Words have meanings... When did a "Liberation of Iraq" become an "Invasion of Iraq"?

You think I am going to take the time to answer your bullshit rhetorical question?

What I cannot tell is if you acknowledge the shift in policy from reactive to preemptive after 911 and whether or not you think that was a good policy.

Oh, you have the luxury of saddam being worm shit. Then again you left wing truthers are upset he is dead. Wait, I cannot remember liberals protesting the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs under clinton.

Oooops, was that another one of those things where you all booo the firing of Comey only after Trump fired him, even though you all called for his firing for 6 months?

I get it. A bleeding self admitted hillary voter like yourself, don't hold her to account for voting for the war. Ahhhh, she was lied to by bush even though her husband signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

You think I would take the time to answer your fucking question?
Like millions of others, I was saying "please don't do this", while people like you were screaming "USA! USA! USA!"

We were right.

Yeah, you having the luxury of saddam being worm shit and you being a hypocritical sheep along with you not acknowledging the shift in policy, is what you base that on.

You can continue on with your pretend concern for American military members. That's funny. You think I buy any of that shit?

Meanwhile, please continue crying over saddam being dead while claiming to care so much for the poor Iraqi people.

What all of that means is you are not right about a thing. You are just a lying hypocritical ass face about everything.
I hate to break this to you, but you can't overwhelm someone with your anger on an internet message board.


You and yours own what happened. We told you not to do it.

6,000 dead, TRILLIONS spent. Own it.
Your hypocrisy does not impress me. You can deny you are and get comforted by the other hypocrites in your safe spaces all you want.

Your obfuscation from the facts and your little cliches and democrat talking points are nothing but you losing the debate.

So, are you being a good little lamb and booing Comey being fired?

You already show you are a good little lamb pretending to care for American troops while you ignore clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act along with ignoring that wmds were found, along with hillary approving the LIBERATION.


"I voted against it, after I voted for it." John Kerry.

Liberals: Often in error, never in doubt.
Own it, don't own it, whichever.
Your hypocrisy does not impress me.
What is with these boards today? I see others are double posting too?

Are we under a cyber attack?
The liberation became an invasion when US forces physically crossed the borders and entered Iraq in an aggressive military operation. Not really a complicated concept to understand. "Liberation" did not require necessitating a physical presence of US combat forces inside the borders of Iraq. An invasion did.
The pro-Iraq war diehards just won't quit.
OK forum Nostradamus, please tell us how many people would have died and what kind of global destruction would have occured if we let Saddam remain and then his son Uday take over afterwards?
You can cheat and use Hassan and
Kim Jong Un to help compute your figure oh wise one.
He doesn't care about the environment if it goes against what he is told to think.
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Note: Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.

But why all of a sudden did the positive word "Liberation" get switched to "Invasion" when Bush became
What role did the biased MSM having in altering people's perceptions from a "positive" activity, to
a "negative" INVASION"?

And with these three considerations Is Iraq better off today?

1)In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
Consider that from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children starved. Do you know why?
Because Saddam would NOT comply with UN sanctions which dictated he simply acknowledge there were NO WMDs. Saddam would rather 576,000 children starve to death.
Thank goodness for the compassion of Americans. Because if Saddam were still in power today, nearly 3.6 million more children would have starved!

2) Major deaths and destruction avoided that even CBS news acknowledged was a "WMD" practice by Saddam. Scott Pelley of CBS news declared WMDs were found!
It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
Resurrecting Eden
3) GDP...In 2003 The AVERAGE IRAQ per capita GDP was $600!
In 2013 it was 10 times that at $6,000
$16,200 (2014 est.)
$15,400 (2015 est.)
$16,500 (2016 est.)
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
$600 in 2003 under Saddam... versus 2016 $16,500! That is a 2,650% growth in 13 years.

So again... why did the MSM change the wording "Liberation" to "Invasion" when after all the
Iraqis are now based on the per capita GDP at least 2,650% better off!
Regime change is illegal. But to answer your question, it became the invasion of Iraq back in 1993 when our own American terrorist organization the PNAC wrote a letter to Bill Clinton asking him to do just that.
Quick Quiz:

There is one (1) person on the planet with the authority to send American troops to war. Who is it

1. The current Commander in Chief of the United States of America
2. The New York Times
3. Commie college protests
4. The Mass Media
5. Bill Clinton
6. Congress

Go ahead.
You think I am going to take the time to answer your bullshit rhetorical question?

