Worst Pandemics In History

Is the handling of Covid-19:

  • Not nearly enough!

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Just right.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Unbeliervable overkill. We are being played.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
  1. The Black Death: 75-200 million.
  2. AIDS Pandemic: 36 million.
  3. 1918 Flu Pandemic: 20-50 million.
  4. Plague of Justinian: 25 million.
  5. Antonine Plague: 5 million.
  6. Asian Flu: 2 million.
  7. 1968 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  8. 1890 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  9. Third Cholera Pandemic: 1 million.
  10. Sixth Cholera Pandemic: 800,000.
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide. 390 in the USA. o_O

Number of deaths last winter from flu when there was no alarm, no panic, no pandemic? 80,000.

Typical year: 40,000.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S. - STAT

Outbreak: 10 of the Worst Pandemics in History - MPH Online
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Absolute numbers will vastly overstate the current disease.

The population of the whole world was under two billion in 1918. 3 to 5% of the world died.
13,000 deaths worldwide ... 322,000 is the confirmed cases worldwide ...

The OP's stats for "last year" are actually from 2017-18 season ... two season ago ... this year has been moderate to mild with only 21,000 dead in the USA ...

The OP has a good point ... although the true numbers for this epidemic won't be known until after-in-fact ... but we still need to keep our hands washed, don't be french kissing total strangers and Millennials need to stop using their licking posts, that's is dirty habit ...
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide.

It’s over 322,000

You're talking "reported cases." Get with it bro. I'm quoting officially recorded DEATHS.

Anyone can GET the flu, what counts is who DIES from it.

And anyone can test "positive" for Covid. You might not even have symptoms. You might have symptoms, but it might just be a regular bug. You might die and be tested and they might find some Covid virus in the culture and it still might not even be the primary reason why you died.
Absolute numbers will vastly overstate the current disease.

The population of the whole world was under two billion in 1918. 3 to 5% of the world died.

Which makes the case against calling this farce a "pandemic" even sillier. ONE person has died in my state from Covid (they say). I question how they even made THAT determination. In other years, very few flu cases are ever actually TESTED and proven to be actual influenza. They usually just assume based on the symptoms. My idiot governor closed our Liquor Stores a week ago.
  1. The Black Death: 75-200 million.
  2. AIDS Pandemic: 36 million.
  3. 1918 Flu Pandemic: 20-50 million.
  4. Plague of Justinian: 25 million.
  5. Antonine Plague: 5 million.
  6. Asian Flu: 2 million.
  7. 1968 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  8. 1890 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  9. Third Cholera Pandemic: 1 million.
  10. Sixth Cholera Pandemic: 800,000.
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide. 340 in the USA. o_O

Number of deaths last winter from flu when there was no alarm, no panic, no pandemic? 80,000.

Typical year: 40,000.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S. - STAT

Outbreak: 10 of the Worst Pandemics in History - MPH Online
Yep. This is the best season in decades for viruses. This is all overblown.
  1. The Black Death: 75-200 million.
  2. AIDS Pandemic: 36 million.
  3. 1918 Flu Pandemic: 20-50 million.
  4. Plague of Justinian: 25 million.
  5. Antonine Plague: 5 million.
  6. Asian Flu: 2 million.
  7. 1968 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  8. 1890 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  9. Third Cholera Pandemic: 1 million.
  10. Sixth Cholera Pandemic: 800,000.
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide. 340 in the USA. o_O

Number of deaths last winter from flu when there was no alarm, no panic, no pandemic? 80,000.

Typical year: 40,000.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S. - STAT

Outbreak: 10 of the Worst Pandemics in History - MPH Online

Nuttin' like false comparisons. Hey I know, let's take historical events from decades or centuries ago, put them next to a current one that hasn't even peaked yet, and pretend we made a point! Why not, this place is full of gullibles.

Case in point, that 340 number you're playing with above? It's already 388. Half an hour later. At the same time in a couple of weeks we've "risen" to third place in the world in number of infections, behind only China and Italy. With over six thousand just in the current 24h period, way more than any other country reporting in the same period.

Of course this flu is hyped because of who is president and who the media are....we weren't frightened into shutting down the country during Ebola and the bird flu....but we have to roll with it because the media would go nuts if Trump said it wasn't necessary to hunker down....but in the long run these actions will shorten this virus and keep thousands from getting sick....and it will make Trump look like a genius in the end.....
  1. The Black Death: 75-200 million.
  2. AIDS Pandemic: 36 million.
  3. 1918 Flu Pandemic: 20-50 million.
  4. Plague of Justinian: 25 million.
  5. Antonine Plague: 5 million.
  6. Asian Flu: 2 million.
  7. 1968 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  8. 1890 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  9. Third Cholera Pandemic: 1 million.
  10. Sixth Cholera Pandemic: 800,000.
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide. 340 in the USA. o_O

Number of deaths last winter from flu when there was no alarm, no panic, no pandemic? 80,000.

