World Leaders DECLARE: "America is back !!" Now we Can Take On China.

You mean the raping of America can now continue.

Like Biden’s new “global corporate tax” …which gives China an exception.

And is that tax to be on profits or revenues? The American Marxists want to tax revenue.
That shows how you have no knowledge of the question as usual. 15% of profits from giant corporations everywhere. Damn good idea. End tax Havens, and international competition to lower corporate rates, and give the United States enough money to invest in America and Americans again. Damn good idea unless you are a brainwashed functional moron.
Wrong, they are already caving in to give China an exception. In other words slap tariffs on everyone except China.

That’s Quid Pro Joe for ya, the CCP ass kisser.
Of course you have no clue what it's about being a brainwashed functional moron. It makes at least a 15% tax on corporations profits everywhere. No more tax havens and no more competition for lowering tax rates. It's a great idea too bad you have no clue lol.
No it doesn’t, jackass. That’s only with G7 Euro countries. China isn’t going to play that and Traitor Joe will capitulate.
This is a tax that stays in each country of course. God knows what people who listen to Fox and worse think it is all about, what gigantic international conspiracy it is. China is a communist autocracy which isn't going to do anything democracy and capitalist s want. It doesn't even make any sense in their system.
They were getting their gas from the USA until Biden ascended the thrown, you fucking dumbass.
If that is the case, are you saying political sanctions are appropriate to maintain commercial profit?
Trump was about as welcome at the G7 as A-Rod at a Jennifer Lopez concert

those days are over...finally now we have a beloved president!
in other words they need money.....

We'll hold Amerca's coat while you duke it out. Oh, and send us more money for NATO when you get the chance.

Explain me please how Germany sends money to the USA when we will have doubled our military household - what the NATO suggested to do under Obama on mysterious reasons and what Trump made to a nonsense argument. The NATO is an organisation which had a about 10 years ago a budget of about 2 billions. As far as I know pays a German three times the money of an US-American for the NATO-organisation - so you pay a little less than a billion. Your military costs are about 778 billions a year.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
"Other options" for what?
You weren't told in your world -- for obvious reasons -- that European countries negotiated a massive investment/trade deal with China after we ran away and hid. China jumped into the orange vacuum left by the ignorant buffoon.

Europe had to move on.

It doesn't look like it's going to hold, and now that America is back, it may be dead.

Your ignorance is your bliss, but it is not reality.

Last edited:
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
He just talked and you believe

Sums up idiot Trumpers perfectly. Trumpers are so gullible, they will believe any lie they are told, no matter how insane.

Trumpers believed Pizzagate the most insane illogical fake scandal ever, but trumpers believed it.
You mean the raping of America can now continue.

Like Biden’s new “global corporate tax” …which gives China an exception.

And is that tax to be on profits or revenues? The American Marxists want to tax revenue.
That shows how you have no knowledge of the question as usual. 15% of profits from giant corporations everywhere. Damn good idea. End tax Havens, and international competition to lower corporate rates, and give the United States enough money to invest in America and Americans again. Damn good idea unless you are a brainwashed functional moron.
Wrong, they are already caving in to give China an exception. In other words slap tariffs on everyone except China.

That’s Quid Pro Joe for ya, the CCP ass kisser.
Of course you have no clue what it's about being a brainwashed functional moron. It makes at least a 15% tax on corporations profits everywhere. No more tax havens and no more competition for lowering tax rates. It's a great idea too bad you have no clue lol.
No it doesn’t, jackass. That’s only with G7 Euro countries. China isn’t going to play that and Traitor Joe will capitulate.
Maybe you should think before you type retard...

The 15% tax is very very good, it means companies can't move to these low tax companies so they stay in the US now retard...
It has nothing to do with China, but of course you are too stupid to understand simple concepts.

Maybe you should go inject bleach....
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
Nope. Even Fauci admits the masks don't work. The Dims made wearing it a political question.

"Anyone in his right mind?" The Dims were going to let all regulatory bureaucracies control everything, and they were predicting 18 - 24 months for a vaccine.
Then Fauci admited he was wrong about masks in the beginning...

This issue epitomizes GOP stupidity and failure.

All trumpers have is lies and spin.

Good thing Biden came in and crushed covid.

trump failed at covid and had record cases and record deaths.
Biden has beaten covid and covid is becoming an afterthought.

This is why Biden was elected, now the economy is BOOOMING.
Partisan politics aside, we all need to unite against China. I speak as somebody who has lived and worked in China for 25 years, am married to a Chinese Woman, and am invested in the country. I know my stuff and am as unbiased as a person can be.

Since assuming power, Xi Jing Ping has turned this country around - from a happy-go-lucky, free-for-all, anything-goes optimistic country genuinely keen to embrace the world to one absolutely obsessed with power and domination. Let me make it clear what China wants - evidenced by those few Chinese who dare to speak now - China wants EVERYTHING. It wants to own and control every single resource in the world. It wants you, whoever you are, to gape with awe and jealousy at China, and to grovel before it for scraps. China wants the world, and if it can't have that it wants to see the rest of the world sprawling at its feet and trembling with fear. The Chinese have been fed a long story about a "century of humiliation" (despite most of its failures over the last 1000 years or so being self-inflicted) and they really do resent us.

