WOOPS! Turns out Woman who assaulted a Trump supporter over MAGA hat is an illegal and will be DEPOR

Justice. Now put that little fag Jussie
In jail! What kind of name is that anyway?
Black people have more original names which is actually my favorite thing about them. His sister's name is Jurnee and I think that her name is pronounced as if you are saying the word "journey".

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. She too is an actress who started early as a kid playing Michelle's friend Denise on the Full House TV show.
Well she is obviously too stupid to find her way back so good riddance...enjoy your 3rd world electrical grid and dial up internet ...:21:
A man in Massachusetts who was minding his own business at a Mexican restaurant, while wearing a MAGA hat, was assaulted by a Brazilian woman who apparently didn’t like the hat at all.

Rosiane Santos allegedly ripped the hat off his head, tried to push his face into his food and then pulled the hat down over his face, the latter which was caught on video:

WOOPS! Turns out Woman who assaulted a Trump supporter over MAGA hat is an illegal and will be DEPORTED – The Right Scoop
You'd think these idiots would keep a low profile. Its not like the black messiah is ruining things any more!

If they're this stupid and arrogant, she's earned her deportation.
Her first mistake was entering the US illegally. Her second mistake was thinking it was okay to assault someone.

Looks like the democrats just got another kick in the ass. :)
Look at the years under Obama. America was in flames on TV routinely. November 2016 really screwed up the machine and instead of burning down cities, the radical leftist are going after the very core of America. They hate America and I can understand that. I felt the same way when America elected that POS Obama. I thought we were done, but fortunately, Obama was just to stupid and couldn't drive that last nail in Americas coffin.

She has been in the U.S.A. for 25 years. The young man she assaulted has been alive for only 23 years. It would be fun to see how much public money she has taken and how many times she has voted in those 25 years.
Justice. Now put that little fag Jussie
In jail! What kind of name is that anyway?
It is the new black way to go back to tribal patterns. Too many black men when they were set free used "white" names like George, John, James, you get the drift, but that didnt set well in the late 1970's when the liberals started pushing for black women to do with out their men. So they started using names like Mohammad, Jamal, Kareem, just so they could be different from the average Joe. Then there was the melting of other names into those adopted by the blacks, to even go farther because of their uniqueness, so Jussie, Precious, Imani, Shanice, you get the drift. But you go look at the names of the people living in Liberia, they have more traditional names like , George, John, and other names in link below.

Top 100 Typical Liberian Names

I think you are spot on. It is a purposeful differentiator, to NOT assimilate into society which is still largely White. It is a way to say Eff You to "the Man". That's fine. Then continue to occupy the lowest rung of society, not value education, nor get a good job.

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