CDZ Women should embrace both owning and carrying guns as acts of personal empowerment.

he he he….Typical gun nut response.

Should someone who sells guns sell to someone who tells them, point blank, that the moment they get it, they are going to blow their brains out? There, happy?

Why would I have a problem with that?

Suicide is a choice and I respect other people’s choices

Would you agree that someone who is contemplating suicide is not mentally healthy?

No I do not agree.

Just because a person makes a choice I might not make in no way defines him as mentally ill

Meh. A danger to oneself or others is the traditional definition of insanity.

And that makes it correct?

Why can't a person rationally decide to end his own life?

A person can.
If he fails, he's a mentally ill idiot and needs to be locked up. If you're going to do it, get it right. Otherwise, it's just a cry for help. And that kind of help requires a secure facility.
Yeah...been through that particular incident....and as we have talked about with shootings in the home....the determining factor wasn't the gun...but the drug and alcohol abuse, the incidents of police visits, and the history of crime and violence by the occupants ......
Just to reiterate or rephrase, you're saying the "the" (singular/definite article) "determining factor" in such shootings was a bunch of stuff that doesn't include a gun, correct?

Yep.......considering that in homes where they don't abuse drugs and alcohol, where they don't have criminals with long histories of crime and violence and police contact...they aren't shooting each other over burnt dinners.......even when they own and even carry guns....
So, if not burnt dinners, what do all these "normal people" shoot each other over in the home?

Normal people don't.....drug addicts, alcoholics and criminals shoot each other because they have low impulse demonstrated by their addiction to drugs, alcohol and their histories of crime and violence.
Cool. Wow, so "normal people" are really easy to identify! They don't suffer addictions, commit crimes, nor shoot each other. Hmm, still can't say for sure whether I've ever met such a person. Perhaps they all just shot themselves before we could mingle...
You must live in the city. the city it's already illegal for people to have weapons..and it's illegal everywhere for crazy felons to have guns.

As I've said before...let's put the crazy , violent, and criminal ppl away so the rest of us don't have to live like we're in prison, hmmm?
Indeed, all you "normal people"... Buy a gun today! This will never, ever happen. No way!:
According to police, Drum said she and her husband had been fighting about a casserole she burned that night. She said he began insulting her and cursing at her for her cooking, and they ended up in a bedroom.

She said her husband was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was standing over him when he pulled the gun from a holster.

We had something simalar happen here recently. The guy didn’t have a gun. He overpowered her, tied her to the bed, turned on the gas stove. And when the gas got to the pilot light of the water heater, blew her up.

What is your point?

Murderers murder, it’s what they do. Take one tool away, they’ll use another.

You really aren’t that stupid to think they don’t, or are you?
Indeed, all you "normal people"... Buy a gun today! This will never, ever happen. No way!:
According to police, Drum said she and her husband had been fighting about a casserole she burned that night. She said he began insulting her and cursing at her for her cooking, and they ended up in a bedroom.

She said her husband was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was standing over him when he pulled the gun from a holster.

We had something simalar happen here recently. The guy didn’t have a gun. He overpowered her, tied her to the bed, turned on the gas stove. And when the gas got to the pilot light of the water heater, blew her up.

What is your point?

Murderers murder, it’s what they do. Take one tool away, they’ll use another.

You really aren’t that stupid to think they don’t, or are you?
They don't believe the garbage they spew. The goal is to disarm, overpower, and take our assets. Period.
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.
Indeed, all you "normal people"... Buy a gun today! This will never, ever happen. No way!:
According to police, Drum said she and her husband had been fighting about a casserole she burned that night. She said he began insulting her and cursing at her for her cooking, and they ended up in a bedroom.

She said her husband was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was standing over him when he pulled the gun from a holster.

THAT is your idea of "normal people"? Dude, can I just say you need to meet some new acquaintances, FAST?
Now, if you'd like to show me where I EVER set a specific time on WHEN some states allowed women to vote, and some didn't, then you just go right on with yourself. But I hope when it dawns on you that I didn't say that at all, and you merely PROJECTED that onto what I said, you'll have the intellectual honesty to admit your error.

But I won't hold my breath.

