Workplace Discrimination based on Seual Orientation and Gender Identity Must End

What do we have here??! Oh yes, an ad hominem logical fallacy...

Didn't you engage in that earlier in this thread against me when I posited the opinion that discrimination laws are no longer needed?
First of all, as I have said before, I see laws against discrimination and affirmative action are two entirely different things. Second of all, I was simply explaining how AA works, not taking a position as to whether or not it is still needed.

You called me an anarchist. I accept your apology.
I apologized ??? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:I don't think so
We never had this problem until the world became infected with miserable worthless faggots and transgender freaks. Get rid of them and the discrimination problems will cure themselves. Easy.
We never had this problem until the world became infected with miserable worthless faggots and transgender freaks. Get rid of them and the discrimination problems will cure themselves. Easy.

I appears that you and your ilk will always have problems

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!

Why should 'minorities' NEED affirmative action [AA] to 'compete fairly' .
Common logic dictates that 'competing fairly' entails you getting the job on the basis of your QUALIFICATIONS and not your gender, race, religion, sexual psychosis and other privileged class designation.

To imply that they NEED AA is to imply that said group is inferior in some way - That's Racist, Sexist yada yada yada .....
What do we have here??! Oh yes, an ad hominem logical fallacy as a pathetic attempt to mask the fact that you do not have a clue as to what affirmative action is or how it works. Minorities most certainly have to be equally qualified. The job never goes to a less qualified person. However, if a minority group is underrepresented AND all else being equal ( including qualifications) yes the job goes to the minority person. That is not giving any individual an unfair advantage . It is ensuring that the environment reflects the community. I was an AA officer in state government and know what I'm talking about, and don't you EVER fucking DARE to call me a racist- BITCH

Re: "Minorities most certainly have to be equally qualified. The job never goes to a less qualified person." WOW your ignorance is mind boggling, my guess is you are an 'educated' person. So let me inquire dear sir when you were in your school did you they pluck out your eyeballs and skull fk you ... cause you are not only bliind to reality but you are truly fked in the head little fella. Hello anybody home, did somebody leave the lights on ?

Civil Service for example : Test points are skewered to give an advantage in civil service exam grading. Veterans get extra points, that's a good thing they earned it. Minorities get extra points... WTF ! This basically means that if you don't fall into either of these privileged categories you are being discriminated against.

In some cases extra points are not given but lower scores were considered passing scores - hey really ? Why raise the bridge when we can lower the river !!!

Case in Point ...

Rochester NY PD operated under a federal consent decree establishing the ratio of minority new
hires to non-minority.

Fire Chief Floyd Madison agrees that a consent decree would be the
best way to guarantee diversity in the fire department.

In essence, the consent decree would enable a minority applicant who
scored in the 75th percentile on the civil service exam to be hired
before a white applicant who scored much higher.

Firefighter shortfall: diversity versus civil service

what about whites who score higher but don't get accepted into college because they are white?
...what about whites being fired because they are -----------white?
If that happened, and since you fail to provide any documentation to the effect that it did I can't be sure, it is a misuse of AA and a reflection on the people who are making the decision, not AA itself.

Re: " I was an AA officer in state government and know what I'm talking about, and don't you EVER fucking DARE to call me a racist- BITCH"

By AA I assume you mean alcoholics anonymous - what happenned did you fall off the wagon ? And yes you are a Racist Bitch
Yes, damn it. Those who are seual oriented must be protected! Why are you all such animals!!!!!!

Yes, damn it. Those who are seual oriented must be protected! Why are you all such animals!!!!!!

Animals ? I'll take that as a compliment

Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!

Why should 'minorities' NEED affirmative action [AA] to 'compete fairly' .
Common logic dictates that 'competing fairly' entails you getting the job on the basis of your QUALIFICATIONS and not your gender, race, religion, sexual psychosis and other privileged class designation.

