Would a Progressive Society be a Free Society?

Society described in OP is

  • Free

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Authoritarian

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Totalitarian

    Votes: 17 56.7%

  • Total voters
Social media sites with the help of law enforcement were able to identify and target foreign interference before the election and were quite good at it. This is just one example.

The fact you don’t know this isn’t surprising. It doesn’t get much attention from right wing media who constantly try to downplay the issue.
Nobody supported the Democrats more than the corrupt FBI. None of your examples amount to a hill of beans compared to what they did by censoring the the news about Hunter Biden's laptop. How do we even know your story is credible, because the FBI says so?
Don’t you think the hacking and dumping of emails from the DNC helped Trump?

Not really and nobody can state where those emails came from. Hacked computers have a trail that's recorded on them. In other words if the DNC emails were hacked from outside sources, there would be a download record. They didn't find any. What does that mean? Those emails were transfered from within, not from the internet where Russia would have to get them from. If you ever used a jump drive before, you know how quickly and easily it can be done.
Social media sites with the help of law enforcement were able to identify and target foreign interference before the election and were quite good at it. This is just one example.

The fact you don’t know this isn’t surprising. It doesn’t get much attention from right wing media who constantly try to downplay the issue.

What do you mean I didn't know that. What did I just say? It was nothing but a bunch of internet propaganda. It's spreading lies, but it's not changing elections. Politicians lie all the time.
My issue with "progressives" is their apparent desire for ubiquitous government and their faith in majority rule. Near as I can tell, they believe every single social issue should be subject to a vote.
By charging and trying the people who committed the crimes.

It’s how we enforce all our laws.
Charging them where, in Russia? The US government has no authority in Russia, moron. It can't do shit. There's no law in Russia that says their government has to obey US laws.

Are you really this stupid?
My issue with "progressives" is their apparent desire for ubiquitous government and their faith in majority rule. Near as I can tell, they believe every single social issue should be subject to a vote.

More like their approval. Doctors that posted stuff like the virus came from a Chinese lab, problems with the vaccines, and even critical of face masks have had their posts removed and some kicked off the service entirely because their research and evidence went against Big Brother. We entered an era where government decides if what you say is truthful or not. If they say it isn't truthful, out you go.
No, it was designed to allow horseshit, too. The option is the freedom to challenge horseshit.
Now, cite the horseshit you refer to.

No doubt that harmless horseshit shouldn't be censored, but the massive amount of extremely harmful horeshit that's been propagated by the MAGGOTS (i.e. MAGA Idiots), should be censored.

What horseshit?

Saying that the 2020 election was stolen when everyone knows (and every court has confirmed) that it was not. That nonsense promotes treason.

BTW - Conspiracy to commit sedition is also censored.

George Washington hung people for less.

Any other stupid questions?
How are they going to enforce it Russia, dumbfuck? Are they going to declare war on Russia?
The first sentence has grammatical problems so I can’t answer it until you fix them.

We enforce our laws on foreign agents the same way we enforce all the other laws.

We indict, arrest, try and convict them in court. Like when we arrest spies, for example.
If I didn't get past second grade you didn't get past the first. Because anybody that taught you free speech is regulated by the Communist party should have been thrown out of school.

Free speech is for everybody, not just who you Communist approve of. That's why when Dementia said if you get the shot, you won't get covid, or when that Kenyan lawn jockey said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, it's all protected by the 1st Amendment even though they looked into your eyes when they lied about it.

If free speech needed approval by the government at the time such speech was said, then it's not free speech anymore, is it?

Since there are no communists trying to regulate speech (except in your sick mind), your entire argument is bogus. FYI- Red baiting stopped being effective about 7 years ago.

Free speech has it's limits - like conpriracy to commit sedition.
The first sentence has grammatical problems so I can’t answer it until you fix them.

We enforce our laws on foreign agents the same way we enforce all the other laws.

We indict, arrest, try and convict them in court. Like when we arrest spies, for example.
No we don't, dumbfuck. We can't enforce squat on people who are not in our jurisdiction.

Please show us how you arrest someone in Russia.


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