Great weaseling! So WHEN you said:

The Founders also didn't DENY women the vote. The original Constitution doesn't mention voting at all. Suffrage was considered something for the individual states to decide

WHO "considered" it so? And WHEN would that HAVE TO have been?

Quoth the Raven: "Oh for the love of Christ" .... "Start making sense."

Obviously, by all the people who created the laws so that suffrage was left up to the states, duhhh.
Good. So "The Founders" or as you so verbosely put it now, "all the people who created the laws so that suffrage was left up to the states" are WHO "considered" it so. Great! Making sense so far! And WHEN would that HAVE TO have been?


But oh, how the dissembling continues! Astounding!

What the hell does that have to do with anything? At no point have you even remotely skated near me putting any sort of time frame on my remarks, and you aren't going to. Keep right on trying to project YOUR mis-assumption onto me, if that floats your boat.
According to whom? And no, I will not be "researching" your unsubstantiated assertions. Either cite your source, or I will simply assume that your source is your own ass, from whence you pulled this.

The fraction 3/5 is 60%.

Which has what to do with citizenship?

Did you not take any history courses in school?

To satisfy the disagreement between whether slaves would be counted or not; the framers agreed to count 3/5 of them as citizens for the purpose of house representation.

No, they didn't agree to "count 3/5 of them as citizens". One is either a citizen, or one is not, rather like being pregnant. You cannot be "60 percent citizen", any more than you can be 60% pregnant. Slaves are, by definition, not citizens at all. They are property, much like a cow or a horse or a dog. That is the most basic essence of why slavery is evil and horrible.

The Three-Fifths Compromise, as it is called, dealt with apportioning representation in Congress. When the census was (and is) taken, it counts EVERYONE in the country, not just citizens. Back then, because there were slaves in the country, it counted up how many of them there were, as well. And since you apparently don't know this, apportionment in Congress includes everyone who resides in a district, citizen and non-citizen alike. The question at the time was whether or not that was going to be the case with slaves as well, since the slave population in some states was larger than that of non-slaves, and counting them toward apportionment would have given the slave states far more power in Congress.

The compromise (which is why it's called that) was to allow them to affect apportionment, but not to the same extent that a free person - citizen OR non-citizen - would, in order to lessen the amount of control the slave states would have.

It had nothing whatsoever to do with citizenship.

In other words, they treated them differently. Thanks for making my point for me.

At what time was that your "point"?
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

The 250% chance you speak of is only if that house is owned by a gang member or someone involved in criminal activity or if you are suicidal.

For everyone else the odds of being killed by a gun in your house on any given day?

1 in 300,000,000

Promoting paranoia is shameful
The fraction 3/5 is 60%.

Which has what to do with citizenship?

Did you not take any history courses in school?

To satisfy the disagreement between whether slaves would be counted or not; the framers agreed to count 3/5 of them as citizens for the purpose of house representation.

No, they didn't agree to "count 3/5 of them as citizens". One is either a citizen, or one is not, rather like being pregnant. You cannot be "60 percent citizen", any more than you can be 60% pregnant. Slaves are, by definition, not citizens at all. They are property, much like a cow or a horse or a dog. That is the most basic essence of why slavery is evil and horrible.

The Three-Fifths Compromise, as it is called, dealt with apportioning representation in Congress. When the census was (and is) taken, it counts EVERYONE in the country, not just citizens. Back then, because there were slaves in the country, it counted up how many of them there were, as well. And since you apparently don't know this, apportionment in Congress includes everyone who resides in a district, citizen and non-citizen alike. The question at the time was whether or not that was going to be the case with slaves as well, since the slave population in some states was larger than that of non-slaves, and counting them toward apportionment would have given the slave states far more power in Congress.

The compromise (which is why it's called that) was to allow them to affect apportionment, but not to the same extent that a free person - citizen OR non-citizen - would, in order to lessen the amount of control the slave states would have.

It had nothing whatsoever to do with citizenship.

In other words, they treated them differently. Thanks for making my point for me.

At what time was that your "point"?

Post 423
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

The 250% chance you speak of is only if that house is owned by a gang member or someone involved in criminal activity or if you are suicidal.

