World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

And I have made it very clear that even if the NIST claimed that it was as much as twenty seconds before WTC 1 and 2 fell completely to the ground that it would not change my mind that it was a controlled demolition. They said it was 11 and 9 seconds respectively and they are trying to sell the official see, they are on YOUR side. You believe the official version...I don't nor will I ever buy this load of, on the other hand do buy the official version and I respect that. Why can't you respect MY right to no longer buy into what I believe is a load of horseshit? Why does it offend your sense of decorum that I don't believe anything "da gubermint" tells me? How does it affect you personally? I have more than made my case as to why the official version reeks to high have made your case as to how it doesn't. You are not going to "one up" me when it comes to this no matter how hard you try....let it go and move on because we are never going to agree.

The only case you've made is to make eminently clear to any rational adult that you have formed your conclusions based on false info and when provided with real, irrefutable facts you are unwilling (or incapable) of modifying your conclusions.

What you have proven is that what is left of your long defunct 9/11 CT Movement is the clean-up crew ... the not-too-brights who bought the DVDs, T-shirts and coffee mugs and assorted BS produced by those who turned a handsome profit off your gullibility and have abandoned you and your cause because the BS they recognized the BS they produced and promoted had been totally exposed.

Get over it........I don't give a flying fuck about even a 10 second discrepancy....the Manhattan buildings were filled with explosives designed to bring them down....believe what you wish to believe but you will never change my mind at all..

The fact is you are unwilling (or incapable) of admiting that your 9 second claim of collapse, or that the buildings fell in their own footprints, and that no plane wreckage was found were all proven to be bogus but seemingly nothing can penetrate your thoroughly closed mind and how you have wasted "12,000 hrs researching" 9/11.

There is nothing to "get over" for those who have countered (with supporting facts) the loony 9/1 CTBS you've posted, ya pompous jackass.

You must believe you are the first (and best) CT to wander onto USMB all full of himself and his "knowledge."

There are dozens of threads here in which your arguments were made by more competent and knowledgeable posters who, like you, had there swelled heads handed to them.

You really aren't nearly as important as you seem to think but you have served as a willing punching bag for those who actually know something about 9/11 and, as such, I thank you.
Get over it........I don't give a flying fuck about even a 10 second discrepancy....the Manhattan buildings were filled with explosives designed to bring them down....believe what you wish to believe but you will never change my mind at all..

I'm glad they weren't filled with thermite, as you claimed before.

I often wonder how and by whom these controlled demo CTs think the buildings were rigged and how that rigging survived the high speed crash of the jets and the chaotic fires that ensued.

I guess to be a 9/11 CT one must be ready, willing and able to ignore facts and reality in order to justify their disdain for Americans and our "gubermint."

Either that or the thought of having wasted "12,000 hours" of "research" is just too much for them to bear.
I rest my case.....


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