Women really need to start fighting back against this shit Weinstein and so many others have pulled


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
It's really time for women to start fighting back against people like Weinstein and Clinton who rape women and get away with it because so many women don't report it, allowing others to become victims.

I mean, Weinstein and Clinton have gotten away with raping and molesting women for decades because almost every one of their victims refused to go to the police and make a formal complaint.

I mean, what's up with that?

Women, you need to grow a backbone.
It's really time for women to start fighting back against people like Weinstein and Clinton who rape women and get away with it because so many women don't report it, allowing others to become victims.

I mean, Weinstein and Clinton have gotten away with raping and molesting women for decades because almost every one of their victims refused to go to the police and make a formal complaint.

I mean, what's up with that?

Women, you need to grow a backbone.

It's really time for women to start fighting back against people like Weinstein and Clinton

Excuse me? From what cave did you just emerge? Since when have women not been "on" the issue of sexual harassment?
The fact that you're willfully and circumstantially ignorant of something or some things having happened and continuing to happen does not not at all mean they did not happen.

It's really time for women to start fighting back against people like Weinstein and Clinton

While it is so that women should not forbear sexual harassment, the greater obligation is on men not to sexually harass women.
It's a given that men should not rape women.

What I'm saying is that rapists are getting away with rape because so many women refuse to report the crime.

Weinstein and Clinton have raped women for decades, counting on their victims to remain silent.

It's time for women to stand up for themselves, stop acting like victims.
If you want to understand why women don't report it, look at what happens when they do.

They face backlash and are often finished at the job. Not fired, but made to wish they were.

First, they fear that no one will believe them. And that is a very real issue.
Second, they fear losing their job, being demoted or being passed over for promotion because they are a "troublemaker".
And lastly, they fear being labeled as wanting it, but not being able to handle it.

As for rape, find threads on this board about rapists being given a light sentence and look at what was said about the victim. Look at what defense attorneys do to discredit the victim.
It's really time for women to start fighting back against people like Weinstein and Clinton who rape women and get away with it because so many women don't report it, allowing others to become victims.

I mean, Weinstein and Clinton have gotten away with raping and molesting women for decades because almost every one of their victims refused to go to the police and make a formal complaint.

I mean, what's up with that?

Women, you need to grow a backbone.

I would love to know why women allow this. I have had people TRY this with me, but not be successful. I think women are afraid to tell men no. Personally, I'd rather be beaten to a pulp then be molested or raped but that's me

I mean, men like Clinton and Weinstein are NOT murderers. A good knee to the groin would suffice
It's a given that men should not rape women.

What I'm saying is that rapists are getting away with rape because so many women refuse to report the crime.

Weinstein and Clinton have raped women for decades, counting on their victims to remain silent.

It's time for women to stand up for themselves, stop acting like victims.
Weinstein and Clinton have raped women for decades, counting on their victims to remain silent.

Whether Weinstein raped anyone remains to be proven in a court of law. The same is so of Bill Clinton. "Rape" is a happenstance that is very clearly and explicitly defined and, insofar as it's been criminalized, we have a well established process for determining whether someone alleged to have raped another.

Insofar as both those things are so, it's incumbent on all members of society to refrain from casually or hyperbolically call someone a rapist when they, in terms of the definition of and process for evaluating an alleged rape event's verity of existence, have not been established to be so.

To wit, you'll recall Trump's Access Hollywood remark about grabbing women by their vagina. If one can infer that he's actually done so absent the woman's consent, he is indeed guilty of having raped a woman. (I'm not aware of any similarly opprobrious attestation having come from Clinton or Weinstein's mouths.) The fact that I don't know whether he's actually done what he described is the only reason I won't call the man a rapist; however, it's quite clear he thinks raping women is acceptable, at least under certain conditions even though, by law, it's acceptable under no circumstances. [1] And yet that's the kind of man -- a man who has respect for neither the law nor for women -- whom America has put in the WH.

  1. Even if Trump was "just joking," that too isn't acceptable. Committing, thinking about committing or looking for opportunities to a violent crime, that of rape, is no joking matter.
Your body is worth more than some backlash
What a load of shit.
I'd rather be fired then molested. I've had decent paying jobs, if anyone tried that shit with me I'd tell them to fuck off and die and walk out.

NOTHING is worth that.
It's a given that men should not rape women.

What I'm saying is that rapists are getting away with rape because so many women refuse to report the crime.

Weinstein and Clinton have raped women for decades, counting on their victims to remain silent.

It's time for women to stand up for themselves, stop acting like victims.
I wouldn't doubt if they have raped little boys and girls together. I bet Hillary got in on the action too.

In fact, if a video came out of all three of them raping children and eating them it wouldn't even surprise me. Hillary is known to exude a very foul stench. It's likely from eating rotting baby bowels.

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