To imply that they NEED AA is to imply that said group is inferior in some way - That's Racist, Sexist yada yada yada .....
What do we have here??! Oh yes, an ad hominem logical fallacy as a pathetic attempt to mask the fact that you do not have a clue as to what affirmative action is or how it works. Minorities most certainly have to be equally qualified. The job never goes to a less qualified person. However, if a minority group is underrepresented AND all else being equal ( including qualifications) yes the job goes to the minority person. That is not giving any individual an unfair advantage . It is ensuring that the environment reflects the community. I was an AA officer in state government and know what I'm talking about, and don't you EVER fucking DARE to call me a racist- BITCH
..what about whites who score higher but don't get accepted into college because they are white?
...what about whites being fired because they are -----------white?
“Black Power” mantra and working systematically to purge Harris-Stowe’s College of Education of white faculty.
Instructor at Harris-Stowe gets almost $5 million in racial discrimination suit
and the white that was discriminated against in the thread I put up?
more black racists/haters

What about Disney firing 250 American Workers - simply because they were American and replacing them with foreigners simply because they weren't American ??!! There are multiple links to this story but I choose the one from the NY Times - a libtard publication to accentuate the hypocrisy. Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements.
Re: "Minorities most certainly have to be equally qualified. The job never goes to a less qualified person." WOW your ignorance is mind boggling, my guess is you are an 'educated' person. So let me inquire dear sir when you were in your school did you they pluck out your eyeballs and skull fk you ... cause you are not only bliind to reality but you are truly fked in the head little fella. Hello anybody home, did somebody leave the lights on ?
The fact that you have to continue to bitch whine ad insult me clearly demonstrates your lack of confidence and your desperation to score points. The fact is that you come off as a special ed. school yard punk
Civil Service for example : Test points are skewered to give an advantage in civil service exam grading. Veterans get extra points, that's a good thing they earned it. Minorities get extra points... WTF ! This basically means that if you don't fall into either of these privileged categories you are being discriminated against.

That sound like a bunch of made up bovine excrement. It certainly is not the case in the state that I worked in. In addition, extra points do not guarantee a job. It only means that you are higher on the list, but unqualified, or less qualified people can be passed over.
In some cases extra points are not given but lower scores were considered passing scores - hey really ? Why raise the bridge when we can lower the river !!!

Case in Point ...

Rochester NY PD operated under a federal consent decree establishing the ratio of minority new
hires to non-minority.

Fire Chief Floyd Madison agrees that a consent decree would be the
best way to guarantee diversity in the fire department.

In essence, the consent decree would enable a minority applicant who
scored in the 75th percentile on the civil service exam to be hired
before a white applicant who scored much higher.

Firefighter shortfall: diversity versus civil service
I see , you think that one 12 year old case that was decided by a court is representative of how the system works overall. ? That is really stupid. Again, no such thing happens in my state.
15 out of 100 is not a high rate
that's a real, scientific ACCURATE ''study'' !!! anywhere between 15 and 43 % !!???!!
I've just been applying for jobs and there are NO questions about gay/hetero/etc !!!!!!!!
no more questions--you've proved the ''study'' [ :laugh: ] is very inaccurate/biased/etc
Hey, I don't care if you accept the findings or think that the percentages are high enough to warrant concern. Discrimination exists. The fact that you mentioned no question about sexual orientation on the job applications speaks volumes to you ignorance of the top and what is actually happening
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!
It’s descrimination against Asians, Jews, Whites and others, pure and simple. So you DO support discrimination (and racism) when it suits and only ‘care’ about it when you perceive it to negatively effect you and your ilk.
Quite the hypocrite!
Hey, I don't care if you accept the findings or think that the percentages are high enough to warrant concern. Discrimination exists. The fact that you mentioned no question about sexual orientation on the job applications speaks volumes to you ignorance of the top and what is actually happening
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!
It’s descrimination against Asians, Jews, Whites and others, pure and simple. So you DO support discrimination (and racism) when it suits and only ‘care’ about it when you perceive it to negatively effect you and your ilk.
Quite the hypocrite!

