhaps you should pay attention to facts and reality.
no. no you can't. that would require it to be airborne...Ebola is not airborne. Unless that person vomits or sprays them with their semen or blood you are not going to get it..

How hard is it to catch Ebola - The 2014 Ebola outbreak - Vox

Perhaps you should you know, stick to what you know, which is nothing

Really ? so all those thousands in Africa were vomited on? I dont think so. Its better to error on the side of caution even if someone thinks your foolish.
If your wrong you only suffer a little inconvenience
alot of them came from handling the dead which still carries it. Again direct contact. A lot came from aid workers dealing with sick people. Again direct contact.

Do you get it yet? Direct contact
I read that a teacher was fired because she visited Dallas.

Stupid people are ignoring facts in favor of panic.

Some of them post here.
you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron
Yes you do, in fact you can be 3 feet from someone and be infected. Perhaps you should pay attention to facts and reality.
no. no you can't. that would require it to be airborne...Ebola is not airborne. Unless that person vomits or sprays them with their semen or blood you are not going to get it..

How hard is it to catch Ebola - The 2014 Ebola outbreak - Vox

Perhaps you should you know, stick to what you know, which is nothing

( emphasis added)

Although I believe some may be overhyping this issue, your statement is not true. It is bodily fluids, and contact with the skin of an infected person, so yes, mucous, spittle, from sneezing in someone direction and said bodily fluids entering through "broken skin or mucous membranes such as the eyes, the lining of the nose or the mouth", can spread the disease. Additionally, if you spit, bleed, vomit, crap, etc. on an armrest, or whatever, and I touch it without noticing for up to 4 minutes later, I could become infected- although the risk is small, it still exists.

BBC News - Ebola outbreak What is risk of catching it on a flight

Review of Human-to-Human Transmission of Ebola Virus Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

Ebola infections with no symptoms are possible. And they could help fight the West Africa epidemic. - The Washington Post

This article was of intrest as well.

Ebola infections with no symptoms are possible. And they could help fight the West Africa epidemic. - The Washington Post

What it did not say was if those who have Ebola without symptoms can indeed spread the disease. I think the article was quite interesting.

I also think the fact people can spread this disease for up to 7 weeks after being cured also of note.

BBC News - Ebola outbreak What is risk of catching it on a flight
what are you talking about....You wasted a post to say you can get ebola the in the manner i already stated....Good for you
you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron
Yes you do, in fact you can be 3 feet from someone and be infected. Perhaps you should pay attention to facts and reality.
no. no you can't. that would require it to be airborne...Ebola is not airborne. Unless that person vomits or sprays them with their semen or blood you are not going to get it..

How hard is it to catch Ebola - The 2014 Ebola outbreak - Vox

Perhaps you should you know, stick to what you know, which is nothing
Read the literature, if they cough or sneeze you can be 3 feet away and be infected.

In theory....Again you can't get it by sitting next to someone.
"You can't get AIDS from buggering! That's racist! It's a proven fact...and...ummm...stuff like that."-- Southern Poverty Law Center & The Queer Agenda, San Francisco, 1982

To date through 2014, 636,000 people have died of AIDS in the US. At least 2,000,000 more are infected. --CDC web site.

Not only that, but AIDS has ravaged the US worse than any other developed Western country. Our rate of death is 23 times that of Germany, though our population is only 4 times larger. Why should Ebola be any different?

Great New Republic article on AIDS here:
AIDS Hit the United States Harder Than Other Developed Countries Why New Republic

Well, then, I would recommend that you not take it up the ass as often as you obviously have in the past.

HIV is spread (mostly) through sexual contact or through shared IV use.

Ebola is not spread through sexual contact, because by the time a person is symptomatic, the last thing her or she wants to do is to have sex.

So, your comparison is a non-sequitor. Like most of the screeds you write.

OK. I've got you entered into the "Hateful Queer Ripostes to a Sweetnam Statement of Empirical Truth...Not to Mention The Obvious" log book. You're entry is #8,769,319 A, Section 113, Volume 23210 F (just for future reference).
you dont catch it by sitting next to someone moron

You state one cannot catch it by sitting next to someone, yet if one suspects he has it, he are asked to stay off public transportation. Double talk to cover your ass....typical lefty.

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