Women swear and flip off others more than men


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
I'm trying to decide if this surprised me at all. Right now I am leaning toward...no.

Survey results at link


If you see a driver cussing in front of kids in the car or flipping people off, it's most likely to be a woman.

Insurance.com commissioned a survey of 1,000 adults, asking them about their rude driving behavior and if they had any regrets about it.

Men aren't pillars of polite driving either – they are twice as likely as women to key someone's car or flash drivers with their high-beams just to be mean, survey results show.

Me too. And while I'm sure I slipped up and cussed in front of my kids....I mostly made up new words.

My daughter: Mom what's a dorkus?

Me: Oh that's a kind of whale that lives on land.

LOL...I admit, I have a little road rage in meh...:redface:

Ah...so there is a little DEMON in ya. Who woulda thunk it?



LOL...I admit, I have a little road rage in meh...:redface:

Ah...so there is a little DEMON in ya. Who woulda thunk it?

I did it one time, while driving my sports car with the top down, to a truck driver who tried to almost crush me, while passing. I passed him, then flipped him off and he tried to run me down for MILES until I could take a side road off the freeway.

First and last time, I ever did that....:lol:
I am guilty too.

I openly and without shame admit I suffer from a bad case of road rage. :dunno:

Hate slow drivers.
I never show the finger though ....I just spew out vicious profanities :D
I got one peeve and that is texters and cell phone callers.....totality fucking dangers to themselves and everyone else around them
....oh and people who use handicap parking who are no authorized to do so. I call the cops (who are friends of mine) and they issue tickets ..
Huge pet peeve. Drivers that flip U turns at intersections and block turn lanes. HATE them.
I can't stand assholes who ride my ass when there is clearly enough space for them to either pass me, or drive the speed limit a nice car space between mine and theirs.
What, is riding my ass is going to make you get to your destination faster?

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