Worst Pre-Election Economy Ever--7.9% Unemployment After $3.0 Tril. Stimulus!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The new justice nominee will possibly be shown supportive of Constitutional Baby Abandonment--practiced legally in Red States. 22 mil. job losses show that absence of support for parents in the Trumped-Up brand. Abortion is legal. Baby Hatches are legal in Red States. Matt 25: 14-30 prayers are Constitutional, protected openly in alleged places of worship. The last Employment Situation Report, before the election, was released today by the Trumped-Up Administration.

The Economic Stimulus is widely known to have been crafted in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Democrats fashioned not just the equal amount $1200 stimulus deposits. Equal Amount Unemployment Enhancements were supportive of the parents of the newborn.

The Republicans Complained about the support of the parents, to bear and keep the children. Suddenly many were receiving Living Wages like never before in history. That is the history out of which the National election campaigns commence! That is the apparent mentality of the Justice nominee, Barrett.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some can even wonder if Deut 23: 19-20, even looks like something Jewish--a more likely look at Pharaoh's subjugation arithmetic. The centuries of application would lead many to contend that the source of Holocaust, even!)
The new justice nominee will possibly be shown supportive of Constitutional Baby Abandonment--practiced legally in Red States. 22 mil. job losses show that absence of support for parents in the Trumped-Up brand. Abortion is legal. Baby Hatches are legal in Red States. Matt 25: 14-30 prayers are Constitutional, protected openly in alleged places of worship. The last Employment Situation Report, before the election, was released today by the Trumped-Up Administration.

The Economic Stimulus is widely known to have been crafted in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Democrats fashioned not just the equal amount $1200 stimulus deposits. Equal Amount Unemployment Enhancements were supportive of the parents of the newborn.

The Republicans Complained about the support of the parents, to bear and keep the children. Suddenly many were receiving Living Wages like never before in history. That is the history out of which the National election campaigns commence! That is the apparent mentality of the Justice nominee, Barrett.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some can even wonder if Deut 23: 19-20, even looks like something Jewish--a more likely look at Pharaoh's subjugation arithmetic. The centuries of application would lead many to contend that the source of Holocaust, even!)
In which we are witnessing more stimulus talk that the GOP led Senate is turning down...They want to destroy Trump, er wait, the Democrats want to destroy Trump, well, probably both want to ruin Trump.
The new justice nominee will possibly be shown supportive of Constitutional Baby Abandonment--practiced legally in Red States. 22 mil. job losses show that absence of support for parents in the Trumped-Up brand. Abortion is legal. Baby Hatches are legal in Red States. Matt 25: 14-30 prayers are Constitutional, protected openly in alleged places of worship. The last Employment Situation Report, before the election, was released today by the Trumped-Up Administration.

The Economic Stimulus is widely known to have been crafted in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Democrats fashioned not just the equal amount $1200 stimulus deposits. Equal Amount Unemployment Enhancements were supportive of the parents of the newborn.

The Republicans Complained about the support of the parents, to bear and keep the children. Suddenly many were receiving Living Wages like never before in history. That is the history out of which the National election campaigns commence! That is the apparent mentality of the Justice nominee, Barrett.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some can even wonder if Deut 23: 19-20, even looks like something Jewish--a more likely look at Pharaoh's subjugation arithmetic. The centuries of application would lead many to contend that the source of Holocaust, even!)
Yes. How convenient.
So what we're discovering here is that Keynesian "stimulus" really doesn't work.

Government monetary policy prevents markets in functioning as designed, that of holding decision makers accountable for their decisions. As markets are manipulated it further distorts effectiveness. Stimulating the economy with zero interest rates, and stimulus checks, feeds the beast whereby the private and public sector become dependent on government for their existence. Flooding the market with liquidity has a cause and effect relationship, reducing the purchasing power of the currency and stimulating a inflationary or deflationary economic environment independent of basic market driven economy. The balance is delicate, regretfully politics further compromises the intended objective which is what we see today in the house of reps.
The 1936 Unemployment Rate was between 9% and 17% but not measured monthly. So in 1948, the comparable computing happened. That can be inferred and is stated from the CNBC article.

