Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

There are prisons full of innocent people, in fact, they are all innocent...
Yes, the J6 protesters are among the innocent that are currently jailed. We can correct that by electing Trump who has been persecuted for pointing out Democrat/Obama/Biden election fraud.
Yes, the J6 protesters are among the innocent that are currently jailed. We can correct that by electing Trump who has been persecuted for pointing out Democrat/Obama/Biden election fraud.
Pointing it out but failing to prove anything substantial in a court of law. The J6ers broke dat law so they are paying a price.
Pointing it out but failing to prove anything substantial in a court of law. The J6ers broke dat law so they are paying a price.
Fake radical leftist courts who dismissed the cases without looking at any evidence. J6ers are political prisoners. They challenged the dictatorial D.C. State's 'blessing' of the election. Questioning the State is always VERBOTEN!!! in fascist states.
Sorry I deleted that post I made however, Trump is not guilty of any crime Democrats currently want to hang him with.
Trump has already been found guilty of at least 2 counts of fraud and sexual misconduct. He’s already admitted to gross sexual contact. He’s been found guilty of defrauding the state gov of NY in tax evasion. He’s been impeached twice and is on trial for being a traitor to the country.
No one has taken a woman's and man's choice away, they just need to make their choice before conceiving. It's the get out route that has been taken away. No one is obliged to perform an abortion, and if the law prevents all from performing an abortion, then the women and men need to take responsibility for their choices/actions. And when you fail to put a simple choice in the right place, you can all too often be gifted with a surprise, called a baby.

Life isn't kind, never has been, never will be. So when the rape card is played, the figures involved are less than 1%.
Would you let a 12 year old adopt a baby?

Then why would you force a 12 year old to have a baby?
Trump has already been found guilty of at least 2 counts of fraud and sexual misconduct. He’s already admitted to gross sexual contact. He’s been found guilty of defrauding the state gov of NY in tax evasion. He’s been impeached twice and is on trial for being a traitor to the country.
Does it really make a difference? Joe is as dirty as they come. It is how each of us looks at the person and their politics. Joe does not even believe in them. Power and money.
Fake radical leftist courts who dismissed the cases without looking at any evidence. J6ers are political prisoners. They challenged the dictatorial D.C. State's 'blessing' of the election. Questioning the State is always VERBOTEN!!! in fascist states.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, puzzy.
Does it really make a difference? Joe is as dirty as they come. It is how each of us looks at the person and their politics. Joe does not even believe in them. Power and money.
That’s just babble on your part. Trump has been found guilty in a court being a #cum bag.
The legislative proposals appear necessary as a way to move back to being a moral nation. What happened in Ohio needs to be prevented from happening elsewhere. These women will even cross borders to get abortions.

---Legislative efforts in Missouri and Mississippi are attempting to prevent voters from having a say over abortion rights, building on anti-abortion strategies seen in other states, including last year in Ohio.---

---Texas woman who sought court permission for abortion leaves state for the procedure, attorneys say---


I mean, having the idea to kill your unborn baby is pretty fucked up, psychotic even. But if you normalize it, then pretty soon the limp-brained morons will start rationalizing it and doing it. What's more, the disparate impact abortion has on minority groups is shocking.

Clearly, abortion is a fucked up institution. And only fucked up people support and run fucked up institutions.
Trump has already been found guilty of at least 2 counts of fraud and sexual misconduct. He’s already admitted to gross sexual contact. He’s been found guilty of defrauding the state gov of NY in tax evasion. He’s been impeached twice and is on trial for being a traitor to the country.

Funny there's no criminal conversations

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