World Bank: A Dragonslayer Vignette


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The World Bank is an international institution ensuring the efficient 'super-governance' of money-transfer discussions in a modern geo-political landscape gauged largely by 'contract-imagination' (e.g., European Union, NATO).

Just as the Security Council of the United Nations was established to ensure proper discussions about territorialism securities (and thereby thwart undesirable conflicts/terrorism), the aim of the World Bank is to facilitate productive dialogue regarding a globalized interest to secure the flow of capital in the new internationalized 'market' and thereby reduce poverty.

For this new age of commerce-driven etiquette (i.e., Wall Street), we might think about, for example, how the pro-capitalism Trump Administration would feel obligated to understand the role the World Bank plays in catalyzing America's crucial discussions regarding trade-relations with democratic South Korea during this nuclear-test crisis with 'pseudo-authoritarian' North Korea (a nation some critics have labelled as a form of 'veiled Stalinism/Communism).

This is the kind of 'piggy-bank warfare' the Trump Administration will be expected to master in this 'era of Wall Street.' So how will this affect 'folk idealism' towards consumerism?

Signing off,



Patriotic paramilitary crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' were contending with an alien invasion by giant A.I. robots called 'Transformers' who wanted to seize control of Earth (and humanity!). The Transformers believed humanity had become 'hypnotized' by consumerism-conveniences and financial gluttonies (e.g., Wall Street, Burger King, etc., etc.). While the G.I. Joes were expected to deal with this 'dilemma' (on an epic scale!), they had their own problems to think about --- the rise of a nefarious super-terrorist organization known as 'Cobra' which sought to capitalize on humanity's commerce-driven geo-political landscape first by robbing key banks around the world and using the funds to resource their terrorism-initiatives as an overt gesture to condemn capitalism.

The G.I. Joe leader Duke decided to employ his first-knight Snake-Eyes and a field-commander woman named Lady Jaye to negotiate with the Transformers and the World Bank and use the negotiations as a 'stepping-stone' to engage with Cobra on the level of pure commercial etiquette. Snake-Eyes and Lady Jaye decided to engage the Transformer leader, a ruthless menace named Megatron and the leader of Cobra, a vile fascist named Serpentor simultaneously on the stairs of the United Nations to talk openly about the pivotal role of the World Bank in this new climate of 'consumer-based pedagoguery.' The hope was to invert capitalism cynicism into a practical form of 'Gestalt empiricism.'

SNAKE-EYES: We must think about the value of the World Bank in this climate of piracy!
MEGATRON: Commerce and capital are signs of ambition, but humanity is too 'schizophrenic.'
LADY JAYE: Why not think about finance in terms of friendship?
SERPENTOR: The G.I. Joes are too naive and idealistic; Earth is there for plunder!

SNAKE-EYES: Let's evaluate the motivation for plunder --- non-profitable teamwork.
MEGATRON: How can the World Bank epitomize the mind's instinct to create 'pure security'?
LADY JAYE: Money is an 'agreement,' and if we are all profiteers, then there is no reliable bank!
SERPENTOR: War always cures the problems of power-sharing disagreements...

SNAKE-EYES: Perhaps the World Bank can serve to remind us of the 'profitability' of deliberation.
LADY JAYE: Since the World Bank represents 'asset-control,' we can use it to evaluate treaties.
SERPENTOR: The desire to gain wealth will not 'subside' with any 'finance-governance structure.'

SNAKE-EYES: Fascism, terrorism, and colonialism are not the 'cures' to pure ambition!
MEGATRON: Would you really suggest that an international monetary association can deal with war?
LADY JAYE: Why not? Isn't competitive-bargaining a 'face' of war?
SERPENTOR: How would you deal with the inherent problem of consumerism-gluttony (Wall Street)?

SNAKE-EYES: The World Bank is a beacon of peace, not 'piracy apologetics.'
MEGATRON: Are you trying to appease the yearning for looting with chatter about 'playgrounds'?
LADY JAYE: Why not? Isn't a bank a symbol of 'fair-play,' and why can't we think about 'peace-crusades'?
SERPENTOR: I'm simply not moved by Burger King branches in Afghanistan or petroleum-wars...

SNAKE-EYES: Remember that fertilization too is a 'machine.'
MEGATRON: Show me one 'fertility-minded' Communist, and I'll show you a 'Utopian stockbroker.'
LADY JAYE: We're talking the wrong way; commerce and capital are totems of psychiatry!
SERPENTOR: I remain skeptical that the World Bank can cure the maladies of revolutions.



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