Work in progress. Mission from God?


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
So, just the other day I was contemplating God and I suspect that He spoke to my heart. Now, granted, my heart has a pretty weak auditory capability, so maybe the words weren’t as clear to me as they should have been. I thought I could make out the word “wait.” There was also a fragment of a term which seemed to say, “Speaker.” I know that I sometimes rush my words together; so maybe I was being directed to speak more clearly. It’s not clear.

Anyway, as I was contemplating all of this, I noticed a holly bush had burst into flames. “This,” I thought, “might have some significance.” So I gazed more deeply into the flickering light and noted no destruction of any of the vegetative matter. Also, I discerned no smell of smoke (but that could be due to this severe cold or RSV thing I’ve had for a couple of weeks already). But I digress.

So, naturally, I sat and pondered.

I do that more and more these days. Not sure why. In any event, as I pondered, the sound I heard was no longer being perceived in my heart. Now it was more in the cockles of the heart. Or, as Dennis Leary once suggested, maybe in the sub-cockle area, nearby.

The Voice was resonating. It said, “go forth and educate the modern American liberal to see clearly and to think clearly and to embrace love and life and fairness and justice.”

Of course, that might have just been a manifestation of the medicine I’ve been taking for the RSV. But the Voice continued, unabated, saying, “It will not be easy. There are impediments in your way. Those impediments include the modern American liberal ‘mind’ ((I thought maybe I heard a sarcastic chortle at that very instant)) and their dogmatic but illogical thinking.”

“But to what purpose?” I asked myself silently. I mean, many of us have tried to reason with the modern American “liberal” and frankly we would have better luck with rock outcroppings. But I digress.

The Voice was now silent. It felt like a rebuke.

I need to ponder and cogitate. Maybe need a touch more codeine.
Conservative "humor" tends to be based on cruelty and punching down. That's why nobody finds it funny.

Liberal humor tends to be based on self-deprecation and punching up, which people do find funny.
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Conservative "humor" tends to be based on cruelty and punching down. That's why nobody finds it funny.

Liberal humor tends to be based on self-deprecation and punching up, which people do find funny.
False claim. This is why nobody ever finds your posts useful or intelligent.

The truth is, almost all liberal humor (pardon the need to use that oxymoron) is based on an effort to denigrate others.

As usual, you have everything backwards. Pretty sure it’s intentional.
Conservative "humor" tends to be based on cruelty and punching down. That's why nobody finds it funny.

Liberal humor tends to be based on self-deprecation and punching up, which people do find funny.
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We have all seen Left wing humor.

Thanks but no thanks.
False claim. This is why nobody ever finds your posts useful or intelligent.
What they find funny is how butthurt all my pout-stalkers get about me.

My pout-stalkers don't have to cry and whine about me, but they do. They actively choose to be butthurt. It's their chosen deviant lifestyle. That's hilarious.
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What they find funny is how butthurt all my pout-stalkers get about me.

My pout-stalkers don't have to cry and whine about me, but they do. They actively choose to be butthurt. It's their chosen deviant lifestyle. That's hilarious.
Manboob imagines he has any kind of fans. 😂
So, just the other day I was contemplating God and I suspect that He spoke to my heart. Now, granted, my heart has a pretty weak auditory capability, so maybe the words weren’t as clear to me as they should have been. I thought I could make out the word “wait.” There was also a fragment of a term which seemed to say, “Speaker.” I know that I sometimes rush my words together; so maybe I was being directed to speak more clearly. It’s not clear.

Anyway, as I was contemplating all of this, I noticed a holly bush had burst into flames. “This,” I thought, “might have some significance.” So I gazed more deeply into the flickering light and noted no destruction of any of the vegetative matter. Also, I discerned no smell of smoke (but that could be due to this severe cold or RSV thing I’ve had for a couple of weeks already). But I digress.

So, naturally, I sat and pondered.

I do that more and more these days. Not sure why. In any event, as I pondered, the sound I heard was no longer being perceived in my heart. Now it was more in the cockles of the heart. Or, as Dennis Leary once suggested, maybe in the sub-cockle area, nearby.

The Voice was resonating. It said, “go forth and educate the modern American liberal to see clearly and to think clearly and to embrace love and life and fairness and justice.”

Of course, that might have just been a manifestation of the medicine I’ve been taking for the RSV. But the Voice continued, unabated, saying, “It will not be easy. There are impediments in your way. Those impediments include the modern American liberal ‘mind’ ((I thought maybe I heard a sarcastic chortle at that very instant)) and their dogmatic but illogical thinking.”

“But to what purpose?” I asked myself silently. I mean, many of us have tried to reason with the modern American “liberal” and frankly we would have better luck with rock outcroppings. But I digress.

The Voice was now silent. It felt like a rebuke.

I need to ponder and cogitate. Maybe need a touch more codeine.

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