Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

Nope, they are people. Frankly, Crime is something that is uniquely human... only humans create laws that other humans break. The animal kingdom doesn't care that much.

The ability to know right from wrong, good from evil, is one of the essential characteristics that distinguishes human beings from lesser animals.

The majority commit crimes because they are in a bad place in their lives.


Criminals commit crimes, because they have made the willful choice to discard their humanity, and to behave as lesser animals.
The ability to know right from wrong, good from evil, is one of the essential characteristics that distinguishes human beings from lesser animals.


Criminals commit crimes, because they have made the willful choice to discard their humanity, and to behave as lesser animals.

The party of excuses with the left. Blame poverty, blame not enough funding to schools, blame our free society that doesn't provide free advanced education, blame racism, but never blame the individuals.

My father and his five siblings grew up poor in a house with no indoor plumbing or electricity. When they became adults the men joined the armed forces and the women got married and raised their family. Not one of them ever spent a day in jail and were all law abiding citizens. Two of my Uncles from my fathers side had their own businesses.

In a rich country like the US, crime is committed because of opportunity and not out of necessity. Nobody needs to be breaking the law to survive here. We have jobs, education, contraception, a host of welfare programs and the only people that go hungry here are those who made bad decisions in life or their offspring.

The left cries about us being able to have firearms, but the only way we could actually get rid of our guns is if we got rid of Democrats first. Without Democrats in our country, we wouldn't need our guns.

Women need to pay the price for this idiotic nonsense. I hope everything they have gets destroyed and they remember who is to blame for it.

98% of people aren't going to get an athletic scholarship.

on the other hand far more women are going to need contraception, equal protection in the workplace or freedom from sexual harassment.
The ability to know right from wrong, good from evil, is one of the essential characteristics that distinguishes human beings from lesser animals.

Um, okay. Here's the problem with that argument. "right and wrong' change over time. Slavery was considered "right" for most of history. Witchburning was considered "right" for much of history. Eating the wrong kinds of food or wearing certain clothing was considered "Wrong"... until they changed fashions and tastes.


Criminals commit crimes, because they have made the willful choice to discard their humanity, and to behave as lesser animals.

Actually, that assumes that humans are a 'greater" animal. Animals don't rape. They don't start wars. They don't have slaves. They don't practice racism. They don't go around murdering each other for worshiping the wrong imaginary pixie in the sky.

It's why we like our cats and dogs more than we like most people. People are kind of shit.


The party of excuses with the left. Blame poverty, blame not enough funding to schools, blame our free society that doesn't provide free advanced education, blame racism, but never blame the individuals.

Because, you know, all those things are factors. I doubt you personally have ever been desperate in your life. Neither have I, for that matter.

My father and his five siblings grew up poor in a house with no indoor plumbing or electricity. When they became adults the men joined the armed forces and the women got married and raised their family. Not one of them ever spent a day in jail and were all law abiding citizens. Two of my Uncles from my fathers side had their own businesses.

That's nice. Completely pointless to the issue, but nice. Hey, living in the past must have SUCKED big time. But here's the reality. The crime rates in the 1930's were a LOT higher than they are now. Between the Depression and Prohibition, there was just a lot of crime.

In a rich country like the US, crime is committed because of opportunity and not out of necessity. Nobody needs to be breaking the law to survive here. We have jobs, education, contraception, a host of welfare programs and the only people that go hungry here are those who made bad decisions in life or their offspring.

No, in a rich country like any in Europe, they don't have these problems because they don't have easy access to guns, grinding poverty, racism (but mostly because they are mono-cultures), addiction being treated as a criminal problem rather than a medical one, or the mentally ill being allowed to wander without treatment. Most rich countries get this right.

Except for ours.

The left cries about us being able to have firearms, but the only way we could actually get rid of our guns is if we got rid of Democrats first. Without Democrats in our country, we wouldn't need our guns.
Naw, you'd probably still need to "compensate" for your "shortcomings".
No, in a rich country like any in Europe, they don't have these problems because they don't have easy access to guns, grinding poverty, racism (but mostly because they are mono-cultures), addiction being treated as a criminal problem rather than a medical one, or the mentally ill being allowed to wander without treatment. Most rich countries get this right.

Except for ours.

Mostly white countries have less crime like mostly white areas in the US. You only want to use one factor like guns as if they force a person to commit crimes. If you know anybody that does have a gun, ask them to place that gun somewhere where nobody will move it, and see if it moves by itself in a week. The irony here is you are sticking up for the criminals and bashing the guns, and still can't figure it out yet.