For everyone else the odds of being killed by a gun in your house on any given day?

1 in 300,000,000

Promoting paranoia is shameful

Again, the lack of source material is quite telling.
Now, if you'd like to show me where I EVER set a specific time on WHEN some states allowed women to vote, and some didn't, then you just go right on with yourself. But I hope when it dawns on you that I didn't say that at all, and you merely PROJECTED that onto what I said, you'll have the intellectual honesty to admit your error.

But I won't hold my breath.

Great weaseling! So WHEN you said:

The Founders also didn't DENY women the vote. The original Constitution doesn't mention voting at all. Suffrage was considered something for the individual states to decide

WHO "considered" it so? And WHEN would that HAVE TO have been?

Quoth the Raven: "Oh for the love of Christ" .... "Start making sense."

Obviously, by all the people who created the laws so that suffrage was left up to the states, duhhh.
Good. So "The Founders" or as you so verbosely put it now, "all the people who created the laws so that suffrage was left up to the states" are WHO "considered" it so. Great! Making sense so far! And WHEN would that HAVE TO have been?


But oh, how the dissembling continues! Astounding!

What the hell does that have to do with anything? At no point have you even remotely skated near me putting any sort of time frame on my remarks, and you aren't going to. Keep right on trying to project YOUR mis-assumption onto me, if that floats your boat.
Hilarious. Nice dance. Meanwhile, despite all your crying, no one's accused you of explicitly stating anything of the sort. Nonetheless, they MUST HAVE done it some time! Everyone else here likely knows when that was. "WHEN would that HAVE TO have been?"
Promoting paranoia is shameful
Then stop it. Unless you want women shot:
So Charles Branas‘s team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.
Overall, Branas’s study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.
Statistics don't lie. Liars lie with statistics. No hint of study funding, purpose, or methodology is what easily separates your every day BSing propagandist from someone simply offering some genuinely helpful scientific study results.
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

The 250% chance you speak of is only if that house is owned by a gang member or someone involved in criminal activity or if you are suicidal.

For everyone else the odds of being killed by a gun in your house on any given day?

1 in 300,000,000

Promoting paranoia is shameful

Again, the lack of source material is quite telling.

Nope, the source has been linked, but your desperation to make good people paranoid and assist rapists is noted.
Promoting paranoia is shameful
Then stop it. Unless you want women shot:
So Charles Branas‘s team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.
Overall, Branas’s study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.
Statistics don't lie. Liars lie with statistics. No hint of study funding, purpose, or methodology is what easily separates your every day BSing propagandist from someone simply offering some genuinely helpful scientific study results.

Then present something instead of pissing in the wind.
Last edited:
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

The 250% chance you speak of is only if that house is owned by a gang member or someone involved in criminal activity or if you are suicidal.

For everyone else the odds of being killed by a gun in your house on any given day?

1 in 300,000,000

Promoting paranoia is shameful

Again, the lack of source material is quite telling.

2017: 505 accidental gun deaths

2017: 326,000,000 estimated population in U.S.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

Nuff said

If you aren’t a gang member, in the committing a crime or committing suicide, the odds of dying be gun?

1.55 in 3,000,000,000
Last edited:
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

The 250% chance you speak of is only if that house is owned by a gang member or someone involved in criminal activity or if you are suicidal.

For everyone else the odds of being killed by a gun in your house on any given day?

1 in 300,000,000

Promoting paranoia is shameful

Again, the lack of source material is quite telling.

2017: 505 accidental gun deaths

2017: 326,000,000 estimated population in U.S.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

Nuff said

If you aren’t a gang member, in the committing a crime or committing suicide, the odds of dying be gun?

1.55 in 3,000,000,000

It was 1 in 300,000,000 (which is nuts); now it's 1.55 in 3 Billion??? (which is clinically insane). Much like the author of the nonsense.
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

Wow...did that hurt when you pulled that number out of your ass....since no research actually shows that as being true, factual or based in reality....

Do you know that each rape, robbery and murder victim believed the exact same thing you believe....until they are raped, robbed or murdered?

Do you understand that Britain has banned and confiscated guns......and their gun crime rate has increased every year? It was up 23% across England and Wales...up 42% in London and up 30% in you fucking understand that?

