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World drought and Global Warming

Another lie. This is from the December 3, 1973 issue and deals with the lack of heating oil during the Arab embargo. I know you're far too young to remember the oil crisis, but, as proved previously, that is what this cover is about.

Do you really want us to repost the hundreds of articles in the 70s that claimed a ice age? Remember I am 51 and lived through it.
Hell, post all the articles you wish. The point is that the scientists of that time, the majority of them, were not going along with the journalists. The majority of them stated that they expected warming, and the majority of what was left stated that at that time there was not enough information to make a definitive statement on the whether we would see warming or cooling. Only a small minority stated that they expected cooling, and most of them were convinced that would be manmade from the aerosols that our industries were putting into the atmosphere.
Wow. When has correlation ever equaled causation? Didn't they teach you that in your science class? GISS has been falsifying the historical temperature record for years now to try and prop up their propaganda.

Here's a question for you. Other than wanting to charge you tons more cash to use your energy, all of which go's into the pockets of the wealthiest .01 percent of the one percenters that you claim to hate, what ACTUAL actions are being taken to reduce pollution? Name one thing that is being done to reduce it.
Wow! Don't you read the fucking thread before you post? I don't care. Let the status quo go. It will all balance out. Your little buddy is a fucking liar as I've proved several times on multiple threads. Did you see how he falsely used Time covers? Do you support lies?

You're a faggot. Nobody cares what you think. Run along.
Shut up faggot. Everyone here knows I hate fags...you're not telling anyone anything new. Now get back to the discussion and quit changing the subject like you always do when you can't win an argument.
He's also my turd son; I fucked a street whore in the ass and she shit him out 9 months later.
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Another lie. This is from the December 3, 1973 issue and deals with the lack of heating oil during the Arab embargo. I know you're far too young to remember the oil crisis, but, as proved previously, that is what this cover is about.

Do you really want us to repost the hundreds of articles in the 70s that claimed a ice age? Remember I am 51 and lived through it.
I'm 60, I lived through both Oil crises. Do you understand that cover is about the Arab embargo, not an article about a new ice age as my turd son is claiming?
We don't doubt 'climate change', we doubt the chicken little overexaggeration that the sky is falling.We are all supposed to be dead for a few years now according to past chicken little crusades from the cult of global warming. It's a joke and you are a joke if you buy into it.
Anyone who isn't royalty or doesn't have a tapeworm is an idiot for using "we".

I would agree that Al Gore exaggerated the problem to a chicken little level. Denying there's a problem is idiotic. Thinking the US can waive a wand and fix the problem is also idiotic.

Those good folks at NASA have proved there's a problem but the planet will survive so I don't worry about it. If the human race wipes itself out, evolution will fix the problem in a few hundred years.

It wasn't just Al Gore that exaggerated so he could sell carbon credits and become a multi-millionaire.

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015
Fuck Al Gore. He's part of the problem. He, like so many other Washington douchebags politicized science to the point most Americans believe politics over science. It's deplorable, but there's nothing to be done about it except to let it run its course.

In the end, the human race will either survive or destroy itself. You and I will be long dead before that happens.
What people care about often concerns their immediate life. That doesn't mean longer term strategies should be ignored by governments.
My advice is to stop exaggerating problems because it makes you untrustworthy. Part of the problem here is that Al Fuckin' Gore politicized climate change to the point most Americans accept politics over science. Once you burn the trust bridge, it's very difficult to rebuild it. As I pointed out to my turd son, OffensivelyOpenMinded, nobody trusts a fucking liar.
Nature can restore homeostasis by growing more vegetation, which is exactly what's happening in Africa. Excess carbon, if it exists, will be consumed by more trees and sea vegetation. The arrogance is man thinking he has the power to destroy an enduring work of creation.
God gave us dominion over the Earth. So far we're doing a pretty good job of mucking it up. In the end, everything will balance out one way or another.
So, facts are paranoia are they? Temperatures are rising, the seas are dying, we don't know the impact we could be having, there's potential for problems.

Death-defying moment a daredevil survives his foolhardy cliff jump

This is what happens when you jump off a cliff without looking much.

You don't offer facts. You offer your foolish religion.

Here is a hint sparky, when someone tells you never to question, you are not dealing with science.

Real science always questions, always tests, always falsifies the null hypothesis.

What you promote is no more "science" than scientology is.
It wasn't just Al Gore that exaggerated so he could sell carbon credits and become a multi-millionaire.

