women failing Marine Corps combat course....

women pilots have not fought in air to air combat.....till then we won't know how they perform as combat pilots.....
I believe the did, for the USSR, in WWII.

Not that the women of the GOUSA could go toe to toe with a good Russian girl of peasant stock.
A ground combat leader must be able to carry their pack their ammo and then maybe a wounded soldier, lowering the standards is the worst idea to come down the pike in forever.
Just use more of them.

So what if women suffer higher casualties than men, PC must be served.

Hell, we should just have an all girl war.

Maybe turn loose an all female army on ISIS.

Would that be PC as Hell!!!!
women pilots have not fought in air to air combat.....till then we won't know how they perform as combat pilots.....

Bullshit. Women flew fighters and attack planes in WW2.

Also note: one of the best snipers of WW2 was a Russian woman.
women pilots have not fought in air to air combat.....till then we won't know how they perform as combat pilots.....

Bullshit. Women flew fighters and attack planes in WW2.

Also note: one of the best snipers of WW2 was a Russian woman.
Not in the west. The Soviets may have but all women flew in the west was moving aircraft from build location to forward areas.
women pilots have not fought in air to air combat.....till then we won't know how they perform as combat pilots.....

Bullshit. Women flew fighters and attack planes in WW2.

Also note: one of the best snipers of WW2 was a Russian woman.
Not in the west. The Soviets may have but all women flew in the west was moving aircraft from build location to forward areas.
Because they were not allowed to do combat.

While there is definately a differance in physical ability between women and men, I have seen many women that could easily outshoot most men. And, growing up in Eastern Oregon among the ranches there, there were a lot of the girls that grew up on those ranchs that could physically outperform most men today.
women pilots have not fought in air to air combat.....till then we won't know how they perform as combat pilots.....

Bullshit. Women flew fighters and attack planes in WW2.

Also note: one of the best snipers of WW2 was a Russian woman.
Not in the west. The Soviets may have but all women flew in the west was moving aircraft from build location to forward areas.
Because they were not allowed to do combat.

While there is definately a differance in physical ability between women and men, I have seen many women that could easily outshoot most men. And, growing up in Eastern Oregon among the ranches there, there were a lot of the girls that grew up on those ranchs that could physically outperform most men today.
And yet not one woman has passed the course and the Executive Branch is likely to try and force the Marines to lower the standards.
The dept of Navy is set to spend a good part of this year debating on whether to allow women into SEAL training
I hope if none of them pass...That this government will come to its senses and stop this shit.
women pilots have not fought in air to air combat.....till then we won't know how they perform as combat pilots.....

Actually they have. ABS's assertion that they are better is totally false, but they can make good combat pilots.

Lydia Litvyak
Born 18 Aug 1921
Died 1 Aug 1943
Country Russia
Category Air
Gender Female

Contributor: C. Peter Chen
Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak, also known as Lily Litvak, was born in Moscow, Russia. At age 14, she entered a club of flight enthusiasts, and by 15 she was piloting small aircraft. In the late 1930s, she earned a flight instructor license.

After Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Litvyak attempted to join a military aviation unit, but was initially turned down for lack of experience; she forged her records by adding an additional 100 hours of flight time, and was eventually admitted into the 586th Fighter Regiment consisted of all female pilots. She trained in a Yak-1 fighter with a white lily (mistaken for a rose) painted on the side of the fuselage. In the summer of 1942, the 586th Fighter Regiment flew over Saratov, Russia, where the blonde-haired, grey-eyed young pilot flew her first combat flight. In Sep 1942, she was transferred into the mixed-sex 437th Fighter Regiment at Stalingrad in southern Russia. Her chauvinistic commander initially refused to let her fly, but finally backed down largely due to the demands of the war. On 13 Sep 1942, she flew her second combat mission in a La-5 fighter; she shot down a Ju 88 bomber and an unidentified fighter, marking her first and second kills of her career. She quickly gained the nick name "the White Rose of Stalingrad", referring to the mis-identified lily found on her training fighter.

Lydia Litvyak World War II Database

Marina Raskova and the Soviet Women Pilots of World War II
As everyone knows, women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. They deserve equal opportunity but most fail when competing against men whether it is in the marines or the science laboratory or the corporate boardroom.

Hence the constant call from liberals for "special treatment" for women.
Standards should not be lowered.

