Woman’s Rape Claim Against 4 Dentists Falls Apart with Video Evidence

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The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now, the entire case has been dismissed after prosecutors dropped the charges based on video evidence that did not align with the claims of the purported victim, the paper reported.

“After review of the facts of the case, it was clear that the allegations were completely fabricated,”

Read more at breitbart.com ...

I think this plays in to the current events of the day quite well. This woman that made this Deliberate False Claim of RAPE needs to be Prosecuted and deserves to be in PRISON for the Maximum Sentence these Innocent Men would have received if found guilty of the False Charges.

Alan Dershowitz appears to agree also:

Dershowitz leads push to seriously punish false accusers: Women who willfully lie should go to prison

“She swore under oath, subject to felony and perjury that certain things happened. She then said they didn’t happen and she changed her view,” Dershowitz continued. “Any good prosecutor, if the evidence shows that she made it up out of whole cloth, should be able to prosecute her and sentence her to prison.”
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