Would any other world leader open their border to thirdworlders during a pandemic, with $28T in debt and trillions in .gov subsidies in the works?

thats what demonrats get when they vote for corruption, instead of a booming economy
beijing xiden=a communist fuck
cum-illa= a verified WHORE, bet all you demonRATS mommies would be proud for you shit stains voting for communism
thats what demonrats get when they vote for corruption, instead of a booming economy
beijing xiden=a communist fuck
cum-illa= a verified WHORE, bet all you demonRATS mommies would be proud for you shit stains voting for communism

Aren’t Democrats always telling us how the “minority communities” are struggling the most during the pandemic?
So it makes perfect sense to expand the minority community right now...ain’t that right LefTards?

"Would any other world leader open their border to thirdworlders during a pandemic, with $28T in debt and trillions in .gov subsidies in the works?"​

Would the people of any other nation vote in favor of opening their border to thirdworlders during a pandemic?
Doesn't this kinda prove Americas ignorance? Boy, Dems really take this pandemic shit real serious...don't they?

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