Do you understand that Sweden has gone from the Swedish Bikini team to the land of guns and grenades? Do you understand that?

Do you understand that criminals in France get fully automatic military rifles so easily, they are status symbols for them?

And as more Americans own and carry guns....?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
In my 68 years on this earth I have lived in the country, in a small town and in a large city. I have lived alone and with my family. I have walked through the city alone at 3:00 am and at no time have I ever felt the need to own a gun.

I have never been attacked or robbed, except our house was broken into once when we went to the cottage. The thief stole my husband’s pot plants. The expensive camera sitting on the shelf beside them was left behind.

If you own a gun, you have a 250% greater chance of being shot than if you don’t own a gun. If guns kept you safe, Americans would be the safest people in the world. Instead, theirs in the least safe country in the first world.

The 250% chance you speak of is only if that house is owned by a gang member or someone involved in criminal activity or if you are suicidal.

For everyone else the odds of being killed by a gun in your house on any given day?

1 in 300,000,000

Promoting paranoia is shameful

Don't even credit that number......the idiot did not provide a link.....
Promoting paranoia is shameful
Then stop it. Unless you want women shot:
So Charles Branas‘s team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.
Promoting paranoia is shameful
Then stop it. Unless you want women shot:
So Charles Branas‘s team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.
Overall, Branas’s study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.
Statistics don't lie. Liars lie with statistics. No hint of study funding, purpose, or methodology is what easily separates your every day BSing propagandist from someone simply offering some genuinely helpful scientific study results.

Promoting paranoia is shameful
Then stop it. Unless you want women shot:
So Charles Branas‘s team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.
Overall, Branas’s study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.
Statistics don't lie. Liars lie with statistics. No hint of study funding, purpose, or methodology is what easily separates your every day BSing propagandist from someone simply offering some genuinely helpful scientific study results.

Overall, Branas’s study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.
Statistics don't lie. Liars lie with statistics. No hint of study funding, purpose, or methodology is what easily separates your every day BSing propagandist from someone simply offering some genuinely helpful scientific study results.

Moron......gang members carrying guns to shoot other gang members are going to get shot by gang members you doofus.....

anti gun extremists who use statistics to lie....lie.....

Dumb ass.....


The study by Branas et al.1 contains errors in design and execution that make it difficult to determine the meaning of their findings.

Their study assessed risk for being assaulted and then shot, a compound outcome event whose second element (being shot) is not inevitable given the first (being assaulted). Persons who were assaulted but not shot are not studied. We do not know whether any association between firearm possession and their outcome measure applies to assault, to being shot given an assault, or both.

The study does not control for time and place. The authors invoke stray bullets to argue that residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are at equal risk for being shot, no matter where they are and what they are doing. This ignores the fact that violence is not randomly distributed and is unfair to Philadelphia.

The control group is inappropriate, as was probably guaranteed by its selection from all adult Philadelphians. There were large differences between case participants and control participants in prior criminal history and alcohol or drug involvement, all of which influence gun-carrying behavior and risk for violent victimization.

Personal and geographic differences compounded one another: 83% of shootings occurred outdoors, yet while those shootings were occuring, 91% of control participants, arguably at lower risk already for personal reasons, were indoors. A list could easily be made of likely differences between case participants and control participants that were not addressed.

The problems with geography and control selection are not insurmountable. A classic study of alcohol use among adult pedestrian fatalities in Manhattan enrolled the first 4 pedestrians reaching the site where the fatality occurred “on a subsequent date, but on the same day of the week and at a time as close as possible to the exact time of day of the accident [italics retained]”2(p657) as control participants for each case participant.

Branas et al. have omitted critical detail from their results. Assaults can be independent of any prior relationship between perpetrator and victim—a would-be robber spies a prospect emerging from a bar—or can occur in the context of, and perhaps because of, some prior relationship. The association between gun possession and risk of being assaulted or shot may differ greatly between these 2 types of encounters. Attacks by strangers are common, accounting for 50.5% of robberies and aggravated assaults reported by males and 34.7% of those reported by females.3 The authors should present separate results for assaults independent of and related to prior personal involvement between victims and shooters.

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