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

Wait, so you're saying that when the Shaman demands that you sacrifice your virgin daughter to the Volcano God, he is only serving his own self-interest and lust to rape young girls, that this ISN'T the only way to appease the gods? :eek:

I'm shocked.

I'm 60, I lived through both Oil crises. Do you understand that cover is about the Arab embargo, not an article about a new ice age as my turd son is claiming?

Regardless, the coming Ice Are WAS the major prediction of the late 70's.

The AGW cult walking it back shows how dishonest the cult is. Anyone following them to the Jonestown compound is a fool. Anyone ending our economy and liberty on the basis of these liars and crooks is in fact going to Jonestown.
Nature can restore homeostasis by growing more vegetation, which is exactly what's happening in Africa. Excess carbon, if it exists, will be consumed by more trees and sea vegetation. The arrogance is man thinking he has the power to destroy an enduring work of creation.
God gave us dominion over the Earth. So far we're doing a pretty good job of mucking it up. In the end, everything will balance out one way or another.
God commanded us to subdue the earth. There's nothing wrong with exploiting the planet's natural resources, that's why God put them there. The Left demands that nobody can use resources and we must revert to the stone age, which is why their hatred of the coal and oil industries waxes so hot.
Regardless, the coming Ice Are WAS the major prediction of the late 70's.

The AGW cult walking it back shows how dishonest the cult is. Anyone following them to the Jonestown compound is a fool. Anyone ending our economy and liberty on the basis of these liars and crooks is in fact going to Jonestown.
Predicted by who? Criswell? Some fake magazine covers doesn't make a major scientific prediction. A couple days ago Tropical Storm Julia surprised meteorologists (at least according to the newz) over north Florida. The fact remains weather prediction still has a lot of variables that cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy. Climate change is less predictable.

Scientists report data. They can make a hypothesis about where that data is headed, but it remains unproven unless they can supply more data proving it to be true. So far, all we have are lots of records that the CO2 is building and the global temperature is rising....oh yeah, and a shitload of political rhetoric from both sides.

Personally, I think all of you are fucking morons to politicize this issue. It's in the future, we can't be certain where that future is headed and most of us will be dead before whatever happens becomes reality. For me, I just live the Serenity Prayer.

God commanded us to subdue the earth. There's nothing wrong with exploiting the planet's natural resources, that's why God put them there. The Left demands that nobody can use resources and we must revert to the stone age, which is why their hatred of the coal and oil industries waxes so hot.

Nothing wrong with using resources wisely. There's a lot wrong with being a bad ruler, a poor caretaker or someone who destroys a gift.

God also told Noah this:
Genesis 8:17
"Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you, birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth."

If you gave your child a family heirloom, would you expect them to cherish it and take care of it? Use it if it's a tool? Yes. Would you be disappointed if they misused it, neglected it and, worse, destroyed it? I would be.
Regardless, the coming Ice Are WAS the major prediction of the late 70's.

The AGW cult walking it back shows how dishonest the cult is. Anyone following them to the Jonestown compound is a fool. Anyone ending our economy and liberty on the basis of these liars and crooks is in fact going to Jonestown.
Predicted by who? Criswell? Some fake magazine covers doesn't make a major scientific prediction. A couple days ago Tropical Storm Julia surprised meteorologists (at least according to the newz) over north Florida. The fact remains weather prediction still has a lot of variables that cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy. Climate change is less predictable.

Scientists report data. They can make a hypothesis about where that data is headed, but it remains unproven unless they can supply more data proving it to be true. So far, all we have are lots of records that the CO2 is building and the global temperature is rising....oh yeah, and a shitload of political rhetoric from both sides.

Personally, I think all of you are fucking morons to politicize this issue. It's in the future, we can't be certain where that future is headed and most of us will be dead before whatever happens becomes reality. For me, I just live the Serenity Prayer.


These two serious, careful scientists — geophysicist Maurice Ewing, director of Columbia University’s Lamont Geological Observatory, and geologist-meteorologist William Donn believe they have finally found the explanation for the giant glaciers, which four times during the past million years have advanced and retreated over the earth. If they are right, the world is now heading into another Ice Age. It will come not as sudden catastrophe, but as the inevitable culmination of a process that has already begun in northern oceans.

As Ewing and Donn read the evidence, an Ice Age will result from a slow warming and rising of the ocean that is now taking place. They believe that this ocean flood — which may submerge large coastal areas of the eastern United States and western Europe — is going to melt the ice sheet which has covered the Arctic Ocean through all recorded history. Calculations based on the independent observations of other scientists indicate this melting could begin, within roughly one hundred years.

