Worse than animals.....Muslim riots in Sidney


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Facebook ^ | 9 13 2005 | Britian First

Check out this video of rioting Muslims in Australia attacking, and wounding police, notice the ISIS flags. Pay attention at 1:34 as these scum, WHO ARE ALSO COMING BY THE THOUSANDS TO AMERICA are chanting "Obama! Obama! We love Obama!" Why am I not surprised?

The emphasis should have been to create safe zones in syria and to help them rebuild their lives within syria not to green light a mass exodus without vetting or a plan to deal with so many young men that largely don't even speak the languages of the hosting countries.

Not just muslims but all those from the middle east that resettle or enter a country as a refugee needs to learn to integrate, not reform the nation to suit them and their faith. They were are being allowed to become part of the country not come as conquerors to change the country.
yeah , SOMEONE should mire themselves in fixing the muslims problems . Invaders called refugees are going to the west , its pretty stupid on the Westerners part to even try to help these invaders .
Not surprised, and the 10,000 (for starters) that are heading here are not refugees, they're terrorists and Obama knows it. He's inviting the filthy bastards in.
Why isn't Israel taking them in? :dunno:

They've got plenty of land - just look at all the settlements they're building.

Israel probably will take some druze and christians. They have been providing medical care and aid to refugees on and near the border for quite awhile.

The main emphasis should not be to transplant the refugees but create safe zones for them in side of syria and to help them rebuild their lives inside their own country.
let them create the own safe zones , its not like an 'ak' , grenades , firebombs , bazookas , are hard to get in their he11holes .
Facebook ^ | 9 13 2005 | Britian First

Check out this video of rioting Muslims in Australia attacking, and wounding police, notice the ISIS flags. Pay attention at 1:34 as these scum, WHO ARE ALSO COMING BY THE THOUSANDS TO AMERICA are chanting "Obama! Obama! We love Obama!" Why am I not surprised?

These same countries also refuse to permit Palestinians.
Facebook ^ | 9 13 2005 | Britian First

Check out this video of rioting Muslims in Australia attacking, and wounding police, notice the ISIS flags. Pay attention at 1:34 as these scum, WHO ARE ALSO COMING BY THE THOUSANDS TO AMERICA are chanting "Obama! Obama! We love Obama!" Why am I not surprised?

These same countries also refuse to permit Palestinians.

Yes, Most muslims consider Palestinians the DOGS of the Islamic faith...Useful idiots in their never ending war to kill all Jews!
Not surprised, and the 10,000 (for starters) that are heading here are not refugees, they're terrorists

Look, you can trust the lying SOB if you want but I don't have to. Obama's done nothing but piss on this country. He lets (even invites) illegals into this country without regard to the safety of Americans, now he's opening up the doors for 10,000 Syrians without vetting any of them and you're just willing to assume none of them are terrorists. He's helping the number one terrorist nation in the world obtain nuclear weapons, and the whole world knows it but I guess I need proof of that too.
now he's opening up the doors for 10,000 Syrians without vetting any of them

According to who
Obama calls on US to resettle 'at least 10,000' Syrian refugees in 2016 fiscal year
U.S. to take at least 10,000 more Syrian refugees - CNNPolitics.com
Obama Instructs Government To Prepare For At Least 10,000 Syrian Refugees Next Fiscal Year

“The president wants to surge thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States, in spite of consistent intelligence community and federal law enforcement warnings that we do not have the intelligence needed to vet individuals from the conflict zone,” McCaul said in a statement. “We also know that Isis [Islamic State] wants to use refugees routes as cover to sneak operatives into the west. I implore the president to consult with Congress before taking any drastic action and to level with the American people about the very real security challenges we face.”
All the videos there are interesting. The guy that says muslims are right about everything like shaking hands with left hand verses the dirty right hand picks his nose with the left hand it appears.
I'm surprised the Aussie's are putting up with that shit.

Hell. I'm surprised they are allowing Muslim's into Austrailia.

Wonder how long it will take them to kick them the fuck out of the country??
I'm surprised the Aussie's are putting up with that shit.

Hell. I'm surprised they are allowing Muslim's into Austrailia.

Wonder how long it will take them to kick them the fuck out of the country??

Don't count on it, their liberals will immediately side with the Muslims the minute anyone begins to protest them being there.

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