Typical year: 40,000.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S. - STAT

Outbreak: 10 of the Worst Pandemics in History - MPH Online

Nuttin' like false comparisons. Hey I know, let's take historical events from decades or centuries ago, put them next to a current one that hasn't even peaked yet, and pretend we made a point! Why not, this place is full of gullibles.

Case in point, that 340 number you're playing with above? It's already 388. Half an hour later.

90 Americans a day die in their cars. Why not shutdown all roads?
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide.

It’s over 322,000

The record I see says 321,000 cases, and I must ask: BY WHAT UNIVERSAL STANDARD are all these nations declaring a person officially "infected" with Covid-19? How are they screening out false positives? My friend got the "flu" a few weeks ago in Delaware and just assumes. He was never actually tested.

I just saw a fed official on Fox News this morning declare that if your have symptoms, stay home. Don't even bother getting tested. SAVE THE TEST for someone who needs it!


There is no cure anyway.

How do we even know there are 321,000 people who actually have Covid? And if they do, SO WHAT?

EIGHTY THOUSAND people died of the flu a year ago in the USA and:
  • Sporting events all stayed open.
  • Not one school was closed.
  • Not one business was closed.
  • Not one group size was limited.
  • Not one liquor store was closed.
  1. The Black Death: 75-200 million.
  2. AIDS Pandemic: 36 million.
  3. 1918 Flu Pandemic: 20-50 million.
  4. Plague of Justinian: 25 million.
  5. Antonine Plague: 5 million.
  6. Asian Flu: 2 million.
  7. 1968 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  8. 1890 Flu Pandemic: 1 million.
  9. Third Cholera Pandemic: 1 million.
  10. Sixth Cholera Pandemic: 800,000.
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide. 340 in the USA. o_O

Number of deaths last winter from flu when there was no alarm, no panic, no pandemic? 80,000.

Typical year: 40,000.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S. - STAT

Outbreak: 10 of the Worst Pandemics in History - MPH Online

Nuttin' like false comparisons. Hey I know, let's take historical events from decades or centuries ago, put them next to a current one that hasn't even peaked yet, and pretend we made a point! Why not, this place is full of gullibles.

Case in point, that 340 number you're playing with above? It's already 388. Half an hour later. At the same time in a couple of weeks we've "risen" to third place in the world in number of infections, behind only China and Italy. With over six thousand just in the current 24h period, way more than any other country reporting in the same period.


Was it the comparison to AIDS that upset you Pogo? GRIDS is a sensitive topic for many in your community.
2020 Covid-19 "Pandemic": 13,000 worldwide.

It’s over 322,000

The record I see says 321,000 cases, and I must ask: BY WHAT UNIVERSAL STANDARD are all these nations declaring a person officially "infected" with Covid-19? How are they screening out false positives? My friend got the "flu" a few weeks ago in Delaware and just assumes. He was never actually tested.

I just saw a fed official on Fox News this morning declare that if your have symptoms, stay home. Don't even bother getting tested. SAVE THE TEST for someone who needs it!


There is no cure anyway.

How do we even know there are 321,000 people who actually have Covid? And if they do, SO WHAT?

EIGHTY THOUSAND people died of the flu a year ago in the USA and:
  • Sporting events all stayed open.
  • Not one school was closed.
  • Not one business was closed.
  • Not one group size was limited.
  • Not one liquor store was closed.

Actually it's 332,148 right now, not that your figure wasn't accurate when you saw it.

WHAT does that tell you? I mean when you're not going :lalala: ?

See that number "388" above where I updated your "340"? That's gone up too, already.

See where I noted above we've reported over six thousand new cases in the last 24h? That's almost DOUBLED. ALREADY. Now over 11,000 just today.

Finally, we have --- at the moment --- 108 infections per 1M population. Heading into last weekend that number was SIX (6).
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Or, if you care about actual accuracy, 13% of those who got infected and came to an outcome (death or recovery) --- died. Again -- so far.

Those who did not get infected and run that course, really cannot have had the occasion to die from it, NOW COULD THEY.


How are you accounting for folks who contract Covid-19 and recover without medical intervention? ...
Nuttin' like false comparisons. Hey I know, let's take historical events from decades or centuries ago, put them next to a current one that hasn't even peaked yet, and pretend we made a point! Why not, this place is full of gullibles.

Case in point, that 340 number you're playing with above? It's already 388. Half an hour later. At the same time in a couple of weeks we've "risen" to third place in the world in number of infections, behind only China and Italy. With over six thousand just in the current 24h period, way more than any other country reporting in the same period.

Is that because it's actually spreading faster or because we have more testing capability and are now able confirm more cases as has been speculated? Also, the number of confirmed cases is rising considerably higher than the number of those dying from it, which would support the theory it's not nearly as dangerous as the hype would merit.

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