Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

The legislative proposals appear necessary as a way to move back to being a moral nation. What happened in Ohio needs to be prevented from happening elsewhere. These women will even cross borders to get abortions.

---Legislative efforts in Missouri and Mississippi are attempting to prevent voters from having a say over abortion rights, building on anti-abortion strategies seen in other states, including last year in Ohio.---

---Texas woman who sought court permission for abortion leaves state for the procedure, attorneys say---

It's ok little guy you'll talk to a girl someday.
What? Teaching girls their pussies are not sperm receptacles? Teaching girls to have respect for their bodies and their God given right to say no?
No matter what Trump says, does, or is sued for.
We need consequences for males who are responsible for the situation.
You mean there should be a system where men take care of women they impregnate?

Thought you were against all the biblical marriage stuff.
NO, It's like this, no matter what Trump says, he's always guilty to you.
He’s already been found guilty of fraud and sexual assault, Now he’s going on trial for felonies . Wtf are you talking about ?
not really but you may play character assassin all you like it's best to let the kids play.
I didn't assassinate anyone's character. I just know from experience from reading your posts, that you don't like Trump.
I didn't assassinate anyone's character. I just know from experience from reading your posts, that you don't like Trump.
Yep, ever since he tried to railroad innocent men in a rape case in NYC...I don't like him because he has a bad reputation and is not a guy I would want to like.
Sorry I deleted that post I made however, Trump is not guilty on any crime Democrats currently want to hang him with.
There are prisons full of innocent people, in fact, they are all innocent...

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