What I cannot tell is if you acknowledge the shift in policy from reactive to preemptive after 911 and whether or not you think that was a good policy.

Oh, you have the luxury of saddam being worm shit. Then again you left wing truthers are upset he is dead. Wait, I cannot remember liberals protesting the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs under clinton.

Oooops, was that another one of those things where you all booo the firing of Comey only after Trump fired him, even though you all called for his firing for 6 months?

I get it. A bleeding self admitted hillary voter like yourself, don't hold her to account for voting for the war. Ahhhh, she was lied to by bush even though her husband signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

You think I would take the time to answer your fucking question?
Like millions of others, I was saying "please don't do this", while people like you were screaming "USA! USA! USA!"

We were right.

Yeah, you having the luxury of saddam being worm shit and you being a hypocritical sheep along with you not acknowledging the shift in policy, is what you base that on.

You can continue on with your pretend concern for American military members. That's funny. You think I buy any of that shit?

Meanwhile, please continue crying over saddam being dead while claiming to care so much for the poor Iraqi people.

What all of that means is you are not right about a thing. You are just a lying hypocritical ass face about everything.
I hate to break this to you, but you can't overwhelm someone with your anger on an internet message board.


You and yours own what happened. We told you not to do it.

6,000 dead, TRILLIONS spent. Own it.
Your hypocrisy does not impress me. You can deny you are and get comforted by the other hypocrites in your safe spaces all you want.

Your obfuscation from the facts and your little cliches and democrat talking points are nothing but you losing the debate.

So, are you being a good little lamb and booing Comey being fired?

You already show you are a good little lamb pretending to care for American troops while you ignore clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act along with ignoring that wmds were found, along with hillary approving the LIBERATION.


"I voted against it, after I voted for it." John Kerry.

Liberals: Often in error, never in doubt.

Why are you ignoring that the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 was NOT an authorization for invasion?
I have a question for you Healthmyths, "Do you support illegal immigrants in this country?"

You made it very clear you support illegal immigrants in Iraq that come from this country, so it stands to reason, do you support illegal immigrants coming to this country and killing American citizens?
I have a question for you Healthmyths, "Do you support illegal immigrants in this country?"

You made it very clear you support illegal immigrants in Iraq that come from this country, so it stands to reason, do you support illegal immigrants coming to this country and killing American citizens?
Either way....we still ended up with 6000 needless American lives lost and 100,000 Iraqi
. Uh, that's what happens when stubborn dictator's decide to take their nation's to war over their arrogance, lies, ideologies, boasting, genocidal ways, military build up that threatons the region and it's neighbors, and their refusal to comply with humanatarion standards that most nations keep. The left or liberals here have been a huge thorn in this nations side when it comes to dealing with dictator's around the world. The left seems to have become anti-American values, and anti-humanatarion when it comes to supporting their favorite dictator's around the world, and especially if those dictator's are huge anti-American dictator's as well. Anything to rot out the core of this country for a multi-layered agenda in which they have embarked upon since the Vietnam war/the 60's.
Either way....we still ended up with 6000 needless American lives lost and 100,000 Iraqi
. Uh, that's what happens when stubborn dictator's decide to take their nation's to war over their arrogance, lies, ideologies, boasting, genocidal ways, military build up in which threatens the region and it's neighbors, and their refusal to comply with humanatarion standards that most nations keep. The left or liberals here have been a huge thorn in this nations side when it comes to dealing with dictator's around the world. The left seem to have become anti-American values, and anti-humanatarion when it comes to supporting their favorite dictator's around the world, and especially if those dictator's are huge anti-American dictator's as well. Anything to rot out the core of this country for a multi-layered agenda in which they have embarked upon since the Vietnam war/the 60's.
Either way....we still ended up with 6000 needless American lives lost and 100,000 Iraqi
. Uh, that's what happens when stubborn dictator's decide to take their nation's to war over their arrogance, lies, ideologies, boasting, genocidal ways, military build up in which threatens the region and it's neighbors, and their refusal to comply with humanatarion standards that most nations keep. The left or liberals here have been a huge thorn in this nations side when it comes to dealing with dictator's around the world. The left seem to have become anti-American values, and anti-humanatarion when it comes to supporting their favorite dictator's around the world, and especially if those dictator's are huge anti-American dictator's as well. Anything to rot out the core of this country for a multi-layered agenda in which they have embarked upon since the Vietnam war/the 60's.
Regime change is illegal. But to answer your question, it became the invasion of Iraq back in 1993 when our own American terrorist organization the PNAC wrote a letter to Bill Clinton asking him to do just that.