That's nice. Completely pointless to the issue, but nice. Hey, living in the past must have SUCKED big time. But here's the reality. The crime rates in the 1930's were a LOT higher than they are now. Between the Depression and Prohibition, there was just a lot of crime.

Because those crimes were for survival, not because we had more criminals. There is zero reason to commit crimes in our country today. Lock em up.
Mostly white countries have less crime like mostly white areas in the US. You only want to use one factor like guns as if they force a person to commit crimes. If you know anybody that does have a gun, ask them to place that gun somewhere where nobody will move it, and see if it moves by itself in a week. The irony here is you are sticking up for the criminals and bashing the guns, and still can't figure it out yet.

I actually listed FIVE factors, of which gun proliferation was one of them. (The others being addiction, mental illness, racism and poverty).

Nobody is "sticking up for criminals", but it is nice to see you be open about your racism.

I agree, if you put a gun by itself, it won't do anything. That's why we need to collect all the guns and make sure no one else can get one.

Because those crimes were for survival, not because we had more criminals. There is zero reason to commit crimes in our country today. Lock em up.

Actually, we have crime for the same reasons then we have it now- Poverty, racism, addiction, easy access to guns. The difference is they did something about that back then, by passing laws and starting programs. Programs the GOP has been trying to dismantle since Tricky Dick.

The Europeans and Japanese don't lock that many people. they don't have to. Their prisons are for the truly sociopathic. We lock up kids for petty crimes, turn them into lifetime unemployables and wonder why we have a crime problem.

Follow the money. See who is getting rich from this bad policy.
Looks like a dude posing as a woman to me. Who the hell were the judges, Joe and Hunter Biden?
Nobody is "sticking up for criminals", but it is nice to see you be open about your racism.

When have you ever not been “stickling up for criminals”?

Without exception, every time I've seen you participating in any discussion on the subject, you are always taking the side of subhuman criminal shit, against the side of human beings. Always. I have never seen you do otherwise, not even once.

By the way, criminals are not a race, so it is not in any rational sense, racist, to believe that human beings deserve to be protected from criminals.

Of course, being on the side of criminals, and almost certainly being a criminal yourself (otherwise, why would you so staunchly take that side), you hate actual human beings, and believe that your kind should be free to prey on us with impunity
I actually listed FIVE factors, of which gun proliferation was one of them. (The others being addiction, mental illness, racism and poverty).

Nobody is "sticking up for criminals", but it is nice to see you be open about your racism.

I agree, if you put a gun by itself, it won't do anything. That's why we need to collect all the guns and make sure no one else can get one.

You and your side always stick up for criminals. The left are nothing but disciples of Satan. You do his evil work every day. If you disarm law abiding citizens, then we end up with a society where only the criminals and cops have the guns because the criminals will always get their hands on them just like they get their hands on deadly recreational narcotics today. The Communists know this, they only act stupid like they don't.

Racism is a cheap excuse and a myth, but I know how you believe this is 1952 and not 2022. Poverty is a situation of not having money. The solution to poverty is get a job and earn money which nearly anybody can do. Nobody has to have children they can't afford. I managed to do it throughout my nearly 62 years on this planet.

The lefts solution is to be soft on criminals and hard on law abiding citizens, so don't tell us you don't side with evil.

Actually, we have crime for the same reasons then we have it now- Poverty, racism, addiction, easy access to guns. The difference is they did something about that back then, by passing laws and starting programs. Programs the GOP has been trying to dismantle since Tricky Dick.

The Europeans and Japanese don't lock that many people. they don't have to. Their prisons are for the truly sociopathic. We lock up kids for petty crimes, turn them into lifetime unemployables and wonder why we have a crime problem.

Follow the money. See who is getting rich from this bad policy.

The Europeans and Japanese people are no problem here either even with all our guns. In the meantime over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Next in line are the Hispanics. If you believe addiction is a problem, WTF did you vote for this dementia patient who is against securing our border allowing these dangerous drugs into our country to create even more addicts? Oh, but the solution is not who you vote for, it's to get rid of guns from decent people.

As I stated repeatedly, if we could make a law that no guns were permitted in high crime inner-cities, their violent crime will not change. At the same time, you make a law in a nice middle-class suburb that all households must have a gun, their violent crime rate won't change either. Hence it's the people--not the guns that are the problem. And as long as you keep voting Communist which supports criminals, you can take away every gun and it our crime only increases as we have seen these past 5 years.
When have you ever not been “stickling up for criminals”?