Due to the constant propaganda here and intrinsic cultural need to revere their leaders, most of the Chinese 'masses' now sincerely believe that they are owed, due, mandated to be in a position of dominance over everything and everyone, and are genuinely insulted by any notion that this may not be the case. The average Chinese person believes, with the strongest of convictions, that he/she is not only superior to every other person in the world, but by divine right entitled to be those people's superior in every way.

China is dangerous and totally out of control. We all let it get that way, and, therefore, we all need to be the ones who undo it. We all sold out and took the buckets of cash that 1.6 billion people offered. We didn't think ahead. We took the money. We turned a blind eye to every human-rights abuse, every environmental catastrophe, every spiritual and moral degradation... We sold our companies, our condos our villas. We shipped tons of luxury items to their new-money entrepreneurs and invited their millions of tourists over to spit and shit on our countries and buy the stores bare. We did it. We need to be the ones who undo it.

There is only one answer: China needs to be utterly humiliated on the world stage. Ground into the dirt and reduced to fourth-world status, stripped of every asset and returned to a dark age. Then elevated to success again by OUR HANDS. That is, sadly, the only way it can be dealt with.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.
Trump had zero success with China, Biden will do much better, just like with Covid and the economy.

you are a MORON
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.
Trump had zero success with China, Biden will do much better, just like with Covid and the economy.

you are a MORON
Good, solid, Trumpian-level response there.

Too bad the facts are the facts.

You are what your record says you are, and there is no hiding from the GOP record of total repeated failure throughout the entire 21st Century.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
He just talked and you believe

Sums up idiot Trumpers perfectly. Trumpers are so gullible, they will believe any lie they are told, no matter how insane.

Trumpers believed Pizzagate the most insane illogical fake scandal ever, but trumpers believed it.
Some of these RumpBots truly are simple-minded creatures.

Trouble is, many of them are also intelligent people who have intentionally chosen to feign simple-mindedness in the context of their demigod's agenda.

For them... it's a conscious choice, rather than the effect of low intelligence.

Disgraceful... more's the pity.
  • Thanks
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The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
"Other options" for what?
You weren't told in your world -- for obvious reasons -- that European countries negotiated a massive investment/trade deal with China after we ran away and hid. China jumped into the orange vacuum left by the ignorant buffoon.

Europe had to move on.

It doesn't look like it's going to hold, and now that America is back, it may be dead.

Your ignorance is your bliss, but it is not reality.

Helping China expand it's tentacles into Western economies isn't a smart thing to do, moron. What they negotiated" was the "bend over and grab your ankles" trade deal, and morons like you approve of it.
Last edited:
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
"Other options" for what?
You weren't told in your world -- for obvious reasons -- that European countries negotiated a massive investment/trade deal with China after we ran away and hid. China jumped into the orange vacuum left by the ignorant buffoon.

Europe had to move on.

It doesn't look like it's going to hold, and now that America is back, it may be dead.

Your ignorance is your bliss, but it is not reality.

Helping China expand it's tenacles into Western economies is a smart thing to do, moron. What they negotiated" was the "bend over and grab your ankles" trade deal, and morons like you approve of it.
But I don't. So you're just ignorant. Again.

Nice try. Not really.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
He just talked and you believe

Sums up idiot Trumpers perfectly. Trumpers are so gullible, they will believe any lie they are told, no matter how insane.

Trumpers believed Pizzagate the most insane illogical fake scandal ever, but trumpers believed it.
Making things up is your only skill.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
"Other options" for what?
You weren't told in your world -- for obvious reasons -- that European countries negotiated a massive investment/trade deal with China after we ran away and hid. China jumped into the orange vacuum left by the ignorant buffoon.

Europe had to move on.

It doesn't look like it's going to hold, and now that America is back, it may be dead.

Your ignorance is your bliss, but it is not reality.

Helping China expand it's tenacles into Western economies is a smart thing to do, moron. What they negotiated" was the "bend over and grab your ankles" trade deal, and morons like you approve of it.
But I don't. So you're just ignorant. Again.

Nice try. Not really.
Why did you bring it up as example of what we could gain by groveling before other countries for then?
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
He just talked and you believe

Sums up idiot Trumpers perfectly. Trumpers are so gullible, they will believe any lie they are told, no matter how insane.

Trumpers believed Pizzagate the most insane illogical fake scandal ever, but trumpers believed it.
Making things up is your only skill.
Says the gullible retard who believed Pizzagate...

When you believe something that stupid you lose all credibility.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.
"Other options" for what?
You weren't told in your world -- for obvious reasons -- that European countries negotiated a massive investment/trade deal with China after we ran away and hid. China jumped into the orange vacuum left by the ignorant buffoon.

Europe had to move on.

It doesn't look like it's going to hold, and now that America is back, it may be dead.

Your ignorance is your bliss, but it is not reality.

Helping China expand it's tenacles into Western economies is a smart thing to do, moron. What they negotiated" was the "bend over and grab your ankles" trade deal, and morons like you approve of it.
But I don't. So you're just ignorant. Again.

Nice try. Not really.
Why did you bring it up as example of what we could gain by groveling before other countries for then?
Groveling? More ignorance. I never said nor inferred that.

Your live in your fantasies. You are not tethered to reality.


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