Women - You Can't Fool Us Men Anymore!

If it gets done, who cares who did it?

And Mr. P, if you really want to know if you are pleasing your partner, just recite that magic phrase under your avatar. :321:
Gabriella84 said:
And Mr. P, if you really want to know if you are pleasing your partner, just recite that magic phrase under your avatar. :321:
if you really want to know if you are pleasing your partner
I always know...thanks anyway kid..
I've been at it since way before you were born. :laugh:
I always know...thanks anyway kid..
I've been at it since way before you were born.

I know you have. I just wanted to make sure you haven't forgotten since then. :salute:
manu1959 said:
on the moment do you care if she is faking?

biege, I think I'll paint the ceilling beige.

*oh wait, I'm supposed to be thiking about sex* my bad.
Trigg, this thread is for the benefit of those who either don't get enough sex, or (more likely) can't remember what it's like.
Gabriella84 said:
Trigg, this thread is for the benefit of those who either don't get enough sex, or (more likely) can't remember what it's like.

Really???? I thought it was about being able to tell a woman has had an orgasm by looking at her CT scan results, of course it appears that turned into whether men care if the woman is having an orgasm or just faking it. Did I miss something???

I can't think of a reason a woman would bother faking it, if it ain't happening I'm not gonna fake it. :smoke:
Gabriella84 said:
Trigg, this thread is for the benefit of those who either don't get enough sex, or (more likely) can't remember what it's like.

Does that mean I have to stop reading?

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