World's saddest rightwing protest brings only 7 people to Lenin statue

World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.
They sought attention and YOU just gave it to them.

Keep the hate flowing...
I'm pretty sure they still lost because no one on the left gives a shit they gave up their afternoon for such petty nonsense.
Why is it sad that a group of people, no matter how few, are exercising the Constitutional right to protest the public display of a statue that glorifies a mass murdering psycho. Bet money if this had been a statue of Robert E Lee and only 7 people had shown up they would have been called brave by the left, but it's Lenin so it's just sad.
I'm fairly confident you are confusing this for Stalin.....
Why is it sad that a group of people, no matter how few, are exercising the Constitutional right to protest the public display of a statue that glorifies a mass murdering psycho. Bet money if this had been a statue of Robert E Lee and only 7 people had shown up they would have been called brave by the left, but it's Lenin so it's just sad.
I'm fairly confident you are confusing this for Stalin.....
The Red Terror. History, I didn't make it up.
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.

I saw the world's saddest protest when thugs pulled down a statue on public property in Durham, NC then proceeded to kick and stomp an inanimate object that can't fight back. Doubt those cowards have the ability to try their cowardly acts on those that can.

I fly several flags of the Confederacy at my house on a rotating basis. I've yet to see any of the pussies that say they shouldn't fly try to do anything about removing them.
White people typically work on during the week. You know that that 8-5 Mon-Fri thing?
Not sure why this is all relevant but, whatever dude, good for you. You're one of the large majority of American adults who has a job. Are you expecting a trophy?

Just expecting those that are unwilling to work and rely on the taxes taken out of my check to start doing for themselves. If they aren't willing to do for themselves, they should go without.
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.
There's a Lenin statue in Seattle?! Good God!
Is this statue on public property or private property.

Is it owned by the local government or maintained by public funds?
Why is it sad that a group of people, no matter how few, are exercising the Constitutional right to protest the public display of a statue that glorifies a mass murdering psycho. Bet money if this had been a statue of Robert E Lee and only 7 people had shown up they would have been called brave by the left, but it's Lenin so it's just sad.

It's sad to the left because obviously the left believes in that symbol.
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.

Wait, how did 7 conservatives infiltrate Seattle?

This can't be.

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