Working As Planned! Illegal Alien Falls To His Death Trying To Scale Trump's New Tall Border Fence

Lol, Beta test successful. This wall is working as designed in unison with Gravity, the law that always works.

Illegal Alien Falls to Death After Climbing Border Fence, Democrat N.M. Gov. Blames America



FYI- hope you realize you are using a WordPress website as your source, Wordpress allows anyone to make up and create, their own fake news site...
See post 13
When the House Dems get back from recess, they'll try to appropriate funds to pay for airbags on our side of the border fence.
Sounds like the new Governor will be a one term wonder.

What a moron.

She's more concerned with illegals than she is with her citizens.

Hope all illegals fall of the wall. We sure don't need em here.

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