World mercury project's $100,000 challenge : RFK Jr. will pay for proof Thimerosal is safe to inject


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
On the occasion of our announcement of the World Mercury Project’s $100K challenge, we want to address America’s reporters, journalists, columnists, editors, network anchors, on-air doctors and news division producers.

We especially want to reach out to those of you who have made a point of assuring the public about the safety of the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal. It’s our hope that this challenge will elevate this important debate beyond name calling and prompt a genuine examination of the relevant science. The American public is entitled to an honest, probing and vigorous discussion about this critical public health issue—a debate based on facts, not rooted in fear, or on blind faith in regulators and the pharmaceutical industry.

World Mercury Project’s $100,000 Challenge: RFK Jr. Will Pay For Proof Thimerosal is Safe To Inject Into Humans
World Mercury Project’s $100,000 Challenge: RFK Jr. Will Pay For Proof Thimerosal is Safe To Inject Into Humans

Critical thinking skills needed in order to realize why this offering is being made.
Critical thinking skills as to why they are going to this extent to prove it is not safe
Critical thinking skills are lacking on those who are not able to realize the dangers of many vaccines, drugs etc you are not being told about.
I've had it injected into myself several times and have experience no negative side effects.
I've had it injected into myself several times and have experience no negative side effects.

Some of these vaccines have slow attacking, be it on the body, internal organs and it has also been proven that mercury eats holes in the brain. These call to death or illness does not happen over night, or right after a vaccines many times the damage is done over time.

Some vaccines are DNA targeted, sometimes the receiver of the vaccines does not get full blown effects, but the next generation gets the results of the DNA causing them to become ill . In other words your children.
Take for example these Vaccines that seek out DNA


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