World Leaders DECLARE: "America is back !!" Now we Can Take On China.

Liberals and Eurotrash are pretty stupid, 'leader' isn't a cooperative role. Biden's just playing bitch to lesser nations. How sad.
You mean not being an incredibly rude ignorant bully with no clue what he was doing lol?
Sounds more like US bullshit spin. Most countries are going to co-operate with China and expand their free and fair trade relations with China in a peaceful way.

Gone are the days when the world yields to US military force to get it's way.

If there was one thing good about Trump, he broke the mold on US military arrogance, even if he did it out of his own greedy ambitions.

This US spin bullshit started well before the G7 started, for the sake of propping up Biden's agenda.
Liberals and Eurotrash are pretty stupid, 'leader' isn't a cooperative role. Biden's just playing bitch to lesser nations. How sad.
You mean not being an incredibly rude ignorant bully with no clue what he was doing lol?
By the way, Trump lost Hong Kong, all its leaders were arrested and you probably don't even know about it. Change the channel for crying out loud.
Liberals and Eurotrash are pretty stupid, 'leader' isn't a cooperative role. Biden's just playing bitch to lesser nations. How sad.
You mean not being an incredibly rude ignorant bully with no clue what he was doing lol?
By the way, Trump lost Hong Kong, all its leaders were arrested and you probably don't even know about it. Change the channel for crying out loud.
are you saying biden would have prevented that?....
Liberals and Eurotrash are pretty stupid, 'leader' isn't a cooperative role. Biden's just playing bitch to lesser nations. How sad.
You mean not being an incredibly rude ignorant bully with no clue what he was doing lol?
By the way, Trump lost Hong Kong, all its leaders were arrested and you probably don't even know about it. Change the channel for crying out loud.
Lost it to who?
Liberals and Eurotrash are pretty stupid, 'leader' isn't a cooperative role. Biden's just playing bitch to lesser nations. How sad.
You mean not being an incredibly rude ignorant bully with no clue what he was doing lol?
By the way, Trump lost Hong Kong, all its leaders were arrested and you probably don't even know about it. Change the channel for crying out loud.
We need to lose Seattle, Portland, S;F. And L.A to give the rest of the nation a chance.
What the G7 is really saying is that now they have a leader in the U.S who will collude with the Globalist agenda.
Trump didn't give a shit what they thought as his priority was the American people.
He was happier in a field speaking at a rally with his people, than conspiring behind the curtain with these snivelling cockroaches like Macron and Trudeau.
While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
I don't know what you're told in your universe, but our old allies don't trust us right now.

Your opinion means nothing.
We don't need their trust, we need their respect.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
including your heads....
Harry You take defeat so well Can you say Trump was a good for nothing POS and Biden is a breath of fresh air ??? Come on we know you can do it .....
eddie i am giving up with you.....i have told you in quite a few threads here what i thought of trump as a person.....and no i dont think biden is a breath of fresh air....he is just another life long stale politician....and dont ask me about harris.....i knew about her long before many here even heard her name for the first time including you....
I remember her driving nails into republican toddy Barr
The 15% tax is very very good,
Funny how suddenly tariffs are good. I thought it was “starting a trade war”?

Now suddenly it’s great.

I have no issues yet with the idea itself, except for the fact it is going to be used against other Western countries, instead of China. And yes, they are already making excuses for exempt China, the one country we should be taxing more.
While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
I don't know what you're told in your universe, but our old allies don't trust us right now.

Your opinion means nothing.
We don't need their trust, we need their respect.
They respect us. That has never been an issue.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
He just talked and you believe

Sums up idiot Trumpers perfectly. Trumpers are so gullible, they will believe any lie they are told, no matter how insane.

Trumpers believed Pizzagate the most insane illogical fake scandal ever, but trumpers believed it.
Making things up is your only skill.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
What did he "fuck up," asshole?
For example the pandemic. Absolute idiocy to make wearing a mask etc a political question. And anyone in his right mind would have gone after vaccines at top speed. Pfizer did it without any help from Trump. For example -he didn't do anything right just talked and you believed it.
He just talked and you believe

Sums up idiot Trumpers perfectly. Trumpers are so gullible, they will believe any lie they are told, no matter how insane.

Trumpers believed Pizzagate the most insane illogical fake scandal ever, but trumpers believed it.
Making things up is your only skill.
View attachment 500906
It appears that I nailed it.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
including your heads....
Harry You take defeat so well Can you say Trump was a good for nothing POS and Biden is a breath of fresh air ??? Come on we know you can do it .....
eddie i am giving up with you.....i have told you in quite a few threads here what i thought of trump as a person.....and no i dont think biden is a breath of fresh air....he is just another life long stale politician....and dont ask me about harris.....i knew about her long before many here even heard her name for the first time including you....
I remember her driving nails into republican toddy Barr
toddy barr?.....
The 15% tax is very very good,
Funny how suddenly tariffs are good. I thought it was “starting a trade war”?

Now suddenly it’s great.

I have no issues yet with the idea itself, except for the fact it is going to be used against other Western countries, instead of China. And yes, they are already making excuses for exempt China, the one country we should be taxing more.
Clearly you have no clue what is going on with this tax.
Damn it isn't rocket science, why are you having troubles.

This is a global minimum tax, so Countries like Ireland or Monaco, or other "Tax Haven" countries with very low tax rates now have to raise those ridiculously low rates to 15%. Now companies are not going to move their headquarters to those tax haven countries OR hide profits/money there because their tax rates are 15%, making no reason to do so...

Now do you get it??

This has nothing to do with China.
Are US companies moving their headquarters to China? Not really. Are they hiding money in China? Doubtful. The problem is US companies are moving their headquarters to these other Tax haven countries and not paying the US proper tax, or hiding money there all in an attempt to not pay the US proper taxes etc etc.
This is a good thing, another Biden win, where trump failed. Thank You Biden.

Trumpers are just dumber than the average person, that is why they support Trump and believe insane dumb shit like Inject bleach, Pizzagate, Let's go to war in Iraq, We're rounding the curve, and about 1,000,000 other in illogically stupid things that the average person knows is total stupidity.

You people live a sad pathetic life of incompetence, always whining and crying like little weaklings over China when there is nothing to even cry about...

This is just another example of many many many, where idiot trumpers whine and cry and they don't even understand the issue at hand. They just whine and cry and blame China constantly. Trumpers are a disease or stupidity.
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Liberals and Eurotrash are pretty stupid, 'leader' isn't a cooperative role. Biden's just playing bitch to lesser nations. How sad.
You mean not being an incredibly rude ignorant bully with no clue what he was doing lol?
Hardly. Biden is an ignorant moron who is going to follow the path of Obama. Expect the world to be less safe by the time Biden leaves office. For what? To appease a bunch of Eurotrash relics? Oddly enough I find it funny that the same morons that support BLM, also want America to be racist Europe's bitch.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....
He fucked up everything.
including your heads....
Yours, mine, everybody's. And everything else too.

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