Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

The "old America" where women were treated as chattel and blacks were slaves?
Well, today, women are like chattel to the Pro Aborts who like women who don't go through the 'fuss' of a pregnancy and can be sperm receptacles ready to please any penis with no consequences. Blacks today are treated like slaves to every Democrat who gets elected on a 'race card.'
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Our legal system has decided that a woman can be judge, jury and executioner of the innocent life inside her. Some women claim that their bodies are solely theirs to do with what they will but, the truth is, there is another entity (male) that is needed to create that life. Today males are generally thought of as nothing more than sperm donors and the life growing inside is nothing but a bunch of self replicating cells. What they fail to realize, (because of bad education) is that self replicating cells ARE life.
The dirty little secret is that the segment of society that benefits the most from abortion is the liberal man who can coerce a woman with threats and violence into giving up the life inside her. The man's future responsibilities are eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel while the woman is sometimes doomed to face episodes of PTSD for the rest of her life.
The dirty little secret is that the segment of society that benefits the most from abortion is the liberal man who can coerce a woman with threats and violence into giving up the life inside her. The man's future responsibilities are eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel while the woman is sometimes doomed to face episodes of PTSD for the rest of her life.
Women who don't absolutely regret a convenience abortion, are on the road to psychopathy or are already psychopaths..
The legislative proposals appear necessary as a way to move back to being a moral nation. What happened in Ohio needs to be prevented from happening elsewhere. These women will even cross borders to get abortions.

---Legislative efforts in Missouri and Mississippi are attempting to prevent voters from having a say over abortion rights, building on anti-abortion strategies seen in other states, including last year in Ohio.---

---Texas woman who sought court permission for abortion leaves state for the procedure, attorneys say---

Well, you lot couldn't trust black people with their own bodies either.

We call this SLAVERY.
Women who don't absolutely regret a convenience abortion, are on the road to psychopathy or are already psychopaths..
I rest my case. Liberal men call then "convenience" abortions and label the women victims as psychopaths.
In his book The Anatomy of Fascism, Robert O. Paxton identifies fascism as “political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity.”

This defines the GOP and conservativism perfectly.
Wow. You can copy and paste with the best of them. 🙄

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