World Economic Forum Says It Is 'Time to Look Beyond' Private Vehicle Ownership

Of course I'm in denial when I read it was all bullshit created by people wanting to sell books. My post points out that mass transit was losing customers all the time before the push from streetcars to buses came along. Their demise was inevitable and nobody was pushing it because nobody had to.

But more than that your theory defies common sense and human nature. Since the caveman days humans will always look for the easiest and most convenient way to accomplish something. Nobody has to convince them. That's why we have cell phones instead of landlines, back hoes to dig instead of by shovel, aircraft instead of driving, refrigerators instead of ice boxes, light bulbs instead of candles, and yes, personal vehicles over mass transit.

Mass transit simply takes up too much time, not nearly as convenient as driving and in many cases takes too much planning. Therefore your "Holocaust" that you dream about defies common sense as well as human nature. That's why nobody can take you seriously here. it's like saying we will eventually get rid of grocery stores and hunt our own food for survival. It makes zero sense. Why would we elect to do that?
I was going to make a joke & suggest that you ask your mom (on your next cruise in your Deathmobile) about this new word you heard:

"Mama, what's this 'integrity' thing?"

But I think we're past that.

While I don't think you've descended to the lowest level of incompetent trolling I see too much of here, I don't think you've demonstrated an ounce of integrity either.

The destruction of mass transit is a copiously documented historical fact involving the most far-reaching corporate crime wave in our nation's history, and perpetrated by the automotive industry in service of the Automotive Holocaust.

You repeatedly refused to accept this reality, and ultimately accused me of conspiracy-mongering rather than simply acknowledging the most famous criminal conspiracy in American history.

And now you double down by refusing to apologize for your integrity-free conduct, nor support the forum.

The Age of the Automotive Holocaust is ending, but the staggering damage done by the criminal conspiracies, mass propaganda and ownership of the political class by the auto industry will be with us for centuries.

The tens of millions of lives lost, the hundreds of millions injured, the irreplaceable & precious resources squandered, the trillions of dollars in economic cost...

You celebrate this, or deny it, blaming human laziness rather than facing the reality of the Automotive Holocaust imposed by the sociopathic elite.

I pity you, and condemn the holocaust you've collaborated in perpetuating, but look forward to the coming car-free world. :)
I was going to make a joke & suggest that you ask your mom (on your next cruise in your Deathmobile) about this new word you heard:

"Mama, what's this 'integrity' thing?"

But I think we're past that.

While I don't think you've descended to the lowest level of incompetent trolling I see too much of here, I don't think you've demonstrated an ounce of integrity either.

The destruction of mass transit is a copiously documented historical fact involving the most far-reaching corporate crime wave in our nation's history, and perpetrated by the automotive industry in service of the Automotive Holocaust.

You repeatedly refused to accept this reality, and ultimately accused me of conspiracy-mongering rather than simply acknowledging the most famous criminal conspiracy in American history.

And now you double down by refusing to apologize for your integrity-free conduct, nor support the forum.

The Age of the Automotive Holocaust is ending, but the staggering damage done by the criminal conspiracies, mass propaganda and ownership of the political class by the auto industry will be with us for centuries.

The tens of millions of lives lost, the hundreds of millions injured, the irreplaceable & precious resources squandered, the trillions of dollars in economic cost...

You celebrate this, or deny it, blaming human laziness rather than facing the reality of the Automotive Holocaust imposed by the sociopathic elite.

I pity you, and condemn the holocaust you've collaborated in perpetuating, but look forward to the coming car-free world. :)

That's great. And I'm looking forward to the days of honest politicians, a drug free society, a crime free society, and an end to poverty. The only difference between your dream and mine is mine is more likely to happen before yours.
Ownership does not make you an exploiter yet. When you use property without entering into economic relations with others, it remains personal. But if you rent or hire people to work on your property, then it becomes private, and you are an exploiter.
The main evil, at the current historical moment, is not the property itself or the right of its personal possession, but the right to use it as private, as a means of exploitation.
The right of private property = the right of exploitation.
And it does not matter whether it is the means of production, real estate or intellectual property, all this gives the right to appropriate the result of your work, the work of your children, the work of your grandchildren.
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I don't see an answer to my question here.
Please try again.
Are you illiterate or stupid? I repeat just in case - People could sell themselves into slavery in the old days. By agreement. With terms.
Do you think the person owning this slave was an exploiter?
It's about your "you and the people agree to terms"
Are you illiterate or stupid? .
Clearly, I am not.
And because I am not, I am able to say you have notaddressed my question.
If you cannot demonstrate how I have exploited someone by hiring them, under terms acceptable to both of us, just say so.
What is sacred private property? The belief that people who do not have a food source should obediently die next to someone's private food warehouses. That it is impossible to extinguish a fire with someone's private fire extinguisher. This is the most idiotic religion in the history of mankind.
What is sacred private property? The belief that people who do not have a food source should obediently die next to someone's private food warehouses. That it is impossible to extinguish a fire with someone's private fire extinguisher. This is the most idiotic religion in the history of mankind.
Oh, you're one of those "property is theft" types.

And ignorant.
It is interesting how many (young, presumably) people recycle extremely antique ideas that have long since been left on the pavement of philosophy. Anarchism, Calvin Coolidge being the only conservative, Trotskyite-ism, anarchic syncretism (I have no clue; I did once for five minutes but I forgot), these old ideas that pop up because the kids hear about them in college in between being force-fed how awful America is, and then they trot them out like they're new ideas.

I remember on the old MS. forum for woman that some girls said, we have to refuse having sex with them so they'll stop doing X!! And all the older women groaned, "Lysistrata! Lysistrata!"

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