Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

I’m not seeing teachers pushing kids to become trannies in this article. ReDs like that choice was made by the kid and the school was providing support through a student club about equality and LGBTQ related issues.

where are you seeing teachers pushing kids to become trannies here?
I’m not seeing teachers pushing kids to become trannies in this article. ReDs like that choice was made by the kid and the school was providing support through a student club about equality and LGBTQ related issues.

where are you seeing teachers pushing kids to become trannies here?
I haven't seen anything that supports those claims. The number of transgender kids in school systems is hugely magnified by the cultural warriers but is in reality incredibly small. I was surprised to read that in the entire state of Utah's school system only 5 were identified. So it's for the equivalent of 5 people that all these punative laws and making medical treatment illegal are being pushed. Sad.

They aren't biological women, but they are women. Division in athletics are for biological differences. It's no skin off my back to call them women or men. I'm not threatened by it.


Then don't feel threatened by them competing in women's sports.


Why? That is the only area where biology makes a difference.


There's always a need for someone lesser to do the cooking, washing, cleaning, needlework, etc, etc, etc,...

Ain't no big deal everyone has their place in life.



They aren't biological women, but they are women. Division in athletics are for biological differences. It's no skin off my back to call them women or men. I'm not threatened by it.
How can a biological man be a woman? All you are doing is redefining the definition of the word 'woman' which is ridiculous. Ketanji Jackson said you have to be a biologist to make that determination, therefore, she is saying that sex is determined by biology, right? How stupid does one have to be not to know what a woman is?
How can a biological man be a woman? All you are doing is redefining the definition of the word 'woman' which is ridiculous. Ketanji Jackson said you have to be a biologist to make that determination, therefore, sex is determined by biology, right?
Because maybe being male or female is a bit more complex than just biology. I really don't care.

Ketanji answered appropriately - it's not up to a justice to determine that. It was a dumb question to ask.
Because maybe being male or female is a bit more complex than just biology. I really don't care.

Ketanji answered appropriately - it's not up to a justice to determine that. It was a dumb question to ask.
Biology determines whether or not one is a male or female. A male acting, looking or dressing like a woman does not make him a woman. It makes him handicapped with sexual dysphoria. Ketanji is a moron who should never be allowed to join SCOTUS.
So....I take that is a staunch "NO" when I ask you to fetch me a sandwitch and a beer?
Not if you are a female who looks like Deana in that video. I'd gladly make a 'sammich' with you!!! :banana:

They aren't biological women, but they are women. Division in athletics are for biological differences. It's no skin off my back to call them women or men. I'm not threatened by it.


So how are you going to feel when a bunch of dweeb autistic like wanna' be "females" dress up and take all the women's scholarships and other scholastic achievements from them just because they can?

If they're "women" and can prove they know how to keep the books, have better IT skills, lawyer better, etc, etc, etc,... than a biological female then shouldn't they be first pick when the application says female and all others can apply for that waitress or janitorial job?

Of course after hours don't count, it's what they do in drag when applying for the those things and during working hours that's important.


Why? That is the only area where biology makes a difference [between actual women and “trans women”].

I think that it is a very safe bet that nearly every man who is married, or who wants to be married, would very much disagree with you on that point, especially any man who has or wants children.

How many men, do you suppose, select their wives based on athletic ability?

They aren't biological women, but they are women. Division in athletics are for biological differences. It's no skin off my back to call them women or men. I'm not threatened by it.

Because maybe being male or female is a bit more complex than just biology. I really don't care.

Ketanji answered appropriately - it's not up to a justice to determine that. It was a dumb question to ask.
What are you going to do when Caucasian whack-jobs start ‘feeling’ black…want to identify as black and want all the same treatment blacks get?
Will you call them black…will you support their blackness?
How can a biological man be a woman? All you are doing is redefining the definition of the word 'woman' which is ridiculous. Ketanji Jackson said you have to be a biologist to make that determination, therefore, she is saying that sex is determined by biology, right? How stupid does one have to be not to know what a woman is?

I wonder if it is valid to coin a term Coyote stupid” to go along with Coyote ugly”.

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