Then the time-frames can be used to compare and contrast Keynesian money velocity concepts. Public Works spending was happening in the New Deal. Next to nothing is happening now. So at the outset of WWII, the nasty 9% level of unemployment was still happening. Next would come, "Rosie the Riveter" jobs creation, and military death. Truman won, then Eisenhower.

Keynes, like Staidhup's post: Failed to take into account the distribution of the spending effects. Depression era CCC programming effectively took labor off of the street, and told it to send money home. So cash was available. Deficit was happening. That expanded in WWII.

The Keynesian mistake was not about the spending, but the consequences. The Arithmetic of Matt 25: 14-30, applies. Richer investors were getting richer. Everyone else was getting shot at(?). In the Fable-Maker's tale, 1/3 of the service workers get Cast Into Outer Darkness. There is embellishment even. Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth are alleged. Lion Pits could even be said an Imperial Roman invention, following the Fable-makers story. The followers all went to martyrdom, praying for it, even.

Compared to New Deal, the martyrs would not be said big spenders, back at the neighborhood, in all the stores. Tax Collecting was probably a Better Business concept to the Imperial Romans. The Fable-Makers people were screwed.

And not much has change. There was temporary relief under the Spring Stimulus. The Republicans all bitched about. The Stock Markets, however, all soared. Then the Stimulus spending went away. Trumped-Up pitiful Executive memoranda were insufficient of effect or concept to do any good. Fires and Floods were actually worse, and more destructive. They still were nowhere near Armageddon levels.

The Stimulus recovery stalled. The September Stock Markets Swoon is likely to continued.

The problem is not the Keynesian math. The problem is the Distribution of the funding: Into the general economy. Matt 25: 14-30 doesn't work. Obama-Biden applied Matt 20: 1-16, if badly--after 2000 years dormant. Pelosi did it better. Business organizations now want it back. LOWER INCOME SPENDING QUITE LITERALLY REVERSED THE TREND TO INCREASED UNEMPLOYMENT, AND ENCOURAGED A NEW TREND IN A LESSENING DIRECTION.

Make a rectangle with a diagonal from the lower left, to the upper right. Make four quadrants. Lines with an infinite number of dots can be drawn from the left side of the box, to the diagonal. An upside-down Triangle happens. That is the outcome of a fixed percentage raise of incomes. The people cast out are in a lower left quadrant--unable to keep up with wage levels required to pay price rises, at the center of the diagonal. Excess is paid at the levels above the center. Then Keynes and Monetarists flood the other triangle with the deficit spending: BUT LESS WOULD HAVE TO GO TO THE TOP, MORE TO THE LOWER INCOME LEVELS--THE RECENT EFFECT OF THE STIMULUS THAT MADE THE REPUBLICANS REJECT THE WHOLE THING. Lines continue from the diagonal off to the other side of the rectangle, with all the little dots.

The source of all those dots is credit--about $85.0 tril. in the credit market currently. Many would call that close enough to an infinite number of little dots, representing currency units. Mortgages, lines of credit, credit cards, car loans state, local, and federal deficits. . .and on and on: Happen. Extending the lines all the way to right side of the box effectively creates: Matt 20: 1-16. The labor is eligible for equal pay regardless if they worked all the day, or year, or not. So that is like the $1200 stimulus checks. The remedy for the Living Wage disparities--the Enhancement Money--was an actual attempt at deficit reduction. Lots more lower income spending--like never before in history--creates tax revenues.

Biden understands this. The Trumped-Up had cut taxes for the rich instead. So the Stimulus was on the verge of working, in its entirety. Keynes promised deficit reduction. Following arithmetic, actually that can happen.

Then do acknowledge the source material: "You Don't Know Me! Don't Leave Rome Without It! Matt 20: 1-16 (Philip W. Gregg, M. A, Unpublished, 1973)" Free Venice Beachhead, 1980's time frame--a virtual cereal(?) drama--(a fifth quadrant even describes the credit-source of inflation--higher prices to replay credit--a box even with a pouring spigot!).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Clearly: Teaching is not possible--at any grade level--without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort! Only the Old Wrong Ways are applied in the schools!)

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