Without exception, every time I've seen you participating in any discussion on the subject, you are always taking the side of subhuman criminal shit, against the side of human beings. Always. I have never seen you do otherwise, not even once.

Well, no, guy, thinking we need to have other solutions to crime than "Let's go around murdering people just like Mormon Jesus would do" is not sticking up for people. It's actually taking a clear-headed look at how we got here and how to fix it.

By the way, criminals are not a race, so it is not in any rational sense, racist, to believe that human beings deserve to be protected from criminals.

Mormon, Please! When you talk about Criminals, anyone knows EXACTLY who you mean.

Of course, being on the side of criminals, and almost certainly being a criminal yourself (otherwise, why would you so staunchly take that side), you hate actual human beings, and believe that your kind should be free to prey on us with impunity

Most crime is domestic violence, so most crime is people preying on themselves.

You and your side always stick up for criminals. The left are nothing but disciples of Satan. You do his evil work every day. If you disarm law abiding citizens, then we end up with a society where only the criminals and cops have the guns because the criminals will always get their hands on them just like they get their hands on deadly recreational narcotics today. The Communists know this, they only act stupid like they don't.

Um, except those other countries I've mentioned, the criminals don't have guns in any significant numbers. That's kind of the point. Most gun murders are domestic violence, not criminals preying on people.

Racism is a cheap excuse and a myth, but I know how you believe this is 1952 and not 2022. Poverty is a situation of not having money. The solution to poverty is get a job and earn money which nearly anybody can do. Nobody has to have children they can't afford. I managed to do it throughout my nearly 62 years on this planet.

Actually, racism is just as bad now as when I was growing up. We had race riots in 1968 when I was a child. We have race riots today when I am an old man. We never fix the problems, we just do the bare minimum to calm people down and then we backslide.

The Europeans and Japanese people are no problem here either even with all our guns. In the meantime over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Next in line are the Hispanics. If you believe addiction is a problem, WTF did you vote for this dementia patient who is against securing our border allowing these dangerous drugs into our country to create even more addicts? Oh, but the solution is not who you vote for, it's to get rid of guns from decent people.

Decent people are a large part of the problem. Besides providing an easily stolen supply of guns for the criminals, most gun deaths are people shooting their friends and family. The gang shooting gets all the headlines, the guy who shoots his slacker brother-in-law over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best doesn't.

As I stated repeatedly, if we could make a law that no guns were permitted in high crime inner-cities, their violent crime will not change. At the same time, you make a law in a nice middle-class suburb that all households must have a gun, their violent crime rate won't change either. Hence it's the people--not the guns that are the problem. And as long as you keep voting Communist which supports criminals, you can take away every gun and it our crime only increases as we have seen these past 5 years.

Except we tried those kinds of laws, and crime DID go down in the inner cities. Then the National Rampage Association went to court and got those laws struck down and crime spiked right back up.

Of course, you have to have a national gun law, when you have a gun store in Indiana where half the guns recovered in crimes by the CPD came from.
Well, no, guy, thinking we need to have other solutions to crime than "Let's go around murdering people…


It is not “murder” to put down a criminal in order to stop it from harming a human being. It's only murder when you kill an actual human being.

Mormon, Please! When you talk about Criminals, anyone knows EXACTLY who you mean.

You're the one in this and every similar conversation who keeps pushing the premise that criminality is related to race; that it is somehow racist to take the side of human beings against the side of criminals.

I think it is very clear which of the two of us is the genuine racist, here, and it is certainly not I.

Criminals are distinguished from human beings by behavior, not by the color of their skin, or by any other genetic/biological distinction.

It is not “murder” to put down a criminal in order to stop it from harming a human being. It's only murder when you kill an actual human being.

You're the one in this and every similar conversation who keeps pushing the premise that criminality is related to race; that it is somehow racist to take the side of human beings against the side of criminals.

I think it is very clear which of the two of us is the genuine racist, here, and it is certainly not I.

Criminals are distinguished from human beings by behavior, not by the color of their skin, or by any other genetic/biological distinction.

We could be having a discussion of who was the best rock band of the 70's and Joe would find a way to make it a racial discussion so he can accuse somebody of racism. He wakes up in the morning looking for reasons to use that word. If the discussion has nothing to do with race, he'll find a way to change it to race.

