Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....


They aren't biological women, but they are women. Division in athletics are for biological differences. It's no skin off my back to call them women or men. I'm not threatened by it.

There is no other type of women except biological women. One either is or isn't. And you don't speak for women, just you. Save your assurances about your personal preferences for the unlikely event that anyone asks.
There is no other type of women except biological women. One either is or isn't. And you don't speak for women, just you. Save your assurances about your personal preferences for the unlikely event that anyone asks.
Well there are trans women and trans men… those are types of men an women are they not?
I think that it is a very safe bet that nearly every man who is married, or who wants to be married, would very much disagree with you on that point, especially any man who has or wants children.

How many men, do you suppose, select their wives based on athletic ability?
I think how men select wives and how women select husbands is a deeply personal issue.
Well, apparently consider women to be little more than meat.

You're just bitter because you know that you'd have no chance of doing well in a beauty contest.

Whether you are “little more than meat”, or whether you or anyone else sees you that way, is completely beside the point.

I can certainly attest to the fact that my wife is certainly not merely “little more than meat” to me, and neither is any other woman with whom I have been associated, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, or whatever.
You're just bitter because you know that you'd have no chance of doing well in a beauty contest.

Whether you are “little more than meat”, or whether you or anyone else sees you that way, is completely beside the point.

I can certainly attest to the fact that my wife is certainly not merely “little more than meat” to me, and neither is any other woman with whom I have been associated, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, or whatever.
Keep trying joker. “Beauty” contests for women are degrading, fake and little more than a cattle show. If you think they are so great then you clearly view women as something who’s primary quality is their appearance. Glad to hear your wife at least, is loved for who she is, which makes me wonder…why the hell do you support cattle shows for women?
Keep trying joker. “Beauty” contests for women are degrading, fake and little more than a cattle show. If you think they are so great then you clearly view women as something who’s primary quality is their appearance. Glad to hear your wife at least, is loved for who she is, which makes me wonder…why the hell do you support cattle shows for women?

Again, only degrading to those of you who are so ugly that you'd stand no chance in any such contest.

Nobody of any worth as a human being thinks that beauty is the only worthwhile quality of women, but equally, nobody of any worth as a human being denies the value of feminine beauty and the enjoyment of admiring it.

You're just bitter because you are so fucking ugly, both inside and out, that the very concept of beauty offends you. That is your own problem, not mine, and not society's as a whole.
Again, only degrading to those of you who are so ugly that you'd stand no chance in any such contest.

Nobody of any worth as a human being thinks that beauty is the only worthwhile quality of women, but equally, nobody of any worth as a human being denies the value of feminine beauty and the enjoyment of admiring it.

You're just bitter because you are so fucking ugly, both inside and out, that the very concept of beauty offends you. That is your own problem, not mine, and not society's as a whole.
See, the only thing you can up with is personal insults calling me ugly because I don’t like beauty contests instead of wondering WHY women are judged on “beauty”.
Because maybe being male or female is a bit more complex than just biology. I really don't care.

Ketanji answered appropriately - it's not up to a justice to determine that. It was a dumb question to ask.

I love the way you've carelessly written off all the legal advances women have made over the last century because they don't personally affect you, so fuck other women.

Do you even know how many laws are on the books to which the definition of women is intrinsic? Or do you just not give a shit, because they don't affect you personally and you loathe being a woman anyway?

Let's just start with Title IX, which you are busily helping men to gut in the area of sports. I don't expect anyone who gets their news from their talking points memo to know this, but Title IX doesn't just apply to sports. You've already waved off concerns about women losing out on college athletic scholarships - because fuck 'em, YOU aren't going to college, so that makes it unimportant - but how about other college scholarships offered to women? What happens when THOSE start being taken by men in dresses? How about when schools, which are required under Title IX to maintain admissions parity between men and women, start claiming they're not discriminating against women because they're counting men in dresses as women?

Or how about when women start losing out on jobs to men in dresses (because, after all, however much they claim they're women, they can't give birth and therefore don't need maternity leave to do so), and can't sue for employment discrimination?

We already have cases of women being raped in what are supposed to be all-female hospital wards and the hospital covering it up and blocking police investigation and women being raped in female prisons because they were housed in a cell with a biological male. Women are not safe in the care of people who are legally obligated to look out for their welfare. They're not safe in bathrooms, locker rooms, women's shelters . . . what does it take to break through your hatred and disdain for your own womanhood and make you give a damn about other women?
I love the way you've carelessly written off all the legal advances women have made over the last century because they don't personally affect you, so fuck other women.

Do you even know how many laws are on the books to which the definition of women is intrinsic? Or do you just not give a shit, because they don't affect you personally and you loathe being a woman anyway?

Let's just start with Title IX, which you are busily helping men to gut in the area of sports. I don't expect anyone who gets their news from their talking points memo to know this, but Title IX doesn't just apply to sports. You've already waved off concerns about women losing out on college athletic scholarships - because fuck 'em, YOU aren't going to college, so that makes it unimportant - but how about other college scholarships offered to women? What happens when THOSE start being taken by men in dresses? How about when schools, which are required under Title IX to maintain admissions parity between men and women, start claiming they're not discriminating against women because they're counting men in dresses as women?

Or how about when women start losing out on jobs to men in dresses (because, after all, however much they claim they're women, they can't give birth and therefore don't need maternity leave to do so), and can't sue for employment discrimination?

We already have cases of women being raped in what are supposed to be all-female hospital wards and the hospital covering it up and blocking police investigation and women being raped in female prisons because they were housed in a cell with a biological male. Women are not safe in the care of people who are legally obligated to look out for their welfare. They're not safe in bathrooms, locker rooms, women's shelters . . . what does it take to break through your hatred and disdain for your own womanhood and make you give a damn about other women?
Women and minorities have received civil rights help because they have been I justly oppressed. Do you not think transsexuals fall into a group that has been and still is oppressed by our society?
Women and minorities have received civil rights help because they have been I justly oppressed. Do you not think transsexuals fall into a group that has been and still is oppressed by our society?

Apples and oranges. These sissies in dresses can wear male clothing like they always have to advance themselves. Women and minorities could not change who they are.
Starting tomorrow women will stop all ways of vanity in their lives than. Clothes, hair, make up, shoes and the whole 9 yards. Plus cosmetic surgeries of all types.
Talk about a strawman.
Keep trying joker. “Beauty” contests for women are degrading, fake and little more than a cattle show. If you think they are so great then you clearly view women as something who’s primary quality is their appearance. Glad to hear your wife at least, is loved for who she is, which makes me wonder…why the hell do you support cattle shows for women?

Women like being judged on their appearance just like men who love to judge them. Women spend hours with the makeup, hair, eyelashes, to to make themselves more physically beautiful. Those that have the gift of extreme beauty should make the best of it, just like women who are not beautiful but very intelligent do the same. It's less the cards God gave you to play this game, it's how you play it that counts.
This instance is sad.

But, overall, feminism is working great. The differences in the way women are treated, even in my lifetime is great. Add in the 50 or 60 years prior to that and it is nothing short of phenomenal.
Women don’t seem to think so…

Countless studies all conclude that womens general happiness has been in steady decline, proportionate to the rise of feminism…

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