Regime change is not illegal. We do it in this country every 4-8 years. BUT - regime change by military force is illegal.

Uh, that's what happens when stubborn dictator's decide to take their nation's to war over their arrogance, lies, ideologies, boasting, genocidal ways, military build up that threatons the region and it's neighbors, and their refusal to comply with humanatarion standards that most nations keep. .

Other than the part what you claim Bush was a dictator, you got it pretty much right.

Uh, that's what happens when stubborn dictator's decide to take their nation's to war over their arrogance, lies, ideologies, boasting, genocidal ways, military build up that threatons the region and it's neighbors, and their refusal to comply with humanatarion standards that most nations keep. .

Other than the part what you claim Bush was a dictator, you got it pretty much right.
Right or wrong, the iraq war resulted with the humiliating death of a secular terrorist/murderer... a good thing. And his sons were most likely of worse nature than Saddam Hussain if thats even possible.
So again... why did the MSM change the wording "Liberation" to "Invasion" when after all the
Iraqis are now based on the per capita GDP at least 2,650% better off!

I believe that Operation Iraqi Liberty [OIL] became an Invasion on March 19, 2003...
Either way....we still ended up with 6000 needless American lives lost and 100,000 Iraqi
. Uh, that's what happens when stubborn dictator's decide to take their nation's to war over their arrogance, lies, ideologies, boasting, genocidal ways, military build up in which threatens the region and it's neighbors, and their refusal to comply with humanatarion standards that most nations keep. The left or liberals here have been a huge thorn in this nations side when it comes to dealing with dictator's around the world. The left seem to have become anti-American values, and anti-humanatarion when it comes to supporting their favorite dictator's around the world, and especially if those dictator's are huge anti-American dictator's as well. Anything to rot out the core of this country for a multi-layered agenda in which they have embarked upon since the Vietnam war/the 60's.
I believe that Operation Iraqi Liberty [OIL] became an Invasion on March 19, 2003...

Except the invasion of Iraq wasn't about getting our hands of Iraqi oil. Do you remember the movie Goldfinger, where Auric Goldfinger didn't steal the gold in Fort Knox, but instead used a nuclear bomb to take the gold off the market, thereby driving up the value of his gold. Look how much Bush's oil bidness buddies made from the Iraq invasion, when the price of crude oil tripled.
What is with these boards today? I see others are double posting too?

Are we under a cyber attack?
I keep hitting send and nothing happens
Then when I hit send again, it posts twice
I believe that Operation Iraqi Liberty [OIL] became an Invasion on March 19, 2003...

Except the invasion of Iraq wasn't about getting our hands of Iraqi oil. Do you remember the movie Goldfinger, where Auric Goldfinger didn't steal the gold in Fort Knox, but instead used a nuclear bomb to take the gold off the market, thereby driving up the value of his gold. Look how much Bush's oil bidness buddies made from the Iraq invasion, when the price of crude oil tripled.
Good God I hate liberals
Except the invasion of Iraq wasn't about getting our hands of Iraqi oil. Do you remember the movie Goldfinger, where Auric Goldfinger didn't steal the gold in Fort Knox, but instead used a nuclear bomb to take the gold off the market, thereby driving up the value of his gold. Look how much Bush's oil bidness buddies made from the Iraq invasion, when the price of crude oil tripled.
Good God I hate liberals

You must also hate facts.

World oil market chronology from 2003 - Wikipedia

From the mid-1980s to September 2003, the inflation adjusted price of a barrel of crude oil on NYMEX was generally under $25/barrel. Then, during 2004, the price rose above $40, and then $50. A series of events led the price to exceed $60 by August 11, 2005, leading to a record-speed hike that reached $75 by the middle of 2006.

rising steeply again to $92/barrel by October 2007, and $99.29/barrel for December futures in New York on November 21, 2007.Throughout the first half of 2008, oil regularly reached record high prices. Prices on June 27, 2008, touched $141.71/barrel, for August delivery in the New York Mercantile

The 2003 invasion of Iraq marked a significant event for oil markets because Iraq contains a large amount of global oil reserves The conflict coincided with an increase in global demand for petroleum, but it also reduced Iraq's current oil production and has been blamed for increasing oil prices

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