Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.
View attachment 135631

I'm gonna guess that you've never read Lysistrata...

...or any classic literature....

....or, in fact, any book that didn't come with crayons.

Did I hit the nail on your head?
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.

I'm married to a Texan, not happening and he's as much against abortion as I am
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.
View attachment 135631

I'm gonna guess that you've never read Lysistrata...

...or any classic literature....

....or, in fact, any book that didn't come with crayons.

Did I hit the nail on your head?
One of our resident feminists speaks. Get in the kitchen and make your man dinner.
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.
View attachment 135631

I'm gonna guess that you've never read Lysistrata...

...or any classic literature....

....or, in fact, any book that didn't come with crayons.

Did I hit the nail on your head?
One of our resident feminists speaks. Get in the kitchen and make your man dinner.

So I'm correct, and you are an example of the typical uneducated fool with an IQ just below that of a box of hair.

My record of 100% accuracy remains intact.
ANY wife that would listen to Jewish Feminism is NOT the kind of wife a man needs nor wants. My wife is a strong woman who not only works but takes care of our home etc and she would NEVER listen to such trash.

some men find strong women very sexy
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.

I'm sure all three women who took her seriously will make an impact
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.
View attachment 135631

I'm gonna guess that you've never read Lysistrata...

...or any classic literature....

....or, in fact, any book that didn't come with crayons.

Did I hit the nail on your head?

Aristophanes' comedy. Been a few (to many) years
As a Man who lives in Texas i'm not to concerned about the Wife holding out on me.

The men need to retaliate by taking away their credit cards.
Yeah...I was just going to say that would never happen...Texas women can't live without their spa treatments and trips to the mall. :)
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.

I'm sure all three women who took her seriously will make an impact

Yeah and so will the next generations of " JUST THREE" women i'm sure it will only be three who impact man what planet are you on.

When a generation of little girls are made to make a video that say FKUCK men who needs them, and FK you because there is more to a woman than her ass and yes these are the words the kids USE... So tell me again how " JUST THOSE THREE WOMEN" will make such a huge impact.
Never going to happen. Women use sex as a tool to get what they want from men. Their sex protest would last all of 5 min...until they decided they needed something else. Then they would be back to flashing the boobies.
As a Man who lives in Texas i'm not to concerned about the Wife holding out on me.

The men need to retaliate by taking away their credit cards.
Yeah...I was just going to say that would never happen...Texas women can't live without their spa treatments and trips to the mall. :)

My Sweet Southern Bell was born in a city named Bedias with a grande population of 449 people.
It's so small it doesn't have any pics on the internet of the city hall.
She got a Scholarship to Princeton yet never gave up her Country Roots.

I couldnt have Married a better Women.

Oh...she makes fun of the spa going wanna be Debutants.:laugh:
An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for the “right” to end an unborn baby’s life with a late-term abortion.

Women urged to stop sex, even with husbands

'Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge'

These fake feminist liberals, are so degenerate, what's even scarier is how these retarded cyka's are leading other brain deads to think just like them. Society breaking is almost down on it's last leg.

I'm married to a Texan, not happening and he's as much against abortion as I am
How does he feel about the extra curricular activities?
As a Man who lives in Texas i'm not to concerned about the Wife holding out on me.

The men need to retaliate by taking away their credit cards.
Texas....can only be a good thing.

This post makes absolutely no sense coming from a wallet chain polishing dyke.
I'm sorry....I'll try smaller words next time. I forgot that I was probably talking to some Texicans.

Well throw em out there pard.....
As a Man who lives in Texas i'm not to concerned about the Wife holding out on me.

The men need to retaliate by taking away their credit cards.
Texas....can only be a good thing.

This post makes absolutely no sense coming from a wallet chain polishing dyke.
I'm sorry....I'll try smaller words next time. I forgot that I was probably talking to some Texicans.

Well throw em out there pard.....
You Texican...you not breed....good for earth.
As a Man who lives in Texas i'm not to concerned about the Wife holding out on me.

The men need to retaliate by taking away their credit cards.
Texas....can only be a good thing.

This post makes absolutely no sense coming from a wallet chain polishing dyke.
I'm sorry....I'll try smaller words next time. I forgot that I was probably talking to some Texicans.

Well throw em out there pard.....
You Texican...you not breed....good for earth.

Thats what I expect from simpletons.
You still didnt make your point clear.
ANY wife that would listen to Jewish Feminism is NOT the kind of wife a man needs nor wants. My wife is a strong woman who not only works but takes care of our home etc and she would NEVER listen to such trash.

some men find strong women very sexy

There are strong women, and then there are just pure bitches. Strong women don't make their husbands feel like little bitches who can't do anything right.
Strong women know to have balance for both just like the husband does.

men are increasingly becoming more feminized via totally other issues than this article.

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