If a woman, or any man for that matter, cannot meet the physical fitness requirements, and can't go through with the physical training, than they just don't have what it takes, and should find something else to do with their lives.

Tough luck.

I agree...if they meet the standards, fine. If not...too bad.
Have you considered the FACT that women make better pilots than men? It's been proven many times, and as a matter of fact, I've seen it myself.

I've seen a woman outfly a man in an FA-18, and I saw her do it well.


HAHAHA. What a stupid argument, you moron. Hell - there are some women who can bench press more than some men. What does that prove?
Standards should not be lowered.

If a woman, or any man for that matter, cannot meet the physical fitness requirements, and can't go through with the physical training, than they just don't have what it takes, and should find something else to do with their lives.

Tough luck.

I agree...if they meet the standards, fine. If not...too bad.

But we all know that will not be the case. People will complain, people will sue, and sticking to your guns (so to speak) is far harder than knuckling under and letting the people in the next conflict deal with the consequences.
Quick question for all you testosterone laden males who have posted on this thread...............

Have you considered the FACT that women make better pilots than men? It's been proven many times, and as a matter of fact, I've seen it myself.

I've seen a woman outfly a man in an FA-18, and I saw her do it well.

Me personally? I'm glad women are in the military, and sorry, but there are many other things that can help on the battlefield other than brute strength.
That is an absurd claim. If they were so much better, they would fill the ranks of the Blue Angels every year. The truth is women are no better than men when it comes to piloting. Statistically speaking, they are worse, but that's likely because more men are interested in becoming pilots than women, which is why there are more of them. The fact that you saw a woman "outfly" a man is meaningless, and for the record, how the fuck would you "see" it happen? I worked on F/A-18s for years and never was able to "see" them fly. Sure I could see planes up in the air, but you aren't seeing anything other than a tiny spec way up in the air.

Actually, if you have a Secret clearance and are on good terms with the pilots (like I was with VFA-131), then they will take you places and let you see some of the good stuff. In Key West where we did fighter training, there is a room that has real time connections to the range where the pilots are doing their combat training, and there are "dummy" Sidewinder missiles that they load on the wings that transmit back their location and altitude in real time. Got to watch a few pilots go up against each other from that place.

Matter of fact, I've even been allowed to fly the "dome" over at Cecil Field on occasion. It's a mock FA-18 from the LEX forward that is in a spherical room where computers project onto the walls and, according to the pilots, it's as close as flying the real thing as you can get to on the ground. Unfortunate side effect of it though is around 30 min after exiting the simulator, you can end up with a case of really bad vertigo that lasts about 15 min.
Quick question for all you testosterone laden males who have posted on this thread...............

Have you considered the FACT that women make better pilots than men? It's been proven many times, and as a matter of fact, I've seen it myself.

I've seen a woman outfly a man in an FA-18, and I saw her do it well.

Me personally? I'm glad women are in the military, and sorry, but there are many other things that can help on the battlefield other than brute strength.
You misunderstand me. My post is entirely serious. I would prefer an all female US Armed Forces, ideally homosexual and with women of color. Obviously this won't ever be 100% but the closer it moves towards that goal of integration and diversity the better.

So you really want an armed force that discriminates against all men- because you believe in a goal of 'integration and diversity'?

How idiotic.

Look- I am all in favor of integration of the armed forces- but everyone has to pass the same physical endurance test. If you can't pass it, then you don't go into the combat groups.
Quick question for all you testosterone laden males who have posted on this thread...............

Have you considered the FACT that women make better pilots than men? It's been proven many times, and as a matter of fact, I've seen it myself.

I've seen a woman outfly a man in an FA-18, and I saw her do it well.

Me personally? I'm glad women are in the military, and sorry, but there are many other things that can help on the battlefield other than brute strength.
That is an absurd claim. If they were so much better, they would fill the ranks of the Blue Angels every year. The truth is women are no better than men when it comes to piloting. Statistically speaking, they are worse, but that's likely because more men are interested in becoming pilots than women, which is why there are more of them. The fact that you saw a woman "outfly" a man is meaningless, and for the record, how the fuck would you "see" it happen? I worked on F/A-18s for years and never was able to "see" them fly. Sure I could see planes up in the air, but you aren't seeing anything other than a tiny spec way up in the air.

