Would-Be Heinrich In Blackface With KKK Partner


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Oh, those silly Democrats. I guess he's into crossover as well.


YEARBOOK: Ralph Northam In Blackface Photo - Big League Politics
Leftist rules demands he apologize and resign immediately for the black face.

Fair is fair, eh left loons?
He's a Democrat. The media will push it under the rug and give him a pass.
if that picture is real (a big if right now); I doubt that he can survive it

the blackface & KKK hood will enrage too many; especially in Virginia where the left wing power comes from the DC metro area
Oh, those silly Democrats. I guess he's into crossover as well.


YEARBOOK: Ralph Northam In Blackface Photo - Big League Politics

When I see this on a legit news source I will comment further.

"Big League Politics is an Alt-Right news and opinion blog founded by Patrick Howley, former writer for the far right Daily Caller and Breitbart. "

"In reviewing articles on the Big League Politics website it is clear that the sole mission is to promote the agenda of President Trump. Essentially, this could be classified as a propaganda media arm for the President. While there are nice examples of well sourced journalism on this website there are also unproven conspiracy type stories."
Oh, those silly Democrats. I guess he's into crossover as well.


YEARBOOK: Ralph Northam In Blackface Photo - Big League Politics

When I see this on a legit news source I will comment further.

"Big League Politics is an Alt-Right news and opinion blog founded by Patrick Howley, former writer for the far right Daily Caller and Breitbart. "

What’s a legit news source?
Not Big league Politics.
The governor of Virginia is in the news right now because he made an incredibly revolting statement during a radio interview. He said an infant should be allowed to be killed in the minutes after its birth.

So now this fuckwit's life is going to be put under a microscope by pro-lifers.

How has this yearbook photo not surfaced before now?

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