Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

Talk about a strawman.
Yeah, women would never give up their make up, shoes and clothes because they do that for each other. They are competing for men and the prettiest and smartest (as defined by females) get the successful men. It's Father nature. Men compete with each other for the most healthy, best looking, strong, women capable of carrying and raising children. Transgenders need not apply.
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Women and minorities have received civil rights help because they have been I justly oppressed. Do you not think transsexuals fall into a group that has been and still is oppressed by our society?

“Transgenders” are just perverts and nutcases. Refusing to play along with their insane delusions, refusing to treat their delusions as reality, is not oppression.

Whatever ills they suffer, they bring upon themselves by denying objective reality and by demanding that the rest of us pander to their madness and lies.
Thank you displaying your ignorance. I rest my case

You Just proved my case

“Transgenders” are just perverts and nutcases. Refusing to play along with their insane delusions, refusing to treat their delusions as reality, is not oppression.

Whatever ills they suffer, they bring upon themselves by denying objective reality and by demanding that the rest of us pander to their madness and lies.
Absolutely correct. Transgenderism is denial of nature and reality. It is an adverse mental condition sometimes defined as gender dysphoria. It is a handicap which could probably be curable if it is recognized as an aberrant condition.
You Just proved my case

Only in your mind. What I proved was that you are comparing people that can't help the way they were born to people that easily have the option on how to conduct themselves in public and yes, change themselves as they see fit.
“Transgenders” are just perverts and nutcases. Refusing to play along with their insane delusions, refusing to treat their delusions as reality, is not oppression.

Whatever ills they suffer, they bring upon themselves by denying objective reality and by demanding that the rest of us pander to their madness and lies.
You dodged my question
Women like being judged on their appearance just like men who love to judge them. Women spend hours with the makeup, hair, eyelashes, to to make themselves more physically beautiful. Those that have the gift of extreme beauty should make the best of it, just like women who are not beautiful but very intelligent do the same. It's less the cards God gave you to play this game, it's how you play it that counts.

Well, no, SOME women like it, or at least are okay with it. Ugly women, on the other hand, are outraged by it.
“Transgenders” are just perverts and nutcases. Refusing to play along with their insane delusions, refusing to treat their delusions as reality, is not oppression.

Whatever ills they suffer, they bring upon themselves by denying objective reality and by demanding that the rest of us pander to their madness and lies.

Okay, you just kind of justified oppression of Mormons from 1825 to 1857.

Joseph Smith and his followers engaged in insane delusions and did perverted things like polygamy....

So whatever ills they suffered, they brought upon themselves.

Waiting for Mormon Bob to tell me how that was different.

Okay, you just kind of justified oppression of Mormons from 1825 to 1857.

Joseph Smith and his followers engaged in insane delusions and did perverted things like polygamy....

So whatever ills they suffered, they brought upon themselves.

Waiting for Mormon Bob to tell me how that was different.

View attachment 621939
Interesting to see where you choose to draw your lines of decency...
Interesting to see where you choose to draw your lines of decency...

Oh, quite.

Mormons are an evil cult. They always have been.

On the other hand, transgenders don't really bother me all that much.

But Mormon Bob has gotten on here several times complaining about how his people were oppressed in the 19th century (leaving out such things as Danite Terror Squads and the Kirkland Bank Scandal), when he has said that it's perfectly okay to oppress people who live an unconventional lifestyle.
Oh, quite.

Mormons are an evil cult. They always have been.

On the other hand, transgenders don't really bother me all that much.

But Mormon Bob has gotten on here several times complaining about how his people were oppressed in the 19th century (leaving out such things as Danite Terror Squads and the Kirkland Bank Scandal), when he has said that it's perfectly okay to oppress people who live an unconventional lifestyle.
So... If consenting adults can enter into man, on man, man on woman, woman on woman marriages... Where is your beef with consenting polygamy? After all... You declared that it was "perverted". Who told you that? And why do you believe it?
So... If consenting adults can enter into man, on man, man on woman, woman on woman marriages... Where is your beef with consenting polygamy? After all... You declared that it was "perverted". Who told you that? And why do you believe it?

I really don't have a problem with polygamy per se, although I generally consider marriage itself as an outdated institution.

I do have a huge problem with the way it was practiced by 19th century Mormons and the way Mormon Splinter groups continue to practice it today. Intimidating underaged girls to marry old men because God will punish you if you don't is kind of twisted and messed up.

I could also throw in a crack about how God suddenly told the Prophet of the Mormon Church, Wilford Woodruff, that Polygamy was bad when they found out that Utah could only get into the Union if they outlawed it. So where was God up to that point? Did he just not notice his previous prophets were keeping little harems?

Of course, Mormonism is a boatload of crazy - baptizing dead people, blood atonement, magic underwear, and a bunch of other stuff they don't like to talk about at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast when they try to pass themselves off as a mainline church.

I'm a believer in Freedom. If being a Mormon Cultist makes Bob happy, I'm all for it. If dressing like a chick makes a trans person happy, no issues from me.
This instance is sad.

But, overall, feminism is working great. The differences in the way women are treated, even in my lifetime is great. Add in the 50 or 60 years prior to that and it is nothing short of phenomenal.
Feminism is an entirely different issue than gender dysphoria, which, in my view, has turned into a fad.
Okay, you just kind of justified oppression of Mormons from 1825 to 1857.
Interesting to see where you choose to draw your lines of decency...

It's always been a very strong, consistent pattern with Incel Joe, that it always openly, unabashedly takes the side of the very lowest filth of subhumnaity, against decent human beings. Always.

Wherever you find the interests of criminals, perverts, terrorists, traitors, other other subhuman filth, in conflict with the interests of actual human beings, Incel Joe is there, standing with the subhuman filth.

In a way, its intense hatred of my faith is a compliment to it. If my faith were really as degenerate and depraved as Incel Joe tries to paint it as being, then it would be one of our most enthusiastic supporters.
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