Would a Hilary run give cons the election?


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Yeah yeah yeah, we all know what the cons would say. This is a question for the libs. After eight years of Obama, wouldn't Hilary be too much more controversy for the electorate? Does this country want four more years of obstructionism from the cons? Would feminism be the obsession? Aren't men already feeling taken over, with women getting the majority of jobs?
I think Obama has done a good job of staying away from the "poor blacks" issues, focusing more on more popular stuff, like healthcare and immigration and unemployment.
But I think the electorate is ready for less "special" focus, and more inclusive issues for the country as a whole. Of course the cons tunnel vision for the "special treatment for the rich" is going to sink them again, because they never learn.
But no matter which lib runs against Hilary, it's probably who I'll root for. And if she gets the nomination, I doubt I'll vote for her.
Hillary is the dems McCain and Dole. I hope they run her. I can't wait for the ad that shows her patronizing blacks with her fake black dialog and accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred".
With Obama running the new-Socialist (formerly "Democrat") Party there is zero chance Hillary will be their candidate.

She could, however, run as a Republican and might win. She'd appeal to dissident former Obamabots and would be enough to the right of the more likely RINO candidates that it's not impossible.

Sad to contemplate but there it is.....
The low information electorate would rush to the polls to vote for Hildebeast just to make history by putting a woman in the oval office. Style over substance..........again!
It all depends. Egypt might arrest her long before the election. Could we elect a president that was subject to arrest in another country? Her Clinton Foundation aide has already been arrested.
Hillary is the dems McCain and Dole. I hope they run her. I can't wait for the ad that shows her patronizing blacks with her fake black dialog and accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred".
Shocking! I bet nobody thought you'd say something like that.:shock::disbelief::gives:
You give to much credit to the sheeple. Little glitz and glam and there ya go. She gets elected...to many stupid people are allowed to vote. Seriously needs to be a test to vote in this country.
The low information electorate would rush to the polls to vote for Hildebeast just to make history by putting a woman in the oval office. Style over substance..........again!

After eight years of calling everyone that disagreed with any of Obama's policies a racist, anyone who disagrees with Hillary will be called a sexist.

It is what Democrats do!
The most plausible risk is that of some tragic illness striking The New Messiah in which case Democrats would acclaim Moochelle their candidate. Then they'd claim the sympathy vote and trump their "first black president" schtick with a sparkly new "first black woman president".

Think that's implausible?

Remember when you thought you could keep your insurance and keep your doctor?
Would depend upon who the Republicans run against her. If they run some extreme nut job, she wins. If they run some silver spoon country clubber with no appeal, she wins. If they can find a Ronald Reagan clone with broad appeal, they stand a very good chance.
The low information electorate would rush to the polls to vote for Hildebeast just to make history by putting a woman in the oval office. Style over substance..........again!

After eight years of calling everyone that disagreed with any of Obama's policies a racist, anyone who disagrees with Hillary will be called a sexist.

It is what Democrats do!

You get it.
Pos rep comin' your way........
Yeah yeah yeah, we all know what the cons would say. This is a question for the libs. After eight years of Obama, wouldn't Hilary be too much more controversy for the electorate? Does this country want four more years of obstructionism from the cons? Would feminism be the obsession? Aren't men already feeling taken over, with women getting the majority of jobs?
I think Obama has done a good job of staying away from the "poor blacks" issues, focusing more on more popular stuff, like healthcare and immigration and unemployment.
But I think the electorate is ready for less "special" focus, and more inclusive issues for the country as a whole. Of course the cons tunnel vision for the "special treatment for the rich" is going to sink them again, because they never learn.
But no matter which lib runs against Hilary, it's probably who I'll root for. And if she gets the nomination, I doubt I'll vote for her.

LOOK Hillary is dead in the water. 1. She was too close to an administration that is going down the toilet of Obamacare. 2. Bengazi 3. If she doesn't literally take Obama apart on his policies--she has absolutely no chance what-so-ever of making the nomination.

It's DEMOCRATS that have lied to the American public over 40 times regarding being able to keep their insurance--Hillary is on video also doing that. No one is going to trust them with another Democrat President--who has literally destroyed our economy--lied and mislead the public 40 times about Obamacare--and have driven our deficit's into the 17 trillion dollar range.

