Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

The legislative proposals appear necessary as a way to move back to being a moral nation. What happened in Ohio needs to be prevented from happening elsewhere. These women will even cross borders to get abortions.

---Legislative efforts in Missouri and Mississippi are attempting to prevent voters from having a say over abortion rights, building on anti-abortion strategies seen in other states, including last year in Ohio.---

---Texas woman who sought court permission for abortion leaves state for the procedure, attorneys say---

It's high time we take tax exemption away from organized religion.
Sorry, as much as I hate seeing an abortion, I don't know where red state's minds are at not even allowing them when the mother's life is at risk! If there is a risk to the mother or something gone really bad with the baby, why would you deny the mother the necessary medical procedure to stay safe?

That is just plain stupid and sometimes it seems like republicans go out of their way to hand democrats a winning strategy for the next election.
You live under a rock ? Fraud and sexual abuse are part of Trumps permanent court records…he’s been found GUILTY OF BOTH.

You must HAVE a rock in your head. Trump has been found guilty of nothing that won't be overturned on appeal once he gets a fair hearing without an anti-Trumper judge, an anti-Trumper prosecutor, a never-Trumping jury, and a paid-for "victim" whose case doesn't hold an ounce of water.
You must HAVE a rock in your head. Trump has been found guilty of nothing that won't be overturned on appeal once he gets a fair hearing without an anti-Trumper judge, an anti-Trumper prosecutor, a never-Trumping jury, and a paid-for "victim" whose case doesn't hold an ounce of water.
You are stupid aren’t you ? He just paid 83 million in damages to a woman he defamed after being a judged guilty for sexual abuse. He lost his charity status, is waiting for the fines for already ajudged guilty for state tax fraud.

Now lie, and then claim you’re too dumb to read.
You are stupid aren’t you ?
No I'm actually pretty smart. Tested in the 99th percentile in 1st or 2nd grade. You?

He just paid 83 million in damages to a woman he defamed
He has not paid her one dime and will be overturning that ridiculous decision on appeal.

fines for already ajudged guilty for state tax fraud.
Another drumhead never-Trumper rigged democrat show trial that will be defeated.

Grow up. None of that ever happened, dingbat.
that won't be overturned on appeal once he gets a fair
Oh so you’re admitting
No I'm actually pretty smart. Tested in the 99th percentile in 1st or 2nd grade. You?

He has not paid her one dime and will be overturning that ridiculous decision on appeal.

Another drumhead never-Trumper rigged democrat show trial that will be defeated.

Grow up. None of that ever happened, dingbat.
So you ding bats now admit, he’s been found guilty….but it’s going to be overturned ?
Hey dufus, the charity fraud, the Trump university fraud the tax fraud and the guilty vertices for sex abuse have run their course. There is no appeal for ANY IT DUFUS
Wow….you’re so smart in the first grade you forgot which grade it was……hilarious.
I hear you’re the second best student in your HS class, but EVERYONE else was tied for first.
Good grief, what a simpleton
Unless it’s rape, the woman should be more responsible.if she doesn’t want children, do something to prevent pregnancy.
It doesn’t matter; incest and statutory rape of a minor has NOTHING to do with thinking a child should be more responsible…..what a silly post. Thousands of girl children are now going to school, PREGNANT in states with abortion bans….and you are responsible.
Oh so you’re admitting
Don't try to change the meaning of what I said, Sock. I said NOTHING THAT WON'T BE CHANGED ON APPEAL, meaning that it WILL be overturned.

So you ding bats now admit, he’s been found guilty….
Go fuck yourself, asswipe.

the Trump university fraud
A few democrat plants took Trump's business course and were predictably not satisfied and got a refund. All these other cases are baseless and will be beaten. Two of the prime cases are falling apart right now as we speak. Fanni Willis might be going to jail--- certainly lose her job. It is all being funded by foreigners intent to keep Trump out of office so the gravy train of US dollars to them doesn't get interrupted.

As usual, your claims are two floors below being stupid. Are you a chinese plant?
I mean, having the idea to kill your unborn baby is pretty fucked up, psychotic even. But if you normalize it, then pretty soon the limp-brained morons will start rationalizing it and doing it. What's more, the disparate impact abortion has on minority groups is shocking.

Clearly, abortion is a fucked up institution. And only fucked up people support and run fucked up institutions.
You’re a perfect example of why stupidity has no bounds
Go fuck yourself, asswipe.
That’s it ! Short hand for, you were typically wrong and full of shit.
incest and statutory rape of a minor
Are we speaking of Joe or Hunter Biden?


hunter jail 33.png

Thousands of girl children are now going to school, PREGNANT
Welcome to Biden's America. Maybe democrats should teach them and their parents to be responsible instead of just treating human life like it was an unwanted leftover Big Mac.
You’re a perfect example of why stupidity has no bounds
And you are a perfect example of boundless lying.

That’s it ! Short hand for, you were typically wrong and full of shit.
That's it! Shorty hand for you ARE nothing but shit.
Meanwhile, the career criminal, chinese-owned treasonous child molester laughs at you in the White House.

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