Women's march releases pre written statement on Trump's extreme SCOTUS pick forgets to fill in name

Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.

The funny thing is, they'll insist these hit pieces are thoughtful, principled opposition.
Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.

It would have been even funnier if Trump picked a liberal lol
Not for us!!!!

Still, it's clear that being assholes gives liberals an advantage in the SCOTUS process, because everyone is just tired of hearing their mouths and wants to do something that will shut them up.

Hint......nothing will shut these assholes up.
Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.
I notice the protesters were outside the WH with their signs, in full force, when there is no way they knew who the pick was when they arrived. I guess it's clear they are going on the premise that no matter who Trump picked, it would be BAD. It looked kinda stupid, though.
Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.

These people are ridiculous.....

Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.
I notice the protesters were outside the WH with their signs, in full force, when there is no way they knew who the pick was when they arrived. I guess it's clear they are going on the premise that no matter who Trump picked, it would be BAD. It looked kinda stupid, though.

It does make their complaint much weaker, because it's very easy now to just dismiss them as motivated solely by Trump hate.
Where is the honest Media on this? It is no secret that Roe v. Wade - the lynchpin upon which all of the hysteria is hung - is one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in history, based on nothing more than a made-up "right of privacy" found nowhere in the Constitution, any Amendment, or any law. It is a classic and horrific case of "legislating from the bench," which everyone pretends to abhor.

Why are they allowing phony Leftist politicians to get away with pretending that the "right of abortion" rests solely in the hands of the Supreme Court, when such a "right" can only be created by Law or a Constitutional Amendment? And none of these Champions of the Right to Abortion has the balls to even propose such a law or Amendment, because they know it would die an ignominious death, thus killing their cause for all time.

But the Media is not biased. Not by a long shot.
Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.
I notice the protesters were outside the WH with their signs, in full force, when there is no way they knew who the pick was when they arrived. I guess it's clear they are going on the premise that no matter who Trump picked, it would be BAD. It looked kinda stupid, though.

It does make their complaint much weaker, because it's very easy now to just dismiss them as motivated solely by Trump hate.
Well, they do know that everyone on the list was recommended by that conservative organization and Trump said in his own words that everyone he picked would be Pro-Life. I suppose they are basing their objections on that.
heh...on the same link, it also has "she instead of he"....so not only pre-wrote a statement without the name, but got the sex wrong as well.

You can't make this stuff up.
Only thing everyone will remember is how stupid they look.
heh...on the same link, it also has "she instead of he"....so not only pre-wrote a statement without the name, but got the sex wrong as well.

You can't make this stuff up.
Only thing everyone will remember is how stupid they look.
It is all YOU will remember, because you think they're stupid anyway.
IMO abortion should be decided on the local level, (and preferably by ballot.) I know that's not popular with R's/anti-abortion folk, but I look at it no different than local rulings on the punishments of murder/manslaughter. Some states still have the death penalty, others do not punish murder as harshly for example. If people don't like the punishment for crimes, or the state/muni decisions on abortion, or even SSM for that matter, they can move or vote it out/in.

I do not see abortion as a woman's rights issue, though I am pro-choice, I see it more as a family matter - and yeah, I do think the would-be fathers should have a say in typical cases (but not rape, and not in medically unsafe to mother abortions.)
heh...on the same link, it also has "she instead of he"....so not only pre-wrote a statement without the name, but got the sex wrong as well.

You can't make this stuff up.
Only thing everyone will remember is how stupid they look.
It is all YOU will remember, because you think they're stupid anyway.
Most of them are.
They actually think voting Democrat makes them smarter.
heh...on the same link, it also has "she instead of he"....so not only pre-wrote a statement without the name, but got the sex wrong as well.

You can't make this stuff up.
Only thing everyone will remember is how stupid they look.
It is all YOU will remember, because you think they're stupid anyway.

Well...I mean, are they not? (in this case)
It's pretty dumb to write an "official" statement to protest someone..without knowing who the someone is.
Is it not?
Democrats have finally become their own punchline. They will come up with a chant to compensate.
Women's March Releases Pre-written Statement On Trump's 'Extreme' SCOTUS Pick, Forgets to Fill In Name
The Women's March rushed out a pre-written statement slamming President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court but forgot to fill in the pick's name.

What else would you expect from a feminist nazi pig who plays they want to be equal and in the same breath says men are losers in so many words.
I notice the protesters were outside the WH with their signs, in full force, when there is no way they knew who the pick was when they arrived. I guess it's clear they are going on the premise that no matter who Trump picked, it would be BAD. It looked kinda stupid, though.

It does make their complaint much weaker, because it's very easy now to just dismiss them as motivated solely by Trump hate.
Well, they do know that everyone on the list was recommended by that conservative organization and Trump said in his own words that everyone he picked would be Pro-Life. I suppose they are basing their objections on that.

That doesn't do anything, however, to strengthen their case. The fact that they blatently didn't care who Trump was going to nominate makes their complaints hollow.

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