Would God need to be all-powerful

I suppose that depends on what you mean by All powerful.

See when most people think of all powerful, they think God can do anything. But ive been thinking lately, and that's not what all powerful means. What all powerful means is that if there is power to do something in the universe, than God can do it. He has all the power there is. But that can imply that there are things that are simply impossible because there is no power.

Some may say that limits God, but personally I dont see how being able to do everything that is possible is at all limited.

Of course, the real question is there anything in the universe that can't be done period. And ultimately even that really doesn't matter. What matters is the Lord has the power to influence and change our lives.
That assumes we have the full range of options, how do we know what we can and can't think of? Assuming God gave us free-will we probably don't have the range of thoughts and choices God does, and he obviously would have free will... so how free is our will? And wouldn't we be free to do everything we've done without a few 'options'?....
That assumes that life is inherently fair and that God made us to be equal to him, both of which are false.
That assumes that life is inherently fair and that God made us to be equal to him, both of which are false.

I don't assume either. But we don't know if they're false or true.

Maybe life is inherently 'fair' and we just feel like it isn't...after all - we are at the top on this planet, those at the top usually want more...
It all depends on your own relationship with whatever your god is. If you believe in the bible then you are limited to what you can do and think in terms of scientific evidence that humans have aquired through evolution. Though all great thinkers know that humans are greatly limited in all aspects of the universe. Through science we discoverd that the earth is only very small and is not the center of the universe so it raises many questions about the bible....IE if the earth took 6 days to create, why did it take the same amount of time for the vast universe to be created too. And considering we can only see about 13 billion light years away (17 trillion human years per light year). Which is when the dark age ended and the first traces of light began. Beyond that humans wont ever be able to see what the dark age really was, or even dark matter (which we know exists but we cant see it)
So all we really can do is produce great minds like einstein to come up with equasions that limit physical possiblities for humans and predict that anything beyond what is physically possible for a human, must be a force of GOD.

For instance the speed of light, we know is the speed limit of the universe for humans, and we can predict that anything faster must be a force of god. Stuff like that.

So when you question "why does god allow things to happen" its really not something that we can know through science so we must assume that it is because he gave free will and left us to grow and evlove while he continues to expand the universe everyday. And we can believe that one day he will return but that is all theory and faith based. If you believe in god then you believe he created the miracle of life on earth.

And for me personally, i have to believe that if he did create life then he must be a manifestation of his own creation. Meaning he literally IS life itself or the things that allow life to exist on this planet, on all levels from trees to rocks to stars to wind. Which is why he is all powerfull, because he sees everything good and bad, but still has the patience to allow it to happen because he is All patient, all loving, all humble and all mighty but can not always be there for everyone because our free will was a gift that he wont take away. So if you take free will away from a killer, you must take it away from everyone on earth.

So to me, a pedophile is someone who has lost touch with the true meanings of life. It is not to hurt eachother, but to help eachother. And once we all realize that we were put here for one specific reason, to live. Thats all we can do as humans is live..... . So you see if you devote your life to finding money, or finding love, or happiness, or healing .....what you are really doing is finding a reason to live and keep you going, because life is temporary and to be honest....all organic life on earth will be irrelavent 5 billion years from now when the sun dies. And nobody will remember our names even 1000 years from now which is a geological blink of an eye. So i suggest you live right now people. Dont wait for anything.
I don't assume either. But we don't know if they're false or true.

Maybe life is inherently 'fair' and we just feel like it isn't...after all - we are at the top on this planet, those at the top usually want more...
Of course life isn't fair. Look at what happens to most creatures in nature. And of course we aren't at the level of God. Those are both indisputable facts.
Of course life isn't fair. Look at what happens to most creatures in nature. And of course we aren't at the level of God. Those are both indisputable facts.

What is your criteria to determine 'fair'?
What is it based on? How much evidence do you need on fairness of life before you can state it is a fact?

Without googling 'life is fair' just think about what we consider to be absolute, or not... and why we think we can 'know for a fact' anything immeasurable?
Don't go there, as that is on par with "that depends on what the meaning if is is". Even a toddler understands the meaning of "fair".

True, but for the toddler "fair" is defined for him by the standards of the people around him. If you were to ask an African tribal toddler or an American suburban toddler if certain actions are or are not fair, you would sometimes get different answers.
Because none of our answer can ever be proven right or wrong we must first remember this is just our opinions. I find these debates fascinating because it promotes new thought and ideas but in the end we will NEVER know the answers ...some may say it's a waste of time but whatever.

And, we all appreciate the free will - but why invent pedophilia? Why give us the ability to destroy the planet? Would you let your kidspolay with a hand grenade? Just throwing random questions out there...

Because then it isn't free will. Free will is basically the same concept as free speech if you're going to allow it then you have to allow all of it. Including the the worst choices people could possibly make.

It's only free will from the oppressors perspective - not free will from the victim's ...they are not free from being raped, molested and murder ...so I don't really agree with your assessment Bern.
I believe that God IS all powerful, but has made a conscious decision to give mankind freewill let us find our way to Him without forcing us.
Because none of our answer can ever be proven right or wrong we must first remember this is just our opinions. I find these debates fascinating because it promotes new thought and ideas but in the end we will NEVER know the answers ...some may say it's a waste of time but whatever.

It's only free will from the oppressors perspective - not free will from the victim's ...they are not free from being raped, molested and murder ...so I don't really agree with your assessment Bern.

Actually, God gives us the choice to do wrong or right. True to victims and perps. The victim can CHOOSE to become a perp. Then they too would be condemned. It's not all 'love and acceptance.'
Don't go there, as that is on par with "that depends on what the meaning if is is". Even a toddler understands the meaning of "fair".

A toddler does not understand the concept of "fair," which, is a different standard set by the society in which the toddler is taught "fair." Toddlers, probably with a few exceptions, are not capable of conceptualizing.
Would God need to be all-powerful to create earth and life on it, or just powerful enough?

The obvious answer to your question is God would need to be only powerful enough. Even if God was at the limit of his power creating Earth, life, the universe, etc .... it is still a power far being our comprehension or even conceptualization.
We can all be god to some extent, all it takes is just 'enough' power.:eusa_pray:

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