Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

All you can do is make up shit, while we have Trumps own words doing sexual abuse.

Look at the fool! Going back 40 years ago to a video that Trump publicly and freely made about how girls in fashion contests threw themselves at people. But Trump never said that he PERSONALLY did anything improper, that any girl was unwilling, nor that you have proof otherwise.

PROVE ME WRONG, butthole.

It still sure beats Biden showering with his daughter as SHE SAYS herself.

Biden is a child molester. Proven 1000X over.

Look at the fool! Going back 40 years ago to a video that Trump publicly and freely made about how girls in fashion contests threw themselves at people. But Trump never said that he PERSONALLY did anything improper, that any girl was unwilling, nor that you have proof otherwise.

PROVE ME WRONG, butthole.

It still sure beats Biden showering with his daughter as SHE SAYS herself.

Biden is a child molester. Proven 1000X over.

Prove me wrong ? You can’t prove anything about Biden.
And, you were already FOS about Trump being found guilty of fraud and sexual abuse. How many times does anyone need to claim you‘re a lying sack of feces.
Look at the fool! Going back 40 years ago to a video that Trump publicly and freely made about how girls in fashion contests threw themselves at people. But Trump never said that he PERSONALLY did anything improper, that any girl was unwilling, nor that you have proof otherwise.

PROVE ME WRONG, butthole.

It still sure beats Biden showering with his daughter as SHE SAYS herself.

Biden is a child molester. Proven 1000X over.

Btw, it’s still sexual abuse stupid that he’s admitting to. Dumb ass.
No I'm actually pretty smart. Tested in the 99th percentile in 1st or 2nd grade. You?

He has not paid her one dime and will be overturning that ridiculous decision on appeal.

Another drumhead never-Trumper rigged democrat show trial that will be defeated.

Grow up. None of that ever happened, dingbat.
so you’re depending upon appeals that aren’t coming to show you aren’t a liar…
It doesn’t matter; incest and statutory rape of a minor has NOTHING to do with thinking a child should be more responsible…..what a silly post. Thousands of girl children are now going to school, PREGNANT in states with abortion bans….and you are responsible.
I didn’t say children, I said women.
The old America you and others on the right want back is an America of fear, ignorance, and stupidity; of separate and unequal; of return to back of the bus; and of political participation for white men only.

Are you black or just stupid...or maybe a progtard full of emotions?

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