"Worse than Sarah Palin" Says England

funny, I don't see Palin in that dumb piece of crap anywhere...the dishonesty of a troll..

and this from someones twitter...

gawd, the desperation is deep, break out he pink puddle boots

Oh, you want more than just a twitter feed. Okay. Here's another story on it.

London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

So 'England' didn't say Romney was worse than Palin - it was some blogger's tweet?

Troll much, derp?
The Daily Mail is a right wing rag. I've never said the Brit press is more reliable. But you do struggle with basic intellect so I do understand your confusion.

So you're saying even a Right Wing rag thinks Romney is an utter cock-up? Cool. Thanks for agreeing with me, CallGirl!

My, my, my. You really do lack basic comprehension skills huh? How embarrassing for you. Fool.

I wouldn't read the DM if they paid me to. It's shit, overly sensational, panders to the lowest intellect, lacks journalistic integrity and basically sucks. You regurgitate whatever crap they produce... you share their intellectual level and you're on a par with them for honesty and accuracy... (that's not a compliment).

So is the DM also a Murdoch property? Was Fox News modeled after the DM or was the DM modeled after Fox?
funny, I don't see Palin in that dumb piece of crap anywhere...the dishonesty of a troll..

and this from someones twitter...

gawd, the desperation is deep, break out he pink puddle boots

Oh, you want more than just a twitter feed. Okay. Here's another story on it.

London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

So they're upset at telling them that they're NOT READY for the Olympics.

I'd say that he is an expert on the Olympics since he ran a successful one.

Poor babies.:eusa_hand::lol:
The worst was British PM retorting to Romney's criticisms, "We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active cities in the world. Obviously, it would be easier if we were holding the games in the middle of nowhere", referring to Romney's running of the Salt Lake City games.


Lesson: While a guest in somebody else's place, don't criticize their cookies or their Olympics, dumbass!

Why does Romney have such bad manners for a rich guy? We think of them as being more cultured at these things than us regular folks, but he continues to have foot in mouth disease, condescending to people wherever he goes.

Just smile and wave a lot, retard! Anyone knows that!
funny, I don't see Palin in that dumb piece of crap anywhere...the dishonesty of a troll..

and this from someones twitter...

gawd, the desperation is deep, break out he pink puddle boots

Oh, you want more than just a twitter feed. Okay. Here's another story on it.

London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

So 'England' didn't say Romney was worse than Palin - it was some blogger's tweet?

Troll much, derp?

Yeah...England is one Blogger...:lol:
funny, I don't see Palin in that dumb piece of crap anywhere...the dishonesty of a troll..

and this from someones twitter...

gawd, the desperation is deep, break out he pink puddle boots

Oh, you want more than just a twitter feed. Okay. Here's another story on it.

London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

So they're upset at telling them that they're NOT READY for the Olympics.

I'd say that he is an expert on the Olympics since he ran a successful one.

Poor babies.:eusa_hand::lol:

Congratulations on proving that excessive alcohol imbibing will also lead to you forgetting what the word "Diplomacy" means.

Oh Drunky...such a Drunk.
The worst was British PM retorting to Romney's criticisms, "We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active cities in the world. Obviously, it would be easier if we were holding the games in the middle of nowhere", referring to Romney's running of the Salt Lake City games.


Lesson: While a guest in somebody else's place, don't criticize their cookies or their Olympics, dumbass!

Why does Romney have such bad manners for a rich guy? We think of them as being more cultured at these things than us regular folks, but he continues to have foot in mouth disease, condescending to people wherever he goes.

Just smile and wave a lot, retard! Anyone knows that!
No..there's Constructive criticism. Romney ran one sucessfully. And this is a problem?

Hardly. :eusa_hand:
The worst was British PM retorting to Romney's criticisms, "We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active cities in the world. Obviously, it would be easier if we were holding the games in the middle of nowhere", referring to Romney's running of the Salt Lake City games.


Lesson: While a guest in somebody else's place, don't criticize their cookies or their Olympics, dumbass!