It is this melting of Arctic ice which Ewing and Donn believe will set off another Ice Age on earth. They predict that it will cause great snows to fall in the north — perennial unmelting snows which the world has not seen since the last Ice Age thousands of years ago. These snows will make the Arctic glaciers grow again, until their towering height forces them forward. The advance south will be slow, but if it follows the route of previous ice ages, it will encase in ice large parts of North America and Europe. It would, of course, take many centuries for that wall of ice to reach New York and Chicago, London and Paris. But its coming is an inevitable consequence of the cycle which Ewing and Donn believe is now taking place.}

The Coming Ice Age | Harper's Magazine

I took an "ecology" class in Jr. College. All it talked about was the coming ice age. At the time, an imminent ice age was "settled science."

Apparently though, making a buck off the ice age was difficult, so the story was rewritten to support a greater income...
These two serious, careful scientists — geophysicist Maurice Ewing, director of Columbia University’s Lamont Geological Observatory, and geologist-meteorologist William Donn believe they have finally found the explanation for the giant glaciers, which four times during the past million years have advanced and retreated over the earth. If they are right, the world is now heading into another Ice Age. It will come not as sudden catastrophe, but as the inevitable culmination of a process that has already begun in northern oceans.....
Two? Out of how many? When the scientists of the Manhattan Project fired off the first atomic bomb, they took bets on not just yield, but whether or not it would ignite the atmosphere. The risk was considered small, but that fact was, they just didn't know.

What does this have to do with my position that there is too much politics in science and, frankly, I don't give a shit if we burn the planet up in 200 years because there's nothing I can do about it?
Two? Out of how many? When the scientists of the Manhattan Project fired off the first atomic bomb, they took bets on not just yield, but whether or not it would ignite the atmosphere. The risk was considered small, but that fact was, they just didn't know.

What does this have to do with my position that there is too much politics in science and, frankly, I don't give a shit if we burn the planet up in 200 years because there's nothing I can do about it?

Ah, you cultists and your faith.

Ah, you cultists and your faith.
Ah, you political fanatics and your bullshit.

Feel free to be fanatical about climate change. The fact remains no matter how much you fret about it, what's going to happen (or not) will do so without you. Learn to enjoy the ride and stop thinking your life actually has meaning for more than those immediately around you.

BTW, did you hear Robby Gordon's parents were involved in an apparant murder-suicide last night? Robby Gordon's Parents Found Dead In California Home
The bodies of Robert Gordon, 68, and his wife Sharon, 57, were found Wednesday afternoon in a home in the 1400 block of North Kennymead Street, CBS news in Los Angeles reported.

Local police told NBC that a weapon was recovered inside the house and said the investigation is continuing.
Ah, you political fanatics and your bullshit.

Feel free to be fanatical about climate change. The fact remains no matter how much you fret about it, what's going to happen (or not) will do so without you. Learn to enjoy the ride and stop thinking your life actually has meaning for more than those immediately around you.

BTW, did you hear Robby Gordon's parents were involved in an apparant murder-suicide last night? Robby Gordon's Parents Found Dead In California Home
The bodies of Robert Gordon, 68, and his wife Sharon, 57, were found Wednesday afternoon in a home in the 1400 block of North Kennymead Street, CBS news in Los Angeles reported.

Local police told NBC that a weapon was recovered inside the house and said the investigation is continuing.

Science is my livelihood. I make my living from employing sound scientific techniques to solving the problems associated with the flow of production and information.

For the cultists to claim the mantel of science, when in fact you are the least scientific group on the planet, is offensive.
God commanded us to subdue the earth. There's nothing wrong with exploiting the planet's natural resources, that's why God put them there. The Left demands that nobody can use resources and we must revert to the stone age, which is why their hatred of the coal and oil industries waxes so hot.

Nothing wrong with using resources wisely. There's a lot wrong with being a bad ruler, a poor caretaker or someone who destroys a gift.

God also told Noah this:
Genesis 8:17
"Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you, birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth."

If you gave your child a family heirloom, would you expect them to cherish it and take care of it? Use it if it's a tool? Yes. Would you be disappointed if they misused it, neglected it and, worse, destroyed it? I would be.
I'm not sure what your point is. How are we using it unwisely?
Clearly third world nations need tens of billions of our tax dollars....... Before its too late !!!! Lmfao

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