Womens Shelters and Transsexuals

All those battered and abused women need to have some compassion for "gender-confused" men. What's wrong with those bitches! You'd think they would understand better than most others. Misandrist bitches!
They all think the same so I see no problems...
Quite the dilemma, should a Transsexual be admitted to a Women's Shelter?

Obama to force women’s shelter to admit ‘transgender’ men: report

Fuck yeah, when all those trannies get the shit beat out of them, like what happened in Baltimore, then the trannies would get the message. At one time people who did this to their bodies were put in insane asylums, now they had been in the White House.

The message has been established since States approved gay marriage. Chicks have dicks, and the definition of a family is two dicks and an adoption.

If marriage discriminates against homosexual partners, then bet your reproductive ass women's basketball discriminates against turn-chicks, as do shelters.

Next up, NBA earns far more than WNBA. NBA doesn't hire women and that's CLEARLY gender discrimination.

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