Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

The old America you and others on the right want back is an America of fear, ignorance, and stupidity; of separate and unequal; of return to back of the bus; and of political participation for white men only.
Knowing who should run America is ignorance?
Female children that are victims of incest and statutory rape are getting pregnant at alarming rates in red abortion prohibited states. ….is your advice to them the same ? Show self control. Or, are you just going to deny it is happening.
These things existed in all human history. It takes a lot of things to reduce it. One of those things was a much stronger nuclear hetero family. Even if there were problems. We have an anything goes sexualized society now and you type that?
These things existed in all human history. It takes a lot of things to reduce it. One of those things was a much stronger nuclear hetero family. Even if there were problems. We have an anything goes sexualized society now and you type that?
Meanwhile, thousands of children are having children due to rape and incest. Sounds like a plot to increase the gop voting block.
If we're going to force a 12 year old to carry a child created thru rape then she is owed a big taxpayer check of 50 grand just to get started.
If you want to end abortion then encourage young people to hold off on marriage until well after they are.financially independent and don't need to work with a spouse to make ends meet. Late 30s is a good age. Secondly, encourage those who have any doubts to hold off on kids in their 20s. Be smart and patriotic and use Co traception so unwanted pregnancies don't happen.
If you want to end abortion then encourage young people to hold off on marriage until well after they are.financially independent and don't need to work with a spouse to make ends meet. Late 30s is a good age. Secondly, encourage those who have any doubts to hold off on kids in their 20s. Be smart and patriotic and use Co traception so unwanted pregnancies don't happen.
Unfortunately, many of these same people are vehemently against both teaching and providing birth control
You are stupid aren’t you ? He just paid 83 million in damages to a woman he defamed after being a judged guilty for sexual abuse. He lost his charity status, is waiting for the fines for already ajudged guilty for state tax fraud.

Now lie, and then claim you’re too dumb to read.
As a reminder, the tax case penalty should be coming down literally any day now.
As a reminder, the tax case penalty should be coming down literally any day now.
Penalty only. That doesn’t change his guilty verdicts. Only the sentencing. Not only that, but several of the fraud cases are closed and he’s already paid and just waiting to see if he can ever do real-estate business in New York
Now, we’re moving on to criminal charges.
Penalty ? That doesn’t change his guilty verdicts. Only the sentencing. Not only that, but two of the fraud cases are closed and he’s already paid.
Now, we’re moving on to criminal charges.
My point is that his businesses are looking down the barrel of a $300MM judgement, and the collectors are soon come callin...
You're not questioning why an underage person is having sex?

Did you know, the Nazis killed fewer babies than pro abortionists. Proven fact! Let that sink in.
Ridiculous argument….Nazis were killing millions including adults, women and children. Let that sink in. As a supporter of a Nazi follower, you should know.
If you want to end abortion then encourage young people to hold off on marriage until well after they are.financially independent and don't need to work with a spouse to make ends meet. Late 30s is a good age. Secondly, encourage those who have any doubts to hold off on kids in their 20s. Be smart and patriotic and use Co traception so unwanted pregnancies don't happen.
God couldn't wait why should his creation?

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