Actually, if you have a Secret clearance and are on good terms with the pilots (like I was with VFA-131), then they will take you places and let you see some of the good stuff. In Key West where we did fighter training, there is a room that has real time connections to the range where the pilots are doing their combat training, and there are "dummy" Sidewinder missiles that they load on the wings that transmit back their location and altitude in real time. Got to watch a few pilots go up against each other from that place.

Matter of fact, I've even been allowed to fly the "dome" over at Cecil Field on occasion. It's a mock FA-18 from the LEX forward that is in a spherical room where computers project onto the walls and, according to the pilots, it's as close as flying the real thing as you can get to on the ground. Unfortunate side effect of it though is around 30 min after exiting the simulator, you can end up with a case of really bad vertigo that lasts about 15 min.
So it was THAT limited experience that led to to delcare that "women are better pilots than men"? I once saw a kid hit a hole in one at the put-put-golf course in my town, so now im going to decalre that kids are better at golf then grown ups.
Quick question for all you testosterone laden males who have posted on this thread...............

Have you considered the FACT that women make better pilots than men? It's been proven many times, and as a matter of fact, I've seen it myself.

I've seen a woman outfly a man in an FA-18, and I saw her do it well.

Me personally? I'm glad women are in the military, and sorry, but there are many other things that can help on the battlefield other than brute strength.
You misunderstand me. My post is entirely serious. I would prefer an all female US Armed Forces, ideally homosexual and with women of color. Obviously this won't ever be 100% but the closer it moves towards that goal of integration and diversity the better.

So you really want an armed force that discriminates against all men- because you believe in a goal of 'integration and diversity'?

How idiotic.

Look- I am all in favor of integration of the armed forces- but everyone has to pass the same physical endurance test. If you can't pass it, then you don't go into the combat groups.
So diversity and integration is idiotic? Thanks for exposing yourself as a bigoted shitlord. Maybe the existing physical endurance test standards are sexist, racist, and homophobic, did you think about that? You got a problem with changing them to address the obvious disparity?
Quick question for all you testosterone laden males who have posted on this thread...............

Have you considered the FACT that women make better pilots than men? It's been proven many times, and as a matter of fact, I've seen it myself.

I've seen a woman outfly a man in an FA-18, and I saw her do it well.

Me personally? I'm glad women are in the military, and sorry, but there are many other things that can help on the battlefield other than brute strength.
That is an absurd claim. If they were so much better, they would fill the ranks of the Blue Angels every year. The truth is women are no better than men when it comes to piloting. Statistically speaking, they are worse, but that's likely because more men are interested in becoming pilots than women, which is why there are more of them. The fact that you saw a woman "outfly" a man is meaningless, and for the record, how the fuck would you "see" it happen? I worked on F/A-18s for years and never was able to "see" them fly. Sure I could see planes up in the air, but you aren't seeing anything other than a tiny spec way up in the air.

Actually, if you have a Secret clearance and are on good terms with the pilots (like I was with VFA-131), then they will take you places and let you see some of the good stuff. In Key West where we did fighter training, there is a room that has real time connections to the range where the pilots are doing their combat training, and there are "dummy" Sidewinder missiles that they load on the wings that transmit back their location and altitude in real time. Got to watch a few pilots go up against each other from that place.

Matter of fact, I've even been allowed to fly the "dome" over at Cecil Field on occasion. It's a mock FA-18 from the LEX forward that is in a spherical room where computers project onto the walls and, according to the pilots, it's as close as flying the real thing as you can get to on the ground. Unfortunate side effect of it though is around 30 min after exiting the simulator, you can end up with a case of really bad vertigo that lasts about 15 min.
So it was THAT limited experience that led to to delcare that "women are better pilots than men"? I once saw a kid hit a hole in one at the put-put-golf course in my town, so now im going to decalre that kids are better at golf then grown ups.

Actually, it was after seeing a female fly a male into the ground that I got interested in the physical differences (and strengths) between males and females, which led me into researching the various studies comparing the two.

Females are better at spatial relationships (meaning what is closest to me and what is farther away) that is very useful in a dogfight.

Women are better able to handle pain, and can focus better under stress. Again.....useful traits when in a dogfight.

I guess you never got invited to witness a dogfight on the training range, nor did you ever get to spend time in a simulator.

Sorry about your bad luck.

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