I see that you can actually use words some times, such as they are , instead of just mindlessly clicking the funny face. However, your reading comprehension needs work. Obviously you understood nothing that I wrote about AA .
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!
It’s descrimination against Asians, Jews, Whites and others, pure and simple. So you DO support discrimination (and racism) when it suits and only ‘care’ about it when you perceive it to negatively effect you and your ilk.
Quite the hypocrite!

I see that you can actually use words some times, such as they are , instead of just mindlessly clicking the funny face. However, your reading comprehension needs work. Obviously you understood nothing that I wrote about AA .
I understood your fantasy version of AA. The fact remains that as well as being a Christianophobe, you are PRO descrimination and racism when it is affecting other people and isn’t affecting you and your ilk.
Thanks for confirming, regressivepervert, that like all leftards, you are a raving hypocrite! Lol.
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!

Why should 'minorities' NEED affirmative action [AA] to 'compete fairly' .
Common logic dictates that 'competing fairly' entails you getting the job on the basis of your QUALIFICATIONS and not your gender, race, religion, sexual psychosis and other privileged class designation.

To imply that they NEED AA is to imply that said group is inferior in some way - That's Racist, Sexist yada yada yada .....
What do we have here??! Oh yes, an ad hominem logical fallacy as a pathetic attempt to mask the fact that you do not have a clue as to what affirmative action is or how it works. Minorities most certainly have to be equally qualified. The job never goes to a less qualified person. However, if a minority group is underrepresented AND all else being equal ( including qualifications) yes the job goes to the minority person. That is not giving any individual an unfair advantage . It is ensuring that the environment reflects the community. I was an AA officer in state government and know what I'm talking about, and don't you EVER fucking DARE to call me a racist- BITCH
So, you were given the power to reward a black person for their race while punishing an Asian or Jewish person for theirs.

Sounds like the ultimate dream job for you.
We never had this problem until the world became infected with miserable worthless faggots and transgender freaks. Get rid of them and the discrimination problems will cure themselves. Easy.

I appears that you and your ilk will always have problems

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's the queers and nuts that have the problems, what are you talking about?
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!
It’s descrimination against Asians, Jews, Whites and others, pure and simple. So you DO support discrimination (and racism) when it suits and only ‘care’ about it when you perceive it to negatively effect you and your ilk.
Quite the hypocrite!

I see that you can actually use words some times, such as they are , instead of just mindlessly clicking the funny face. However, your reading comprehension needs work. Obviously you understood nothing that I wrote about AA .
I understood your fantasy version of AA. The fact remains that as well as being a Christianophobe, you are PRO descrimination and racism when it is affecting other people and isn’t affecting you and your ilk.
Thanks for confirming, regressivepervert, that like all leftards, you are a raving hypocrite! Lol.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting
Your ‘argument’ (such as it is) is about discrimination. AA is about discrimination. Try again.
Nope!! AA is about trying to erase the effects of PAST discrimination. This is about the continued effects of CURRENT discrimination. Try again!

Why should 'minorities' NEED affirmative action [AA] to 'compete fairly' .
Common logic dictates that 'competing fairly' entails you getting the job on the basis of your QUALIFICATIONS and not your gender, race, religion, sexual psychosis and other privileged class designation.

To imply that they NEED AA is to imply that said group is inferior in some way - That's Racist, Sexist yada yada yada .....
What do we have here??! Oh yes, an ad hominem logical fallacy as a pathetic attempt to mask the fact that you do not have a clue as to what affirmative action is or how it works. Minorities most certainly have to be equally qualified. The job never goes to a less qualified person. However, if a minority group is underrepresented AND all else being equal ( including qualifications) yes the job goes to the minority person. That is not giving any individual an unfair advantage . It is ensuring that the environment reflects the community. I was an AA officer in state government and know what I'm talking about, and don't you EVER fucking DARE to call me a racist- BITCH
So, you were given the power to reward a black person for their race while punishing an Asian or Jewish person for theirs.

Sounds like the ultimate dream job for you.
He also apparently had a job ensuring ‘breeders’ didn’t get to adopt kids at the ‘expense’ of gays adopting kids. He really cares about equality and, more importantly, what’s right for the individual kids ;-)

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