Won't 'endorse tyranny and fascism", so she resigned

You realize you just posted that note-to-self on the internets?

*I* asked *you* the question, Squiggles. Which was, and still is, where do you see anything about "loving the Mormons"? I posted nothing about religion at all.

I'm the one that asked the questions, first, chicken.

You won't get an answer to stupid questions. I don't traffic in blanket statements.

Blanket statements are not questions, dingus? And they're pretty simple questions that you're simply afraid to answer.

Then see if you can figure out what in the wide world of blue fuck you're even yammering about.

Why do you insist on being the most obstinate dumb fuck on USMB, again and again? I suppose that question is obvious and therefore rhetorical. But if you decide you have the balls to answer:

You're with the Mormons now?
You're on a crusade against evil now? You admit it exists?

You can't answer those questions. Too much of a coward. I'll just call that, now.

Again Sprinkly Bits, I posted nothing about "Mormons". Your question is inoperative.

There are something like 15 million Mormons. I posted a story about one person who happens to be Mormon and it had zero to do with her religion anyway. Singular / collective --- know the difference.

Go learn how to read.
Related: Former Rockette Denounces Pressure to Perform

>> A former Rockette denounced as “disgraceful” on Thursday the decision to have the famed dancers perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration — and said that despite denials, the Rockettes are indeed still being pressured to perform.

In an open letter provided to TheWrap, Autumn Withers said the dancers were not permitted to speak to the media, and sympathized with their difficult situation.

“To perform for someone that represents everything that we, as women, have ever had to overcome is contrary to everything we know to be right and true,” she wrote.

“On a national level, the optics of this alone normalize the atrocious remarks Mr. Trump has openly made towards women,” Withers wrote. “The idea that if you simply ask their bosses or perhaps pay their bosses enough money, a line of beautiful women will oblige anyone in any way is exploitation…

“Is it not then covert sexual harassment to ask America’s most iconic troupe of female dancers to ‘volunteer’ to wear costumes and dance for a man who has a known public history of degrading women?” Withers asked.

Withers, who was a Rockette from 2005 to 2007, also said the company is fostering an “atmosphere of covert pressure” to force dancers to perform, saying that dancers who decline may not have their contracts renewed. <<
Very different performance type --- very similar concerns.
Related: Former Rockette Denounces Pressure to Perform

>> A former Rockette denounced as “disgraceful” on Thursday the decision to have the famed dancers perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration — and said that despite denials, the Rockettes are indeed still being pressured to perform.

In an open letter provided to TheWrap, Autumn Withers said the dancers were not permitted to speak to the media, and sympathized with their difficult situation.

“To perform for someone that represents everything that we, as women, have ever had to overcome is contrary to everything we know to be right and true,” she wrote.

“On a national level, the optics of this alone normalize the atrocious remarks Mr. Trump has openly made towards women,” Withers wrote. “The idea that if you simply ask their bosses or perhaps pay their bosses enough money, a line of beautiful women will oblige anyone in any way is exploitation…

“Is it not then covert sexual harassment to ask America’s most iconic troupe of female dancers to ‘volunteer’ to wear costumes and dance for a man who has a known public history of degrading women?” Withers asked.

Withers, who was a Rockette from 2005 to 2007, also said the company is fostering an “atmosphere of covert pressure” to force dancers to perform, saying that dancers who decline may not have their contracts renewed. <<
Very different performance type --- very similar concerns.

Related: Anonymous Rockette Speaks Out on Rump Gig

>> An anonymous member of the world-famous Rockettes spoke to Marie Claire about the decision to perform at President-elect Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration and says the dancers learned about the news from friends.

“If I had to lose my job over this, I would,” said the Rockette, who is referred to as a pseudonym “Mary” throughout the story. “There is a divide in the company now, which saddens me most.”

.... “The majority of us said no immediately. Then there’s the percentage that said yes, for whatever reason–whether it’s because they’re young and uninformed, or because they want the money, or because they think it’s an opportunity to move up in the company when other people turn it down,” Mary told Marie Claire.

Mary explained that at first, the decision wasn’t optional, saying a colleague “felt she was being forced to perform for this monster.” Another dancer told Mary that, “I wouldn’t feel comfortable standing near a man like that in our costumes.”

...Mary told the magazine “to her knowledge,” no women of color have signed up to perform at Trump’s event.
“It’s almost worse to have 18 pretty white girls behind this man who supports so many hate groups,” Mary said. <<​

Here's where it gets more interesting:
>> As TheWrap first reported, Trump’s team is struggling to book A-list performers for his inaugural festivities, with two talent bookers saying they were offered ambassadorships if they could deliver marquee names. <<
Everybody get that last line?
Just checkin'.

How is Trump a tyrant and a fascist? How is he a Hitler? What makes him evil? She's making these absurd claims (which she doesn't support of course) and this makes her an alt-Left whack job.

We don't need crazies like her around Trump. No telling what she'd try.

She doesn't need to 'support' them here -- she didn't start the thread.

She made outrageous claims which she didn't support. This thread has nothing to do with it - duh.

She didn't support her claims because she couldn't. She's just a bigot.
Let's call her what she is. Bigot.


: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
How is Trump a tyrant and a fascist? How is he a Hitler? What makes him evil? She's making these absurd claims (which she doesn't support of course) and this makes her an alt-Left whack job.

We don't need crazies like her around Trump. No telling what she'd try.

She doesn't need to 'support' them here -- she didn't start the thread.

She made outrageous claims which she didn't support. This thread has nothing to do with it - duh.

She didn't support her claims because she couldn't. She's just a bigot.

Uh ... really.

What "outrageous claims" would these be then?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:
Uh ... really.

What "outrageous claims" would these be then?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

If you had READ my comments, you wouldn't have to ask a stupid question. Put down your popcorn and go read.
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns
Of course she received a lot of hateful messages...probably a few death threats too...That's how the Drumpfsters roll.
Uh ... really.

What "outrageous claims" would these be then?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

If you had READ my comments, you wouldn't have to ask a stupid question. Put down your popcorn and go read.

So you don't have an answer.

I feel woozy. Think I might faint. Pure shock I tell ya.
So let me get this straight... there is a singer, and she leans to the left? Holy shit, someone call CNN!!! :laugh:

Doesn't say which way her politics lean but... she's in Utah. Calculate the arithmetic.

Rump is not exactly a popular guy with Mormons.
I gotcha. So theres a singer, whos political leanings are unkown, but she doesnt like Trump? Holy shit, call CNN! The world must hear of this extraordinary news!! :laugh:
And yet....many of your ilk are taking the time to send her hate messages....and complain about her on line.....like your post.
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns
Of course she received a lot of hateful messages...probably a few death threats too...That's how the Drumpfsters roll.

Fortunately they were in cyberspace. Because "in the old days they'd be carrying her out on a stretcher".
Related: British Singer Agrees to Perform on One Condition

>> British singer Rebecca Ferguson said on Monday that she would “graciously accept” an invitation to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration if she is allowed to perform “a song that was blacklisted in the United States for being too controversial.”

In a message posted to Twitter, Ferguson revealed that the Trump transition team had asked her to perform at the ceremony.

Ferguson explains:

I’ve been asked and this is my answer. If you allow me to sing “strange fruit” a song that has huge historical importance, a song that was blacklisted in the United States for being too controversial. A song that speaks to all the disregarded and down trodden black people in the United States. A song that is a reminder of how love is the only thing that will conquer all the hatred in this world, then I will graciously accept your invitation and see you in Washington.​

It's often said that "elections have consequences".

Clearly election rhetoric does too.

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