Is it any wonder some women are negative on men, some to the point of hate?

First of all, I wanted to mention something Pete Hegseth of Fox News says or used to say at the end of his/their early Sunday morning show

Go to Church

The country would be much better off if everyone went to church. Even a "church" that isn't so great is better than no church at all

Anyhow, back to this gender/hate issue:

I was reading a post by a (can't recall name) dude some time ago in which he bitterly complained that women [all of them, I guess] want a man dating them to pay for their dinners, etc, "as if their p**** [slang name for female reproductive body part] is made of gold" --or something to that effect.

So then I later was reading about such interesting topics as:

Women men think are hot and etc. Someone said that, even though he doesn't like AOC's dumbass politics he'd like to [my words] "do her."

Well, is it any wonder women think that.. MEN think a women's p***** [slang name for female reproductive body part]

is made of gold(or something to that effect)?


I mean, is it any wonder women think that men believe sex is all a woman is for?
I wonder about it----that SO MANY WOMEN hate men and falsely accuse
them. Of course, some women have had horrible experiences......but some-
how----the false accusations seem rampant to me----color me sister of
four fairly nice brothers
I luv all men. I must have been Just a lucky girl. :D They fix things- help me out.
not one has ever been bad to me- once i got past the young years.
Hey Cyndi, just so you know... the "Redheaded Stranger* on this site isn't me.

It's my little stalker buddy from the other site.

The guy has a major obsession with me for some reason. It's almost stalkeresqe.

Hey Cyndi, just so you know... the "Redheaded Stranger* on this site isn't me.

It's my little stalker buddy from the other site.

The guy has a major obsession with me for some reason. It's almost stalkeresqe.

WTF is your problem? You DO REALIZE that "Redheaded Stranger" is a nickname for a famous singer? :rolleyes:
Again, WTF is your problem? And who are you talking to? Do you often stalk people for no reason??? Seriously, this is why I never put ANY personal info on sites like this.
I guess I need to spend more time on this site too and expose your BS to these good folks as well.

I know folks over here too, just so ya know.

I guess I need to spend more time on this site too and expose your BS to these good folks as well.

I know folks over here too, just so ya know.

Look pal, I dont know WTF your game is, but YOU DO REALIZE that this is a discussion forum? Do you not? That means folks DISCUSS things. If you want to actually DISCUSS somehting, then be a man about it. Create your own thread or whatever. But You are mildly entertaining. :rofl:
"Go to church " makes sense but what the hell is this weird unverified social commentary about women supposed to say?

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