Women sue NCAA over crossdressing men in women’s sports

Diddycrat males use woman's restrooms because they are mentally ill pervs.

Diddycrat dudes act the way they do because of drugs and porn.
No, they are not women. They are cosplaying as women at best, and mutilating themselves to pretend to be women at worst.
And why do you care, other than the fear that you might make a mistake while wearing the Beer Goggles.
This seems more about your hangups than theirs.
Nope. It's about their physical bodies, you know, the ones they use for physical sports.

I would have no problem saying a transgender can't participate in women's sports until she has undergone at least one year of transition therapy.
Nope. Once they've gone through puberty, their bodies develop as a man's, done density, muscle mass.
Biology, basic science. So odd that progressives are deniers of this thousand year old science.

But I get the feeling nothing would satisfy you because your issue isn't about their participation.
Not my issue, the issue of girls getting injured, cut from teams, losing tournaments, awards, scholarships when forced to compete against men in
Even if they cut off their junk. They bodies developed as men.

Unfortunately that leads to the organizations saying "unless you transitioned before puberty, you can't participate" and having some kid transition is even worse.

The whole thing is idiotic, selling a fantasy to people with obvious mental issues, and usually multiple mental issues.
Males in the United States do not value the title “man” quote anymore. They are perfectly happy to be beta, males gen Z males, or whatever other kind of males allows them to indulge in their hedonism without taking any responsibility ever.

If a guy thinks it would be fun, or a nice prank to join a woman’s team and defeat them athletically while often injuring them, they just do it. Nobody taught them to say no to themselves.
I maintain that a male who wishes to compete against women is a male but not a man and has mental and emotional issues.
Whats wrong with liberals that causes them to support such woke stupidity?
Most Don't.

Men should NEVER be allowed to compete with Women in HS-, College, Pro, Olympic, etc.

I support keeping them separate, 100%.
Unless there is some WOMAN, that can actually compete with the men.
This seems more about your hangups than theirs.

I would have no problem saying a transgender can't participate in women's sports until she has undergone at least one year of transition therapy.

"Transition therapy", aka, hormones and surgeries to make a man's body look more feminine, does nothing to reduce or eliminate a man's physical advantages of a larger, stronger skeleton, larger musculature and greater aerobic capacity.
But I get the feeling nothing would satisfy you because your issue isn't about their participation.
You pretending they actually become women is laughable when it is remembered that women trying to be men are NOT showing up on professional men's teams, are NOT showing up on the construction sites, and are NOT showing up carrying unconscious bodies out of burning buildings. If they were truly becoming men we should expect to see them doing the things men do. We don't, because they're not men, they're confused women trying to be men. How many trans men are in military boot camp, meeting and exceeding the physical requirements all men have to face?
16 year olds versus 6 year old will be next offering from lib loons as being fair, kind , just, non racist and non judgmental. Crackpots.
There are already people identifying as toddlers or babies. It's not difficult to predict the demands that they be allowed unrestrained access to playgrounds with the children.
Nope. It's about their physical bodies, you know, the ones they use for physical sports.

Nope. Once they've gone through puberty, their bodies develop as a man's, done density, muscle mass.
Biology, basic science. So odd that progressives are deniers of this thousand year old science.

Not my issue, the issue of girls getting injured, cut from teams, losing tournaments, awards, scholarships when forced to compete against men in
It sounds to me that if women are physically inferior, why do we care about their sports at all?

There are already people identifying as toddlers or babies. It's not difficult to predict the demands that they be allowed unrestrained access to playgrounds with the children.
Men will come into ladies room to have their diapers changed. They identify as2.5 even when35. The current situation is No Less Ridiculous than that
It sounds to me that if women are physically inferior, why do we care about their sports at all?

Yeah, that Title IX nonsense is so 1970s /s/
Yeah, that Title IX nonsense is so 1970s /s/
I agree. Title IX was always nonsense.

Universities should have transitioned to their true role, from something the elites lorded over the rest of us to something that prepares people for participation in the workforce.

But you have this stupidity of college athletics, long overshadowed by professional athletics for people who like the sport. So you have colleges graduating people dumber than rocks before some of them are lucky enough to move on to the NFL or NBA, usually coming off as morons in interviews, not someone who attended a four-year school. (The NHL and MLB don't even bother with the farce, they just hire some foreigners who are good at the sports.)

But because of the stupidity of Title IX, you have the farce of women's athletics, giving scholarships to even dumber women.

When I want to UIC back in the 1980s, they had an athletics program. Ate up 2/3rd of the student fees we all had to pay, but they couldn't GIVE away tickets to the games. But UIC wanted to be a real university, and not just that place you went because you couldn't get into Urbana! They never had a football team and their basketball team was a joke.

So if transgender athletics make a mockery of the whole thing, I'm fine with that, because it was always a mockery
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I agree. Title IX was always nonsense.

Universities should have transitioned to their true role, from something the elites lorded over the rest of us to something that prepares people for participation in the workforce.

But you have this stupidity of college athletics, long overshadowed by professional athletics for people who give a shit.
While we're at it we need Universities to ditch all of the Humanities majors. They are all shit and do not prepare anyone for the workforce.
While we're at it we need Universities to ditch all of the Humanities majors. They are all shit and do not prepare anyone for the workforce.

Well, actually, they kind of do.

They show an employer that you can stick to a four year project. That's really all they are looking for.

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