I suspect after Obamacare officially moves through the employer mandate--it will be decades again before the American public "trusts" a democrat politician (male or female) to do anything right.

Yeah yeah yeah, we all know what the cons would say. This is a question for the libs. After eight years of Obama, wouldn't Hilary be too much more controversy for the electorate? Does this country want four more years of obstructionism from the cons? Would feminism be the obsession? Aren't men already feeling taken over, with women getting the majority of jobs?
I think Obama has done a good job of staying away from the "poor blacks" issues, focusing more on more popular stuff, like healthcare and immigration and unemployment.
But I think the electorate is ready for less "special" focus, and more inclusive issues for the country as a whole. Of course the cons tunnel vision for the "special treatment for the rich" is going to sink them again, because they never learn.
But no matter which lib runs against Hilary, it's probably who I'll root for. And if she gets the nomination, I doubt I'll vote for her.

LOOK Hillary is dead in the water. 1. She was too close to an administration that is going down the toilet of Obamacare. 2. Bengazi 3. If she doesn't literally take Obama apart on his policies--she has absolutely no chance what-so-ever of making the nomination.

It's DEMOCRATS that have lied to the American public over 40 times regarding being able to keep their insurance--Hillary is on video also doing that. No one is going to trust them with another Democrat President--who has literally destroyed our economy--lied and mislead the public 40 times about Obamacare--and have driven our deficit's into the 17 trillion dollar range.

I suspect after Obamacare officially moves through the employer mandate--it will be decades again before the American public "trusts" a democrat politician (male or female) to do anything right.


Yor analysis would hold up in a sane America, but it's not a sane.........
Yeah yeah yeah, we all know what the cons would say. This is a question for the libs. After eight years of Obama, wouldn't Hilary be too much more controversy for the electorate? Does this country want four more years of obstructionism from the cons? Would feminism be the obsession? Aren't men already feeling taken over, with women getting the majority of jobs?
I think Obama has done a good job of staying away from the "poor blacks" issues, focusing more on more popular stuff, like healthcare and immigration and unemployment.
But I think the electorate is ready for less "special" focus, and more inclusive issues for the country as a whole. Of course the cons tunnel vision for the "special treatment for the rich" is going to sink them again, because they never learn.
But no matter which lib runs against Hilary, it's probably who I'll root for. And if she gets the nomination, I doubt I'll vote for her.

LOOK Hillary is dead in the water. 1. She was too close to an administration that is going down the toilet of Obamacare. 2. Bengazi 3. If she doesn't literally take Obama apart on his policies--she has absolutely no chance what-so-ever of making the nomination.

It's DEMOCRATS that have lied to the American public over 40 times regarding being able to keep their insurance--Hillary is on video also doing that. No one is going to trust them with another Democrat President--who has literally destroyed our economy--lied and mislead the public 40 times about Obamacare--and have driven our deficit's into the 17 trillion dollar range.

I suspect after Obamacare officially moves through the employer mandate--it will be decades again before the American public "trusts" a democrat politician (male or female) to do anything right.


Yor analysis would hold up in a sane America, but it's not a sane.........

The number one thing that Americans always remember is which party lied to get into their wallets. All of a sudden they're paying attention, and as we see today--the poll numbers are not looking good for Obama--which means his entire party.

Americans from here on out will be reminded of who did it. DEMOCRATS

There is absolutely no way--that Republicans won't take the senate in 2014, and gain plenty of seats in the house, and NOT WIN the Presidential election in 2016.

When PRESIDENT'S LIE--that is remembered for decades.

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Actually I see Michelle Obama running for president then stepping down as the vice president Barrack Obama takes the helm and continues to ram the ice berg.

Well someone had to say it.
Wow, this forum is a funny farm for cons! And the GOP is keeping them doped up on LSD. Reality is just too unbearable for cons to deal with.
Wow, this forum is a funny farm for cons! And the GOP is keeping them doped up on LSD. Reality is just too unbearable for cons to deal with.

Right, please deal with that "reality" and run Hillary. Please, it will be so much fun watching her disintegrate.
Hillary is the dems McCain and Dole. I hope they run her. I can't wait for the ad that shows her patronizing blacks with her fake black dialog and accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred".

Not to mention her "What difference does it make" comment in reference to those killed in Libya.

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