Why does Romney have such bad manners for a rich guy? We think of them as being more cultured at these things than us regular folks, but he continues to have foot in mouth disease, condescending to people wherever he goes.

Just smile and wave a lot, retard! Anyone knows that!
I couldn't agree more. Romney should not have said that.
From Huffpo

President Barack Obama has written a letter to the Polish president expressing "regret" for an inadvertent verbal gaffe that caused a storm of controversy in Poland this week.

Obama on Tuesday used the expression "a Polish death camp" while honoring a Polish World War II resistance hero rather than wording that would have made clear that he meant a death camp that Nazi Germany operated on Polish soil during its wartime occupation of Poland.

Warsaw has been waging a campaign for years against phrases such as "Polish death camps" or "Polish concentration camps" to refer to Auschwitz, Treblinka and other German killing sites. The language deeply offends Polish sensitivities because Poles not only had no role in running the camps, but were considered racially inferior by the Germans and were themselves murdered in them in huge numbers.

"In referring to `a Polish death camp' rather than `a Nazi death camp in German-occupied Poland,' I inadvertently used a phrase that has caused many Poles anguish over the years and that Poland has rightly campaigned to eliminate from public discourse around the world," Obama wrote. "I regret the error and agree that this moment is an opportunity to ensure that this and future generations know the truth."



How about how much Israel likes Obama

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The country formerly known as England bestowed knighthood on Elton John. The #1 name for a male child in England is now Mohammed. Sarah Palin could probably kick Chapman's ass in a fair fight. The sissies would probably be speaking German if we didn't save their sorry DNA 60 years ago. How's that for perspective?


Soon as Russia got involved..the war in Europe was pretty much done.

Asia was another story.

WAit so Germany fought the US, Britain and France on the western front and Russian on the eastern front and because russia got involved it was over? It took 3 years with all of those countries to defeat them, I think you're not really understanding the situation. DDay happend in 1994 almost 3 years after Germany invaded Russia. Sorry man, if we didnt get involed it may have had a different outcome.
The country formerly known as England bestowed knighthood on Elton John. The #1 name for a male child in England is now Mohammed. Sarah Palin could probably kick Chapman's ass in a fair fight. The sissies would probably be speaking German if we didn't save their sorry DNA 60 years ago. How's that for perspective?


Soon as Russia got involved..the war in Europe was pretty much done.

Asia was another story.

WAit so Germany fought the US, Britain and France on the western front and Russian on the eastern front and because russia got involved it was over? It took 3 years with all of those countries to defeat them, I think you're not really understanding the situation. DDay happend in 1994 almost 3 years after Germany invaded Russia. Sorry man, if we didnt get involed it may have had a different outcome.

And Russia would have not made it without what WE sent to them.

Excuse Swallow...he doesn't know history at all. [Or has a twisted view].
Oh, well, if ENGLAND says so...

I couldn't understand what was said, with the entire country speaking at once. ; )*

* I accept misstatements from humans, perhaps I am an exception; I read no insult in what Romney said, rather it appeared to be the musings of a man who had been through the experience.
The country formerly known as England bestowed knighthood on Elton John. The #1 name for a male child in England is now Mohammed. Sarah Palin could probably kick Chapman's ass in a fair fight. The sissies would probably be speaking German if we didn't save their sorry DNA 60 years ago. How's that for perspective?

Uh. What?

Sarah Palin could probably kick the fat ass of every left left wing reporter in the Daily Mail and they hate her like they hate any American woman who shows independence and strength. The sissies would be speaking German if we didn't save their sorry asses 60 years ago. What did I leave out?
so they got their panties in a wad over something petty as the Olympics..

gawd, are these leaders children? they all act like Obama..:lol:
Oh, well, if ENGLAND says so...

I couldn't understand what was said, with the entire country speaking at once. ; )*

* I accept misstatements from humans, perhaps I am an exception; I read no insult in what Romney said, rather it appeared to be the musings of a man who had been through the experience.
I agree, but I also see how it can be taken offensively.

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