It is not “murder” to put down a criminal in order to stop it from harming a human being. It's only murder when you kill an actual human being.

Besides, you've got a whole list of people you want to murder... Gays, Trans, women who have abortions, government officials...

You're the one in this and every similar conversation who keeps pushing the premise that criminality is related to race; that it is somehow racist to take the side of human beings against the side of criminals.

Nope. I guess you have poor reading skills. It isn't related to race, it's related to RACISM. You are more likely to get arrested or get shot by police if you aren't white.

I think it is very clear which of the two of us is the genuine racist, here, and it is certainly not I.

Criminals are distinguished from human beings by behavior, not by the color of their skin, or by any other genetic/biological distinction.

No, they are distinguished by how society treats them.

How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They'll arrest the light bulb for being broke and the room for being dark.

Felicity Huffman gets 11 days at a Club Fed for defrauding her daughter's way into college. While Tanya McDowell got five years for enrolling her kid in the wrong school.
Street drug addicts get prison, Rush Limbaugh gets rehab.

Don't come to me whining about "Criminals" until you actually support justice.
We could be having a discussion of who was the best rock band of the 70's and Joe would find a way to make it a racial discussion so he can accuse somebody of racism. He wakes up in the morning looking for reasons to use that word. If the discussion has nothing to do with race, he'll find a way to change it to race.

I'm not the one who injected race into this discussion, Welfare Ray. You did when you pointed out most criminals are black.
I actually listed FIVE factors, of which gun proliferation was one of them. (The others being addiction, mental illness, racism and poverty).

Nobody is "sticking up for criminals", but it is nice to see you be open about your racism.

I agree, if you put a gun by itself, it won't do anything. That's why we need to collect all the guns and make sure no one else can get one.

Actually, we have crime for the same reasons then we have it now- Poverty, racism, addiction, easy access to guns. The difference is they did something about that back then, by passing laws and starting programs. Programs the GOP has been trying to dismantle since Tricky Dick.

The Europeans and Japanese don't lock that many people. they don't have to. Their prisons are for the truly sociopathic. We lock up kids for petty crimes, turn them into lifetime unemployables and wonder why we have a crime problem.

Follow the money. See who is getting rich from this bad policy.

We have the levels of poverty and crime in democrat party controlled cities for one major reason....fatherless homes. Fatherless homes create crime, crime creates poverty.

The Europeans are catching up to the U.S.....they were behind us due to the total destruction of their countries during World War 2 and the decimation of their male populatioins during World War 1....

Japan? They have a police state when it comes to crime...if you are arrested, you are going to prison for a long time, you are not going to be released in a revolving door, and the police there are not wrecked with anti-police policies......

The democrats are getting rich from these policies you moron.
We have the levels of poverty and crime in democrat party controlled cities for one major reason....fatherless homes. Fatherless homes create crime, crime creates poverty.

We have it because of Guns, Poverty, Racism, Mental Illness and Drug addiction.
The other G-7 Nations have as high a percentage of unwed mothers as the US does. France has a much higher one.
Also, unwed mothers are not having 'fatherless' children.
If you want to end unwed motherhood, amend the poverty relief laws to encourage marriage.

The Europeans are catching up to the U.S.....they were behind us due to the total destruction of their countries during World War 2 and the decimation of their male populatioins during World War 1....

Uh, not really. Europe had completely recovered from WWII by 1970. The reason why they dont have the problems we have is that they have the social programs to deal with the underlying causes I mentioned above. They don't let people become desperately poor, they treat drug addiction as a medical issue, not a criminal one, they have social programs for the mentally unwell. And they have the good sense to not let anyone who wants a gun have one.

Japan? They have a police state when it comes to crime...if you are arrested, you are going to prison for a long time, you are not going to be released in a revolving door, and the police there are not wrecked with anti-police policies......

Yes, the Japanese only lock up 69,000 people compared to 2 million in the US.
Don't come to me whining about "Criminals" until you actually support justice.

Your version of “justice” protects subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and gives them free reign to harm actual human beings.

No sane person anywhere would agree with your definition of “justice”.
Felicity Huffman gets 11 days at a Club Fed for defrauding her daughter's way into college. While Tanya McDowell got five years for enrolling her kid in the wrong school.
Street drug addicts get prison, Rush Limbaugh gets rehab.

Again with the lies. It's like you OCD people can't help yourselves. You are in need of serious psychological help.

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