Womansplaining Men to Women

Alan Stallion

Civil Rights Advocate
Dec 17, 2009
San Jose, California
From The Dadvocate channel.

I just discovered this woman and I'm digging her earnest take on relationships. She takes the time to explain differences and mindsets between men and woman and positive steps into harmonizing relationships in a world that seems to encourage toxicity and division.

Here is the first of a series of "Womansplaining Men to Women" to help woman better understand men. There are also videos for the reverse, "Womansplaining Women to Men" to help men better understand women.

"Womansplaining Women to Men" Compilation 1-11

A lot of it comes down to this:

Communication is important. When communication is lost, relationships suffer. Assumptions turn into resentment. Resentment turns to bad relationships.

Listening is important. You need to listen to garner understanding. A lesson men haven't been taught is that sometimes women just want somebody to listen, not fix things. That goes against the nature of men. We want to fix things. We want to help. But sometimes women just need to vent. Communicating expectations goes a long way to what's expected of a relationship and can prevent minor squabbles that can escalate.

Toxicity is bad. Don't talk bad about your partner to others, that only guarantees failure and trust issues. Build each other up; don't tear each other down.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Did he not fold the towels right? Does he have a different chore priority? The toilet seat controversy! Learn how to deal with differences; reward vs resentment; compromises you can live with.

Anyhoo, let's see positive vibes, not toxicity.
Let's see your tips to healthy relationships and positive reinforcement.
Womansplaining Men to Women Compilation: 10-17

Topics include...
- Passive-aggressive behavior
- The man you date is the man you're married to (don't expect him to radically change)
- Reading somebody's face (poorly)
- Trying entrapment tactics
- Why do men have to initiate? Being the chase or the chaser. Life after the "Me Too" movement.
Now one for the men...

Womansplaining Women to Men Compilation 1-7

- The "decoration towel"
- The unnatural phenomenon of Throw Pillows
- Where do you want to eat for dinner? I dunno.
- Ghosting
- Super-hot vs Super-awkward moves
- Listening vs fixing
Womansplaining Men to Women Compilation 18-23

- Taking a man's food
- Soaking dishes
- Being smart-asses
- Communication or sarcasm?
- Hints vs. asking
- Gross things
Womansplaining Men to Women Compilation 24-33

- Smile!
- The cold shoulder
- Using breaking up as a threat (spoiler: bad!)
- I shouldn't have to ask
- Not wearing the ring
- Weaponizing vulnerability
- Thanking. Feeling valued.
- Redoing trivial chores
Womansplaining Women to Men Compilation 8-16

- Fine. I'll just do it myself.
- If she admits she was wrong (!)
- Asking questions during movies
- Posting pictures of wifey
- Women dressing up

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